More Taleyarkhan and Lahey Sonofusion Results
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2005 @ 20:38:40 UTC Topic: Science
Looks like Taleyarkhan and Lahey are coming through with additional peer reviewed proof that so many seemed sure they would never be able to provide.
In the May 2005 issue of IEEE Spectrum, they discuss their latest experiments in detail and also explain how they plan to turn their tabletop apparatus into a full-scale electricity-generating device. "If this proves possible--and it's still a big 'if'--sonofusion could become a revolutionary new energy source," they write.
There are five independent replication experiments and variations on their experiment from other peer review teams going on at the moment.
They also say that other groups may soon have new findings to confirm that sonofusion works. "Now at least five groups--three in the United States and two in Europe--are working on reproducing our sonofusion results," they write. "Some have apparently already succeeded and are now preparing to publish their findings."
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