Date: Friday, April 22, 2005 @ 21:12:51 UTC Topic: Science
Gravity and Thermodynamics what do they commonly embody?
The emphasis on interaction and the understanding of thermodynamic functions of a system emerge indispensable as it continuously uncovers particles with lesser mass value. When dealing with fundamental particles a hypothetical approach must be applied to emphasis the interaction between particles in modern physics. Such particles can only be observed by their influence on celestial objects and galactic systems. Thermodynamics for example, must theoretically and by senses deal with the measurement of properties so miniscule, as our modern technology just can not physically deal with these non-visual particles.
Gravity is an attractive force thermally influential that exerts contiguous* influence between particles throughout the entire structure. In order for particles to exhibit gravitational influence they must possess matter and in order to be instrumental in the construction of a graviton* plasma they must rest adjacent. Sequentially vast quantities of contactual neutral particles are needed to simply fill the volume and implement a route for thermal influence.
This isometric homogenous assemblage of particles (fmp-*, gravitons and potential rest energy*) can present an illusion of a string theory as some theorists have hypothesized. In reality it is the gravitational influence by thermal information transference that effectuates these links. Fmp- is an incredibly miniscule matter structure in possession of thermal (gravitational) characteristics a negative charge or flavor. Ingeniously they choreograph an isometric, homogenous three-dimensional geometrical lattice with each particle occupying a tiny segment of the cosmos. Synoptically construct a geometric formation in a fluid like PRE* from which they can not diverge.
Each fmp- and graviton can contiguously impose a CONSTANT AND WEAK thermal (gravitational) influence throughout the entire local universe via the Dark Matter plasma. To postulate, a celestial mass does experience ( minor) drag from the DM plasma in the local universe, while maintaining a uniform (?*) motion, a drag would cause a reduction in the velocity of the mass, as stated in the First Law of Motion. With little drag the DM plasma and the mass will remain relatively in uniform motion, Both DM and mass moving conjointly as a unit and will bifurcate at varying velocities.
Any accelerating mass as determined by second law of motion would meet with increased resistance from dark matter to any continuing increase in speed. To postulate that mass is in possession of thermal (gravitational) influence that is hardly hypothetical. What has been missing is the notion of a medium to branch local universal unit motion and drag, which together can describe with immediacy--gravity (thermal influence), inertia, and their identical nature.
Dark matter in possession of these essential fundamental interactions (e.g.gravity or thermal transference) as stated in the second law of thermodynamics will exert limits to regional (e. g. local universe) expansion and contractions through thermal interactions.
To hypothesize that gravity has transference phenomenon than these particles must possess the ability to transmit information contiguously uninterrupted throughout the lattice* via the plasma. (Except in PRE pockets where near zero transference will occur). Establishing the entire volume of the local universe with a thermal (gravitational) influence to its periphery.
My hypothetical proposal is that gravity is the thermal transference capability for fundamental particles. The significance of these three basic elements, positive, negative and neutral (3 values) on their own are quiescent, but! To hypothesize, a positive immersed in graviton plasma will configure a positively charged fmp, now in charge of thermal transfer capabilities.
A negative immersed in graviton plasma will configure a negatively charged fmp now in possession of thermal transfer capabilities.
Immersing a fmp+ and fmp- in a gravitational plasma, a new element is configured that precipitates aspirations to propagate. This significant new element introduced (fmp+fmp-and graviton) which now will possess thermal (gravity) and informational transference capabilities (first baryon particle). The thermal (gravitational) transference in its essences is a derivative of life. If so these alpha particles are fmp positive, fmp negative, and fmp neutral (graviton) three varying flavors.
GRAVITY is a thermodynamic transference requirement of an internal energy system to function.
The administration of the thermal energy is called gravity.
Gravitons* are hypothetical fundamental particles which are thought to exist and represent the conventional theories to the ultimate cause (or source) of gravity.
Contiguous* meaning gravitational influence is transferred from one particle directly to an adjacent fundamental particle.
PRE* potential rest energy
?*--- with very minor change
Graviton* -- is a rest mass
FMP-* ----is a rest mass and forms a lattice
More on Dark Matter by Sam Sade