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Re: Vlad, why not sign the insult? (Score: 1)
by baldy on Saturday, June 05, 2004 @ 09:48:31 UTC
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Sounds like a womans voice to me. Those that have been here since 12-06-02 when GWE was announced know the name Guy Rome and Associates. Sounds like a man huh? Wrong it is two 42 yr old died in the wool feminists, feme` natzi control freaks in the Rush Limbaugh tradition. They know who I am because I have called them that to their faces. They have been in this, what ever you want to call it scam or the biggest news of the century. They also know all the players, from face to face contact. They know where the bones are barried who wrote what and wrote the copy of the info on the web site because they wrote it. This one that I address I suggest is written by the leader of Guy Rome Teresa Guy. No I didn't misspell here name intentionally to show disrespect! They charged WEM or Gwe a min. of $96.00 an hour now they want to pick your brains without giving you anything in return! I am told that is the nature of the PR folks. Not so. I have worked with some very fine folks in that field. These two ladies hide behind their NDR agreement, but those of you more sophisticated folks know that is not a cop out allowed when and if fraud or other crimes or misdemeanors have been committed. They have ALL the first hand facts because they were there! Now they want cover by pryng as anon. They stepped out from under the veil and are fair game for any questions before you offer any answers to anything! They just want paid for thier dirty work and participation from the Artistic side. Yes, "Artists" also created the man urinating on Christ. But only Christ's father CREATED the whole WORLD. HE alone is The ARTIST! You say who am I to say? My name and background are just a click away for all to see and have been since my first post and attached to every post without exception. The slippery ickle and I have had many tussles, but I have always respected his forthrightness and candor. Vlad was correct, no one knows yet, for sure one way or the other. The only reason I stepped into the background was that economic necessity required that I must. Seventeen months was enough on the "come". I still say we need spell check on this site. (sic) sorry for all the boo boos. Lay it to old age if you want to. Baldy

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