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Re: the bads,the uglies, and the dickheads (dat's me) (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Thursday, May 13, 2004 @ 06:41:50 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | I will try to answer, but the lab has not provided a specific answer as of today, they are one week overdue. The only thing the lab told me was, there are extremely small spheres in the samples and some of them appear to be coated. I was not told what the spheres composition was or what the coating was. It sounds like nano-tech and maybe they never saw this material before and would like to be damn sure of what they put in a report? Maybe they don't think I deserve the answers - this "has" happened several times before.
Steel generally has .04% carbon (NOT 4%), so if my material has a 50% carbon to iron ration as I anticipate - what would you call it? There is something about Chipotle that bugs Me, he wants all information to be free, complete and he wants it now. What Chip calls me makes little difference, as I must wait for the lab results - however if the results need a white paper and cannot be immediately released, I would expect Chip to let me have it with both barrels for not making a complete disclosure. And there is something else of a breakthrough nature in the residue, but what that is must be determined by another lab. And the radioactive hydrogen must be tested by another lab, but I still have not found one that will accept the sample for testing, save one that quoted me $2,000 for the test. At any rate, without funding I can't do any more on my own without funding.
And yes Chip, I have a device. I actually have 9 working prototypes with a brand new design that is 90% complete - and all of them operate in strict opposition to EE training, but still they operate. Soon, and with infinite wisdom, they will change their minds.
Best Regards,
Chris Arnold President/CEO
PlasmaKing Corporation
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Re: Personal attacks (Score: 1) by vlad on Thursday, May 13, 2004 @ 22:43:35 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | John Lichtenstein, do we need a sign: Do NOT post under the influence (of whatever substance you’re abusing)? Are you talking Yiddish, shmok? What is clear (to me at least) in your latest episode of delirium tremens, is a vulgar personal attack on my colleagues and me, nothing else. Aside from “whore-ing octogenarian Georgian whore bitches”, you’re also awarding me with some status/rank in the international organized crime, with which I seem to be intimately involved (from now on, you call me Don Vladone or I’ll have a contract on your dick heads!%-).
Joke aside; do I need to edit your posts so you can learn what we mean by “relevant substance” and “civilized format” in a posted comment? Or, to paraphrase you: “This seems like time for”… you to go”? Don’t you see I kept you here, despite popular request to the contrary, just because I consider your research and “sane” comments (when you’re “sober”) valuable for maintaining a balance and provide an other side of a story (even if fabricated by your tormented mind)? Did your parents teach you that tolerance should be abused? Do you think I need you?...or I care about the sour-pickled side of your character? Why don’t you trash me on your site (if that makes you come) and behave like I almost begged you on mine? Probably you want to be banned to bring to the world (you’re everywhere in the FE/AG Internet circles) the great news: ZPEnergy.com censors skeptics – they’re a bunch of crackpots and nothing to learn from them!
To all: this site deals with controversial subjects. We are normal, open minded and curious people serving no other interest (organized crime, men in black, aliens, etc.) but our own: to collect and report on interesting “exotic/fringe” (for now – as the electricity was before Galvani) mostly experimental (some theoretical too) research in the new energy field. We do not push/pump/promote/sell/recommend anything or anybody, despite what other “psychics” may say about us. This site is NOT a discussion list – people post the news articles and the comments should stay focused, simple and bring value to the original information. Hate rants and personal attacks are STRICTLY FORBITEN. We, ZPEnergy.com moderators (Vlad and Rob for now) promise to enforce this rule from now on, with minimal tolerance. First strike you’re warned, second strike you’re edited, third strike your’re out/banned.
John, congrats, you’re level II.
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Re: the bads,the uglies, and the dickheads (dat's me) (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 @ 11:29:30 UTC | OK, what about what you did in your lifetime? Spell it out for us. OK you can type and put shit up about everybody else., what woould you do if your life story was put up into the internet for all to read. May be somebody ought to turn the tables on you. You must have nothing, NOTHING else to do in your life.
Thanks, but your boring....
Well duh? |
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