Jack is really on to something
Date: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 @ 21:14:36 UTC Topic: Science
On Apr 3, 2005, at 8:39 PM, Creon Levit wrote:
Sarfatti worked with Chapline years ago, and is well aware of George's predictions about (no) black holes. ….
PS - I think Jack is really on to something now. He can derive GR, and hence all of classical gravitation, from a simple quantum model of the vacuum as a two component (Ginzburg-Landau - "GL") superfluid of virtual fermion-antifermion pairs.
His new theory solves the cosmological constant problem: It predicts Lambda fluctuating slightly around zero (as is observed) instead predicting lambda of around 10^66 cm^-1 as does naive QED and superstring theory. It solves the dark matter problem: dark matter is where the "normal fluid" component of the GL fluid dominates the mixture. It solves the dark energy problem: dark energy is the converse situation - where the superfluid component dominates. It solves the inflation / arrow of time problem: the energy and the negentropy for inflation are released when the initial unstable primordial "false-vacuum" state undergoes a phase transition to the present GL state consisting of virtual e+ e- pairs.
His new theory shows how spacetime (3+1 dimensions) emerges from the large-N dimensional configuration space of quantum mechanics: through the emergence of an order parameter, in this case the giant quantum wavefunction of the cosmic GL superfluid wavefunction whose long-range order (ODLRO) correlates different positions in space and time.
Inspired by the work of Hagen Kleinert, the gradient of this order parameter, and its gradient's gradient (tensor), when expressed using the formalism of moving Cartan frames or Vierbeins, reproduces Einstein's equation. Gravity emerges from QM, without needing quantization itself.
The allowable broken symmetries of this order parameter can explain effects like the Pioneer anomaly, the dark massive galactic halos, and the micro-Kerr-black hole model of elementary particles. When coupled with the approaches of Ray Chiao and perhaps Chapline/Laughlin it may allow the control of gravity and circumvention of the spacetime stiffness barrier.
On Feb 16, 2005, at 3:18 PM, George Chapline wrote:
Your solid He4 superfluid paper is wonderful! You actually once did something of very great importance - and apparently you didn't realize this. This paper is a precursor to quantum gravity, and much more important in that regard than string theory (you can quote me).
re: Destruction of superflow in unsaturated 4He films and the prediction of a new crystalline phase of 4He with Bose-Einstein condensation. Physics Letters, Vol 30A, no 5 3 November 1969 pp 300-1
Message from Stanford University Physics Professor, Leonard Susskind
On Dec 31, 2004, at 1:20 PM, Top Stanford Physics Professor Leonard Susskind wrote:
"To whom it may concern,
The Glogower Susskind Paper of 1963 which introduced phase operators for a quantum oscillator was in direct response to discussions between Glogower, Susskind and Jack Sarfatti. Sarfatti's contributions were significant. The correct attribution should be to the "Glowgower, Sarfatti, Susskind" operators.
Leonard Susskind"
Jack Sarfatti wrote: Yes, fortunately I am financially independent of the Academic Bull and can do what I want the WAY I want. Mean time I predicted the super
solid 35 years before it was seen in the lab.
Source: Dr. Jack Sarfatti correspondence