What is reality?
Date: Saturday, March 11, 2006 @ 11:09:38 UTC
Topic: Science

From ZPEnergy feedback: Sender's Name: Paul J. Werbos

Message: When I google "Werbos" your story comes up first. Fine. But maybe you could add a link to http://www.werbos.com/reality.htm for people who want more information in support of the story.

What is Reality? How can we discover the ultimate physical/mathematical laws which govern its evolution in time – or govern its state across space-time?

Because this a very complex subject, because you all start out in different places, and because I see an unconventional way to put togther the very complicated mathematical concepts of mainstream physics, let me start out with the general picture as I see it.

The General Picture

At the United Nations University on consciousness in 1999, the organizer, a Japanese physicist, asked us all to start out with a very brief haiku-like summary of what is different about our viewpoint. I said:

“Reality is strange but real. We need more color in our lives and less in our quarks.”

Today I would add:

“Quantum field theory (QFT) says that objective reality does not exist.
But objective reality says that QFT does not exist (mathematically).
Only if both ghosts reconcile and rise above the flat earth can either one become solid.”

(From: http://www.werbos.com/reality.htm)

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