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Thx MOTSB for the Scottish shower;-) (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, May 20, 2004 @ 00:28:45 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
MOTSB...I love you man...I love pickle too (but his ass I would kick a few times):-D

Again (but I shall NOT repeat this anymore – pay attention!) a quick answer to your comments (and pickle’s below):

· I challenge anybody here to prove to me that I EVER edited this site EXCEPT for bad language, personal attack and release of private info on other people. Even for these reasons, I should have done it much more often, since we DO NOT like this kind of stuff! I just don’t have enough time to strictly police it, preferring to spend my time scanning an enormous amount of material to get interesting latest news on the new energy topic for you. Pickle’s problem is his sarcastic style and his allegation was made in the same style, which is confusing and dangerous since not everybody understands it as intended (am I right John?). That’s why I made the statement in my first reply to his attack on me and Rob that this site IS NOT a discussion list; the comments should be concise, to the point and adding VALUE to the original news story. John’s comment that I removed I posted in the Forum, as promised, with my reply inserted, and the request to the sane part of his brain to stop here (see “I stand corrected! It's hackers making Vlad look bad” in the Forum section)

· I and NONE of the people who work with us get any money from anybody (fraudulent entities or not). We do this out of passion for the subject, in our spare time (after our regular working program, many times in detriment of a good quality time with our families). We are all VOLUNTEERS. The Google adds (the only ones we carry) help a little bit with the hosting expenses. Everything else comes from MY pocket and I have NEVER asked for any money from anybody, because I want to remain totally independent and in full control of my site. I only have confidence in ME as a totally HONEST person. Note that I didn’t say totally knowledgeable and impartial since I am just an engineer biased towards the proponents of the possibility of FE from tapping the ZP/vacuum/space/ambient energy fields, in the not so distant future. Now you know MOTSB. Do you want to volunteer to help us with the load? I have a few discussion groups I get daily digests from I can assign you to monitor and extract the type of news we(you)’re looking for on this site. If anybody reading this has a new energy info source that you like and want to daily monitor/report on you’re welcomed to join us. Let me know through Feedback.

· When I post/approve something I do NOT consider it a fraud. It may prove to be a fraud later when we’ll clearly say it so. It is easy to say in hindsight: “you guys perpetuated a fraud!” You said it well; what we perpetuated was our hope for a better world and we killed it when the hope it generated died. GWE/WEM may prove to be a fraud (probably the biggest and well thought so far) but I’m not yet convinced as pickle is. I just don’t give then any money and we adviced everybody here (investors, licensee…whatever they are) not to do it before they are convinced of its reality as GWE originally stated. I do not believe anybody can say we encouraged investment in this company, at this stage. They have missed many deadlines as pickle pointed out but considering the logistics of what they want to do this is not uncommon. Look at many simple projects around you and see how many were completed on schedule and within budget. The secrecy is also understandable given the immense disruptive nature of this device IF it works as claimed. When GWE appeared on the scene I asked a good friend of mine who met with Randy Mills (BlackLightPower) in Italy to ask his opinion if what GWE claims is possible. He said yes and he is just hoping they will not beat him in the race to bring it to the market. I agree with pickle on many other of his arguments, especially on the very low probability that anybody can keep such a legit operation (on the scale they claim it is) perfectly cloaked, for such a long time. If nothing “concrete” comes out soon from them, I would say they must be a scam (again, this is just my opinion and I’m far from perfect). So, MOTSB, we should all help in drawing that line.

· Pickle, I hope I replied to your accusations to. People, I usually refrain from intervening in your arguments if I have nothing of value to add. I don’t think you’re waiting for me to say yes, pickle (or MOTSB or whoever) is right or wrong to make it so. Those things you claim were false on GWE site were evident for everybody. Why do you think I censor myself for not making a redundant statement? GWE is notorious for not properly updating their site. That being said, if something is really happening and it is behind schedule they should properly update their site (another possible scenario).

| Parent
  • Still evasive. by chipotle_pickle on Thursday, May 20, 2004 @ 15:45:40 UTC


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