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the bads,the uglies, and the dickheads (dat's me) (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Thursday, May 13, 2004 @ 01:07:41 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
Vlad - Wouldn't it be nice at least to make Mark sign in if he wants to call someone a dickhead? Or is vulgarity, along with death threats or threats against one's family, that really, are what anonymity all about here? Such smock-sucking rag bons of stiches you are, Jonathan, Vlad and Rob all.

This seems like time for a summary.

Chris has an actual device. With it, he combined iron (or steel) and carbon to make something. Let's just call that steel. He claimed that what he had produced was "steel combined with carbon at the molecular level". I still have no idea what that means, no bother, Chris says that that was just a "speculation". Oh. So now he speculates it's something different, magnetic Carbon. What happened to the Iron? No bother. We are sure not to hear from Jupiter/Chris/pulsed-Ignition/etc for 6 months after the lab informs him that his steel is steel. Chris quiet. That's nice. The longer the lab takes to tell Chris that steel is Iron and Carbon, the longer Chris is quiet, the better off the world is.

Mark has a book. Mark seems to believe that classical EM theory predict the possibility of perpetual motion machines. (Or he knows better, but it would be hard to prove it,.) He claims to be a Lentz law believer, with his own non-standard Lentz law,but a firm Maxwell skeptic. Anyway, Mark's chosen to finance operations with the help of the Tuplips and Langgoons of the world. Most of us, including those, like Vlad, who are willing to pass their eyes quickly over a crime if they see it, arrange their lives so as never to do business with a Tulip or a Langgoon.

Vlad has chosen to skip over (or will later want to convince the judge that he has skipped over) organized crime connections in articles posted to the top level, except to add the caveat that the site's not meant as investor info. So Archer's mob friends (Tulip, Langgoons), AEC's mob friends (Igor Illitchev, Dizenzo), Vlad does not notice. And for the mob connections of the scam Vlad's been intimately involved with over a year, Vlad does not disclose. (Good grief. Have you schmucks ever once asked why Shane left Primary Health, or Pet's Choice, or why it was in such a hurry? Or about the name of a single colonel who remembers the manufacturing the helmets? Or why they had a tax lien for close to 10 years they managed to pay off just as this scam started? Or why the white goo oozes from everywhere? Professional victims you are! It's no use to wish that you forget yourself yucked, because you do it to yourself with such enthusiasm your enemies could never match it. How can such schlamozzles fail to attract a schlameel?)

Shmucks, note that "solar battery" is an old term for solar cell, and you will find none other that's relevant to what you are doing. Search on Google for any other use of the term. Got it? You are signing a big IOU for a "solar battery". Vlad, is it enough that a scam artist be Georgian that you will whore for them? Did you even know the scamsters included a Georgian when you starter whoring? Did she need to provide some evidence for you? Why don't you tell everyone? You have pumped this scam since 2002-December because why? Because they showed you the Hamburger-Hamburgler toy, or because you were charmed by some Georgian Ayn Rand wannabe crazy whore bitch? I'll tell anyone who asks me that you were paid nothing, and will whore for any Ayn Rand wannabe with a bad enough accent (it seems childishly naive of me, but I am a sucker). In a few months, you will be telling folks the same thing (about how you broadcast whatever you are told by octogenarian Georgian whores). Why not skip the steps in-between?

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