Nuclear Solutions; Saving Energy; Tesla's Legacy; Tour de Sol
Date: Saturday, April 09, 2005 @ 13:21:36 UTC
Topic: General

Future Energy eNews - Apr. 7, 2005

1) Tesla's Legacy: Electromagnetic Healing Devices - Whole Person Health Summit 2005 next week
2) Scientists See High Likelihood for ET Visitors - Since extrasolar planets are becoming mundane
3) Tour de Sol Features Green Car Show - Transportation festival with zero emission, renewable fuels
4) Future Energy Technologies - Advanced nuclear, zero-point energy, magnetic motors, Tesla tech
5) Ten Simple Ways to Save Energy - Conservation is back, easy to do, and very important
6) Portfolio Update - Nuclear Solutions is growing, perhaps it will license their 25-year betavoltaic battery
7) Energy Bill Advances Through Senate - A bipartisan bill may emerge with emphasis on efficiency
8) US Presses China on Cleaner Energy - So far, their policy has been 'energy at any cost,' like the US maintains an archive of over two years of the Future Energy eNews, as well as many available reports, books, videos, CDs, and other products to help educate the public (that means you). Visit our website today.

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