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Re: I can't compete with Captains of Industry (Score: 1)
by MOTSB on Wednesday, May 19, 2004 @ 13:37:10 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
I agree with bodebliss about pickle, Vlad I haven't heard your response to picle's allegations that you edited your website. Of course you have proven to us that you will...Is there a conflict of interest here?
Do you get money from GWE or any of these other
POSSIBLY fraudulent entities that are posted on your site? Who pays the bills? I just want to know.
We all are interested in the latest gizmo, but were do you draw the line between posting all kind of wacky stuff and perpetuating fraud. That is the question....one man's fraud is another man's hope for better world. Where do you draw the line? Free energy is like a magnet for sheisters of all walks....
and we love it...we can't get enough of it...do us a favor for your own sake.....clarify your relationship with your links, don't edit your site and let pickle say whatever the hell he wants, because without him this site seems like a infomercial for scammers.
thats my 2 cents....i hope i don't get censured
p.s. I am a member that is choosing to be anon in protest on vlad's policy of editing, sorry pickle.

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No, it's that they should be anon. (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Wednesday, May 19, 2004 @ 16:34:16 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
This owners of the site like personal attacks. They just like for them to be anonymous or against unnamed or diverse parties (them, da man, the DOE). Go figure.

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