Dear Mega-Genius: How did the Universe begin?
Date: Thursday, December 16, 2004 @ 21:42:11 GMT
Topic: Testimonials

In the Keelynet list, krlbrgmnn writes: This is Jim Diamond's (a.k.a. Mega-Genius) response to the oft-asked but nevertheless profound question "How did the universe begin?" Of particular interest will be his logical conclusions regarding those supposedly immutable laws of Newtonian physics.

About Jim Diamond:

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Dear Mega-Genius: How did the universe begin?

Mega-Genius: Unless one addresses that question with extremely superior intelligence, using the "Genius Formula," it is an unsolvable riddle. Accordingly, it utterly baffles our most distinguished physicists.

For example, the British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University and author of the best-selling book A Brief History of Time, is the most famous living scientist of the twenty-first century. Yet he has written, "The actual point of creation lies outside the scope of presently known laws of physics."

Similarly, according to Professor Alan Guth, of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a highly acclaimed cosmologist, "The instant of creation remains unexplained."

According to the Nobel Prize winning physicist Dr. Leon Lederman, Director Emeritus of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, "When you read or hear anything about the birth of the universe, someone is making it up — we are in the realm of philosophy. Only God knows what happened at the very beginning."

With all due respect to the Nobel laureate and his distinguished colleagues who have been unable to figure out what happened at the birth of the universe, I'm afraid that Dr. Lederman overstated the matter. Just because he and his associates don't know the answer doesn't mean that someone of higher intelligence doesn't know.

There is a significant difference between "being a certified genius" and merely "having a genius for mathematics or physics." In addition, as Dr. Lederman admitted, the resolution of what happened at the very beginning falls within the parameters of an entirely different study — philosophy — a field with which Dr. Lederman, Professors Guth and Hawking, and most other celebrated physicists of our day have no meaningful expertise.

Nevertheless, since you have asked a certified mega-genius how the physical universe began, here is the truth from beyond the top of the IQ scale.

The law of conservation of energy states, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it may be changed from one form to another." This law appears quite workable, but actually is false. Energy can be created, as the very existence of the physical universe proves, and it can also be destroyed.

The law of conservation of matter and energy states, "The total amount of matter and energy available in the universe is fixed." This law also is false.

If we had a law of conservation of space, it would be false, too. Matter, energy, and space are all increasing in quantity in the physical universe, at a slight rate.

Keep in mind that, as Professor Hawking said, the actual point of creation lies outside the scope of presently known laws of physics.

There are many universes and sub-universes, which can and often do overlap, but this particular physical universe began as a result of seven basic decisions, interspersed with various considerations.

First was the decision to be the creator of a game.

Second was the decision to assume a viewpoint, which created dimension, thereby space. (In contradiction to quantum mechanics, there are only three dimensions in this physical universe: height, width, and depth. Time is not a dimension.)

Third was the decision that the space would endure.

Fourth was the decision that a particle of energy would exist in the space.
(Again, the supposition that matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed is false.)

Fifth was the decision that the particle would endure in the space, at which point time began. (Time is a decision. Awareness of the existence of time results only from particles changing location in relation to each other.)

Sixth was the decision that at least a second particle of energy would also exist and endure in the space. (The particles then could move in relation to each other, which resulted in the apparency of time.)

Seventh was the decision that numerous similar particles would also exist and endure in space, constituting more energy, and that those particles of energy could be grouped together to form various objects.

Accordingly, thought, and energy in the form of particles, and grouped particles in the form of matter, existed in space and endured (resulting in time), constituting all the basic components of this physical universe, which then increased in size as more dimension was viewed and additional particles of energy were postulated into existence.

Incidentally, at the point that the decision was made that the first particle would endure (the fifth decision), which began time, that decision (like the first four decisions) was made outside time — there was no time, yet. Therefore, the beginning and ending of this universe are both "the same time." They are coincidental, because they are both in "no time."

That is an accurate synopsis of what actually happened at the beginning of the physical universe, despite the fact that it is at some variance with some of Albert Einstein's and Stephen Hawking's theories, such as their contention that the physical universe is infinite. In truth, it is not quite infinite.

Remember that the Swedish Royal Academy has never considered Albert Einstein worthy of the Nobel Prize for his theories of relativity. And keep in mind that physicists now consider Einstein to have been wrong about many issues, including quantum mechanics.

Remember, too, that the Nobel Prize has never been awarded to Stephen Hawking, because his work is also theoretical and remains unproved.

Regardless, you now know the truth of how this physical universe began.

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