Snyder builds a Hamel-inspired magnetic motor
Date: Saturday, March 11, 2006 @ 15:19:33 UTC
Topic: Devices

From KeelyNet news: (Received this headsup about an apparently successful self-running magnetic motor based on Hamels' butterfly effect claim. - JWD) Hello Jerry et al: I am involved in the Hameltech Yahoo group, and I just wanted to let people know and see a couple of magnetic motors in operation. These guys videotaped it in action and show and describe everything that’s going on.

They also welcome anyone to come and see this motor in operation. It’s basically the Hamel motor setup. Go check it out, before it gets pulled off the net. It can be found at The future looks brighter already. Best regards to everyone on Keelynet. Take Care - IceCan2

Video here:

[I saved it in our downloads/new_energy section as well - Vlad]

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