Call for Papers - CASYS05
Date: Sunday, April 24, 2005 @ 11:08:48 UTC
Topic: Science

Richard Amoroso writes: To celebrate the 'International Year of Physics', Daniel Dubois organizer of the prestigious CASYS conference series (COMPUTING ANTICIPATORY SYSTEMS) has asked me to host Vigier type sessions at CASYS05 this August in Belgium.

Vigier sessions refers to the series of conferences held in honor of noted French physicist Jean-Pierre Vigier. These conference were dedicated to extending the limits of current theory: i.e. extended or alternative approaches to EM, gravitational, quantum and astrophysical theory or quantum computation.

For example one may view the website for the IVth Vigier Symposium at:

While there is no funding available for CASYS05, the registration fee is reasonable; all accepted papers will be published in either a peer reviewed AIP Conference Proceedings or special issues of the Complex Systems Institute journal.

Submit 2 copies of your abstract for review, one to me at:

the other to Daniel Dubois at:

The CASYS05 website may be viewed for more information.

Suggestions to co-chair special sessions are welcome

Richard L. Amoroso
(Chairman, Vigier Special Sessions)

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