Future Energy eNews/ Integrity Research Institute.org/ Mar. 8, 2006
Date: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 @ 22:21:32 UTC
Topic: General

1) Dean Kamen's Newest Slingshot - power and clean water in rural villages.
2) Powerful New Solar Electricity Generator - photo-responsive metal alloy even works in winter
3) Proving E=mc2 - using gamma rays to an accuracy of 1 in 50,000
4) Diamond is a Semiconductor's Best Friend - much higher frequency and faster speed
5) Vanadium is Better than Batteries - lowest ecological impact, indefinite storage, fast response
6) Rooftop Power Revolution - Microgeneration can bring several advantages - homestead use
Note: Editor Valone appears on Discovery Channel, Thursday, Mar. 9 at 9 PM, "Strangest Stories"

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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