From Brandeis University's Community Newspaper. OPINION by Jeremy Heyman"
...In recent times there have been cases of groundbreaking scientists who are subsequently accused of fabricating their data. As with other types news, the depressing, sad stuff seems to draw all the hype, with the feel-good stories seemingly nonexistent. Yes, we all know of historic cases of scientists whose ideas were cast away during and after their lives, only to be accepted as veritable theory hundreds of years later. Alternately, research directed at a given problem may be found fruitless in that area but extremely important to a completely different scientific discipline. Professor Irving Epstein’s (Chemistry) 1998 Introduction to Nonlinear Chemical Dynamics offers a fine example of these phenomena. ( and Wikipedia were also used in constructing this article.)
Alfred James Lotka was born in 1880 in Lemberg (a city in
Austria-Hungary, not to be confused with the children’s center or
academic hall at Brandeis). His scientific genius erupted in the 1910s
and 1920s as he wrote a number of papers about the theory behind
chemical oscillations. If that sounds Greek to you, have no fear. It
did to me, too, a couple weeks ago. (It always helps a writer when the
inspiration from an article comes from one’s coursework.) Lotka showed
that a series of successive chemical reactions could display
oscillatory behavior en route to chemical equilibrium. He also searched
for oscillations that obey the Law of Mass Action. (The Law of Mass
Action is obeyed by reactions in which the coefficients and order of
the reactants are the same.)
Unfortunately for the chemists,
the theories Lotka developed in searching for oscillatory behavior from
mass action kinetics does not have any applications in Chemistry. The
ecology and statistics buffs among us would give an unassuming
Chemistry major a harsh slap if (s)he let Lotka go that easily. Ends up
that work he did with mass action is a pretty big deal in modeling
predator-prey relationships in ecology (as seen in the out-of-phase
wavelike variations of lynx and rabbit populations versus time).
Perhaps Lotka got tired of his work, however, as he permanently left
science to be a statistician for Metropolitan Life Insurance in the
If you think science lost out with Lotka’s exit to
the insurance world, allows me to borrow some slang—you ain’t seen
nothin’ yet. In the 1950s, Boris Belousov mixed bromate and ceric
(Ce4+) ions and citric acid together in solution and observed a cycle
of yellow Ce4+ converted to colorless Ce3+ converted back to yellow
Ce4+. If left unstirred, the solution showed traveling waves of yellow
color. He tried publishing his intriguing work in 1951. The editor
replied that what he reported was impossible. It can’t feel good to
have an editor tell you that you made up your results, that your work
is impossible based on fundamental scientific principles.
The chemistry community basically thought Belousov was a lunatic.
Chemists thought this chemical oscillation work was the stuff of
legends. The prevailing idea was that chemical reactions could not
oscillate back and forth because this would be the equivalent of a
perpetual motion machine, which violates the Second Law of
Thermodynamics—the change in total entropy of any isolated system or of
the universe must increase (ΔStotal > 0) for any given change of
state. Chemists argued that dust particles or bubbles were causing the
oscillatory behavior, not a homogeneous (single-phase) chemical
reaction. In fact, chemical reactions can oscillate—chemical
concentrations can oscillate back and forth as long as the reaction is
constantly on the way to equilibrium (the free energy of the reaction
is decreasing monatomically).
know we’re at a liberal arts school here at Brandeis, but this is a
case in which we should have listened to the chemical engineers. The
engineers knew that homogeneous chemical oscillators were possible
based on their work with continuous flow reactors. Too bad the chemists
did not have word of this in the early 1950s—Belousov worked for six
more years on his chemical oscillations paper, only to have it turned
down by another editor on the grounds that it was too long. Belousov
gave up on publishing, and his manuscript floated freely around the
scientific community in Moscow.
The year is 1961. Enter MSU
graduate student Anatol Zhabotinsky. That’s Moscow State, by the way,
not the school in Lansing, Michigan. Zhabotinsky continued Belousov’s
work, and ten Russian papers about the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ)
reaction would appear by 1967. Zhabotinsky and Belousov were among
those honored in 1980 with the Lenin prize for work on this now-famous
Zhabotinsky is now a professor of Chemistry here
at Brandeis. He works with Professor Epstein; in fact, in the 1970s
Epstein and his undergrads were key players in putting some method to
the madness of finding chemical oscillators.
The chemist dekes once, twice,… Brandeis Chemistryyyy shoooooots and scores!"