Thermator - Electricity from heat
Date: Friday, November 01, 2002 @ 01:04:00 UTC Topic: Devices
An Icelandic company, Varmaraf, has announced the "Thermator" which is a device that from heat flows produces electric energy: Professor Thorstein Sigfusson, of the University of Iceland, says it works by translating the difference between the temperature of hot and cold water into energy. He explains: "In between the hot and the cold side are crystals made of semi-conductors. "As the heat is transferred through these crystals part of it is converted from heat energy into electric energy." Main article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2352853.stm Varmaraf (home of Thermator): http://www.varmaraf.is/english/index.htm