Can peak oil make you rich? Does it matter?
Date: Monday, March 20, 2006 @ 22:42:08 UTC Topic: Investors
by Kurt Cobb (Energy Bulletin)
There is no shortage of financial newsletters, blogs, and websites that will tell you quite confidently that we are closing in on world peak oil production and that you can make a lot of money with the right investments...What this tells me is that these investment-oriented commentators don't quite grasp the issue. The question isn't whether you can make money on peak oil. Somebody will. The question is whether doing so will matter...
If those who profit from rising energy prices come truly to understand our energy predicament, they can help communicate it to others and assist in preparing our communities. But the peak oil investor who succeeds at making money, while failing to grasp the gravity of our situation, may find that his or her new fortune means nothing to a community that has been forced by circumstances to move quickly beyond a world governed by Wall Street wizards and international finance. In such a world, even if you manage to hold on to your investment winnings, from that point onward what you can do will be far more important than what you are worth.
Read the whole article here: http://www.energybulletin.net/14049.html