Maxwell''s 1873 Edition of Treatise on Electricity And Magnetism
Date: Saturday, March 11, 2006 @ 20:44:33 UTC Topic: Science
Below are links the online copy of James Clerk Maxwell's 1873 book
"Treatise On Electricity And Magnetism". This book will
help all free energy researchers who are looking for well grounded
scientific principles to explain their devices so mainstream science
will have no choice but to accept their reality.
This book has the original quanterion equations that were later edited
out of mainstream science by Oliver Heaviside, whose rewriting of
Maxwell's original quanternions left modern physics with the four
"Heaviside" equations which are totally inadequate for reconciling
relativity with quantum physics, explaining the processes which operate
"free energy" devices or explaining the phenomena of
anti-gravity. Maxwell's original quaternions will help
researchers in all of these fields.
Access Both Volumes Online
Treatise On Electricity And Magnetism - Vol 1. - 1873
Treatise On Electricity And Magnetism - Vol 2. - 1873
Image Files
Treatise On Electricity And Magnetism - Vol 1. - 1873
Treatise On Electricity And Magnetism - Vol 2. - 1873
For those of you with fast bandwidth connections, make sure you mirror
copies of this book all over the web to make sure Maxwell's work never
disappears from the internet and to make sure Maxwell's work is never
suppressed again.
Andre Waser's paper: "On the Notation of MAXWELL’s Field Equations" is also available in our Downloads section