Rx for high energy costs
Date: Saturday, April 16, 2005 @ 22:12:01 UTC
Topic: General

Retrofitting for Energy Conservation

The best kept secret in America is energy conservation. A different color roof or an attic fan or a radiant barrier can each reduce utility bills by 30% or more. There is a FREE energy audit on my web site you can use to evaluate your exact savings, in minutes. It has a worldwide database built in so virtually anybody on Planet Earth can do a quick, accurate energy evaluation of any sized building. My book from McGraw-Hill, Retrofitting for Energy Conservation lists hundreds of no-cost and low-cost project for homes and businesses to reduce your utility bills - immediately.

There also excerpts from the book on my web site, as well as details about other non-technical books I have published revealing in lurid details the treacherous politics of energy. Please visit to Save Energy + Save $$$

This article comes from ZPEnergy.com

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