VTA Replication project update.
Date: Monday, April 18, 2005 @ 22:18:21 UTC Topic: Devices
In the Sweet-VTA yahoo group, Chris Sykes writes: Hi Everyone,
Another update is now posted. I am very close to an actual attempt of the conditioning of the magnets. Video and all is up also. I had some problems today with the site so sorry if there was any trouble for anyone out there.
I have not been getting some emails so sorry if I have not replyed to any mails.
Message: Sweet-VTA yahoo group
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 15:27:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Harvey Norris (HDN)
Subject: Scoping of 480 hz Magnet Vibration as Neon Polar Capacity.
Hi Chris, looked at your page again: very good on the background theory of SQM, lets hope you get some results! Thouhgt I'd make some comments on your progress;
Update 23-03-05.
I now have the second Conditioning coil built. The resistance of the coil is 11.1 Ohms, the coil has 800 turns of 0.9 gauge enameled wire. The Capacitor is still 1500uf . This makes the R x C time (T = R x C) constant calculation 11.1 x 1500 = 16.66 milliseconds (60 Hz). This is the same as the video, the small difference being the capacitor was 1600uf in the video. I will be using a 1600uf Capacitor as soon as I can get one that is rated with the right voltage.
HDN; Since you have a vast capacity here,if it will allow AC currents;(Is the cap an electroltytic "battery" type that has only a DC application ?) Well if the cap has AC application you could use it for a AC variety of conditioning impulse. Your described coil interests me here, is it a single layer solenoid wound on pvc Tube? This sounds like a stupid question but does the coil encompass magnets inside the tube, as they do not seem visible in the photo. Do you have a way of finding the coils inductance?
I myself have just about finished my plant electrification method: that deals quite a bit with magnetic oscillations. I have found the key to this is treating the magnetic oscillation as a one ended spring. In former research of electrifying A 3 inch stack of 3 wafers of 4 by 6 inch, the conditioning electrical impulse as would be worded in this context; was not a coil in space around the magnets; although conceivably that approach could also be tried, and might even have more ramifications of transmitting AC through space via magnetic interactions. The amazing thing I have seen in the past is that only the torroidal shaped ferrite recieved AC vibrations through space, but any magnet will recieve the high frequency vibrations. Pending the succesful plant research I will look to post some results with this method.
As I was attempting explain and classify; what does a magnetic oscillation consist of? This is what I intend to use. It is a method of making a stronger magnet stack actually "vibrate" its magnetic field, so that other magnets in the vicinity of this stronger stack also vibrate. About a year or so ago, I treated a patient continuously for about three months with a high frequency neon treatment; but it did not cure his dangerous blood virus; that had placed boils all over his back. This is the same idea with plant electrification; it is an aluminum foil ending plate consisting of polar capacity: where I would imagine any AC high voltage source will cause the neon to light in a semi one ended circuit action, where the plate becomes the reservoir of electrons available for oscillation.
Now in the past I used a set of ~ 60 henry induction coils; each having a Q voltage rise factor of 15, meaning that 120* 15 = 1800 volts was available from a wall outlet at the midpoint of the LC series circuit, when the coils are series resonated with a C value near .12 uf. If the two coils were inversely series resonated with respect to each other; this creates two opposite voltage rises, or 3600 volts between them. If a 4/1 step up transformer is used for input over
12,000 volts then becomes available.
Heres where the magnets enter the picture. I put 18 winds of speaker wire around the sides of the 3 inch stack and gave the speaker winds a neon load. Then I placed the 12,000 volts between the magnets with nonmagnetic steel plates as surface area contact on both sides of the stack. As I recall the magnet windings produced nothing. In that situation it resembles a "forced" vibration because we are applying voltage to both ends of the stack. In the next embodiment only a one ended high voltage contact to the stack then enabled it to act as a magnetic intermediary transfer agent; but this did NOT make the stack also vibrate its magentic field in space. But it does show a convincing demonstration of how a magnet can amplify a high voltage signal: most amazingly proved by measuring the ambient volatge in the system; when the dual coil system is connected to the off position switch of a utility switch outlet. In this case if the voltage rise of the system were connected to the smallest neon sold by Radio Shack, the voltage rise just from the induction coil system only produced 60 volts to ground,(not enough to light the neon) by virtue of the circuits action as a one wire delivery; where the "off" switch of the utility switch must not be a double pole/double throw switch; or otherwise these one ended currents and voltages would not be observed. I theorize the what the off switch does is break the "hot" side of the AC, thus it is still in connection with the grounded side of the outlet. It seems amazing that we can still measure 60 volts from a coil system to ground, even though its source of power has been shut off by the utility switch; but again I theorize that it is just its available action as a one ended oscillation, with no return wire to its source of voltage.
Now we take this same 60 volts, and attach it to the magnet stack and its windings by a top plate, and now we make an adaptation similar to the autotransformer, where we attach the closest starting wire of the magnet windings to the high voltage plate, now at only 60 volts because the circuit has not yet been turned on, and then now we have added the magnets influence to the circuit by having a series of winds around the magnet stack... By now going from the ending magnet wind wire and making a voltage measurement to ground we find 120 volts! The magnet stack has doubled the ambient voltage level, as referenced to ground post. But it does not do this same doubling when the circuit is actually energized, but the increase can still be measured in actual operating circumstances. In this case here it is a convincing demonstration to show that the polar circulation of currents as a one ended delivery made possible in light of the fact that the circuit itself is resonant to the frequency of the supply, in that case the system will not light a small neon to ground. Hower if we add a magnet wind in series, and contact the voltage rise to the top area of the magnet stack, then it WILL light a neon to gound.
It was later found that the winds are irrevalent, so I will now try that approach. The polar capacity circuit is simply a higher voltage seeking a ground path. It does not matter how the winds are placed, since shorting the two endings still delivers the same effects. A 2 inch loop of taped alumun foil will be next tried as the collector. The basic point here is to show that a magnet stack can add voltage to a one ended neon delivery. In the above example, the special modification was to connect the starting wire of the magnet winds to the high voltage source, making it a sort of autotransfomer application. All of the components down the line from the ending magnet wind application wire can be measured for EM. Now when comparing the EM emmision from the voltage rise alone, to that of the voltage rise with added series magnet influence itself, the EM emmisions are greater when the magnet stack is added as the line coupled element.
In the ORDINARY application, I do not use such a line coupled autotransformer version; instead NO connection of the magnet windings and the source of voltage is made which should allow for a less bound secndary action spring wise analogy wise. This is a safer form of neon treatment since a magnet intervenes between the source of voltage and its secondary polar oscillation. None of these methods however make the central magnet stack vibrate its magnetic field in space. It was only after several months of using this system I discovered what can make that possible. We merely put a miniscule arc gap in series with the polar neon discharge. The discharge rate at the gap can easily be ten times that of the 60 hz supply using a long set of parallel bar surfaces. This produces a sort of rf backlash back to the magnet stack, which then causes it to make surrounding magnets vibrate.
3 stack wafer/ positions of recievers of magnetic vibrations. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Sweet-VTA/files/ALTMAG/Dsc00484.jpg
I intend to now rebuild this system, after two high induction coil failures from daily usage of the system.... using now only one good coil, caps are close to matching values now. In the former testings only the torroidal magnet was able to show the 60 hz wave, with the multiple rf bursts/ 60 hz cycle riding on that wave. The other stronger flat magnets could be felt by hand to vibrate, and coils placed on those magnets scope show only the high freq vibrations; which are in turn produced by an arc gap that increases the vibrations beyond what the source 60 hz vibration alone can achieve.
Sincerely HDN
Binary Res/ Single Phase/ Neon to Magnet over C(s) Application. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Sweet-VTA/files/ALTMAG/Dsc00411.jpg
The magnet in this case serves dual effects, but as a drawn circuit it resembles the end plate reservoir of available electrons for oscillation,as a polar capacity circuit enhanced 8 times by an eight fold increase of frequency at 480 hz.) as is given by old electrical laws concerning polar capacity. Here the magnet merely sets on the plexiglass C(s) exterior, thus it has no direct connection to the opposite high voltage plate, but it allows for some diversion of current where the top surface ending clip ending is the neon pathway to the midpoint LsCs voltage rise, made from alternator resonant cicuits. The top coil of 11 mh shows a scoped high frequency signal near 180,000 hz. This is thought to be a result of using the magnet in the circuit, and the coil picks up its signal by the magnets inclusion, where here the magnet serves as an ending plate in a polar capacity circuit, but which also serves as a diversionary path through the dielectric as a short of potential between the plates. We then could also say that the neon discharge is "current limited" by both the reactance of the plexiglass area under the magnets contact area, and also the reactance of the magnet itself in series, quite thinkably a small value at 480 hz... Neons only need several ma to ionize however.
Magnetic vibrations are evidently much more practical at 480 hz, vs 60 hz.
Reactance is given by
X(C)= 1/{2pi*F*C}
By making the denominator 8 times larger by increase of Freq, the AC resistance X(C) is now 8 times smaller, thus theoretically the polar capacity of a magnet also increases at least 8 fold in its ability conduct current, when used at 480 hz.
At 60 hz 1 uf has X(C)= 1/(2pi*60*.000001) = 2653 ohms
At 480 hz 1 uf has X(C)=1(2pi*480*.000001)= 331 ohms
However normally at 60 hz, a neon series disharge will only create two rf bursts/cycle. Here is a scoping showing the no of rf burst per 480 cycle in 2 ms scope sweep cycle that the large 14 gauge coil picks up from the magnet acting as the neon discharge ending polar capacity...The scope records 2 volts high frequency vs an alternator input of 8 volts. So at 480 hz no arc gap seems needed.
Source freq. Scoping of BR/Neon/ Mag 10.6 mh Coil/ 0.2 ms/div; 2 volts/div http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Sweet-VTA/files/ALTMAG/Dsc00414.jpg
Sincerely HDN