Date: Saturday, March 11, 2006 @ 23:09:56 UTC Topic: General
PURDUE SCIENTIST DEFENDS HIS FUSION WORK, March 09 A Purdue University scientist says he will cooperate with a university review of his work in which he claims to have achieved fusion. (see "Purdue investigates professor's tabletop nuclear fusion research") Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news11578.html
THE UNUSUAL INSULATING PROPERTIES OF A SUPERCONDUCTOR, March 09 Since their discovery, high-temperature superconductors, a class of remarkable materials that conduct electricity with almost zero resistance, have perplexed scientists. Despite many, many studies, how these materials do what they do is still not well understood. At the National Synchrotron Light Source, scientists have discovered a perhaps odd, yet important clue to the puzzle - that a common high-temperature superconductor actually has distinct insulating properties.
Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news11602.html
NASA FINDS STRONGER STORMS CHANGE HEAT AND RAINFALL WORLDWIDE, March 09 Studies have shown that over the last 40 years, a warming climate has been accompanied by fewer rain- and snow-producing storms in mid-latitudes around the world, but the storms that are happening are a little stronger with more precipitation. A new analysis of global satellite data suggests that these storm changes are affecting strongly the Earth's water cycle and air temperatures and creating contrasting cooling and warming effects in the atmosphere. Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news11605.html
MASS EXTINCTIONS - A THREAT FROM OUTER SPACE OR OUR OWN PLANET'S DETOX?, March 09 University of Leicester scientists suggest extraterrestrial theories are flawed and that more down to earth factors could have accounted for past mass extinctions. Earth history has been punctuated by several mass extinctions rapidly wiping out nearly all life forms on our planet. What causes these catastrophic events? Are they really due to meteorite impacts? Current research suggests that the cause may come from within our own planet - the eruption of vast amounts of lava that brings a cocktail of gases from deep inside the Earth and vents them into the atmosphere. Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news11585.html
SCIENTISTS WORKING TOWARD BETTER BATTERIES, March 09 As more and more people rely on cell phones, laptop computers, personal organizers, and even hybrid electric-gas vehicles, scientists are working to develop rechargeable batteries that are ever smaller, cheaper, lighter, safer, and longer-lasting. Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news11595.html