By Robert Aronen
March 9, 2006
The run-up in oil and gasoline prices over the past few
years has caused a renewed interest in alternative energy, both in the
United States and around the world. For both economic and environmental
reasons, many companies are looking for new ways to meet our energy
demands. Will one of them create a world-changing solution to our
energy woes?
Over on the renewable energy discussion board of the Motley Fool Rule Breakers newsletter service, Fool co-founder David Gardner challenged folks to find a Rule Breaking company within the world of alternative energy. (As he wrote in chapter one of Rule Breakers, Rule Makers, David defines a "Rule Breaker" as a company that shakes the earth when it is born.).
Like most conversations surrounding energy, however, it's difficult to stay focused -- the discussion gets bogged down in politics, environmental concerns, and personal beliefs. To organize my discussion, I'm keying in on companies involved with four concepts in alternative energy: emissions reduction, energy conservation, power generation, and transportation fuels. Which concept and which company is most likely to change the energy markets in a significant and permanent way in the foreseeable future? The answer may surprise you.
Read the whole article here: