Hydrogen Solar Ltd Funding Oversubscribed
Date: Monday, April 11, 2005 @ 23:14:50 UTC Topic: Investors
Hydrogen Solar Ltd
"Supplying Renewable, Carbon-Free
Hydrogen to the Hydrogen Economy"
For immediate Release: April 11, 2005
Hydrogen Solar funding round oversubscribed.
The Board of Directors of Hydrogen Solar Ltd today announced the overwhelming success of the company’s funding round, with the issue 78% oversubscribed.
The Board Is delighted that this new funding includes all existing principle UK shareholders and also new investors from both the UK and United States.
As previously, the funding round was by handled by E-Synergy Ltd, a specialist in early stage finance, management support and training for technology companies.
The Board of Hydrogen Solar Ltd believes the company has met and often exceeded the objectives set out in 2004. These have included the following:
- Raising the performance level of its lead technology, the carbon-free hydrogen generating Tandem Cell™, to greater than 8%.
- Winning a grant award for a three-year demonstration project for vehicle refueling in the United States
The Board is confident it can now demonstrate the technical and cost advantages of the Tandem Cell, as a means of carbon-free hydrogen production.
About Hydrogen Solar
The Tandem Cell concept was co-invented by the Swiss Federal University of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and the University of Geneva (UoG), and was made possible thanks to R&D support by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy over a considerable period of time. It is the subject of a patent by Prof. Michael Graetzel (EPFL) and Prof. Jan Augustynski (UoG).
The Tandem Cell is currently the prime technology of Hydrogen Solar. The company also own rights to biological processes for generating hydrogen. Work on Bio-Hydrogen is centred at the UK’s University of Glamorgan where research is underway on hydrogen production from wheat-starch based food industry co-products.
Editors Notes
Hydrogen Solar Ltd
The Tandem Cell™ is trademark, and on first mention, should be written with the "™" attached.
Hydrogen Solar Ltd, a private commercial company based at the Surrey Technology Park, is building a portfolio of hydrogen technologies and Intellectual Property aimed at the new hydrogen economy. The company owns the world-wide exclusive rights to the Tandem Cell™, which converts light and water directly into hydrogen fuel. For further technical details on the Tandem Cell and potential applications, go to: http://www.hydrogensolar.com
For press and media, contact: rupert.leach@hydrogensolar.com
Or telephone: 07950 918 083
E-Synergy Ltd
E-Synergy Ltd is an early stage private investment group with a wide network of development partners . As well as investing it’s own capital, the company also runs the Early Growth Fund, a £4m fund of the DTI’s Small Business Service, designed to enhance private sector and business angel capital.
For further details on E-Synergy, go to http://www.e-synergy.com