CD encylopedia of free energy free to all online Date: Saturday, March 11, 2006 @ 14:20:08 UTC Topic: General
Geoff Egel writes: My Encyclopedia of free energy on CD that I sold to raise research funds can be found on the internet in its entire form for free at this location below.
Please inform others.
Donations in any currency would be most welcome so I can continue to put together material like this in the future.
I am currently working on a hydrogen device along the lines of the chambers patent and some finanacial assistance would be most welcome.
If you can please assist Please send to:
Geoff Egel 18 Sturt Street Loxton 5333 South
Australia Australia
online copy of the above can be found at
this may only be here for a short time due to ppp server conditions a copy
is also now available at following address