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Sigh. Can't we get some better mudslinging? (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Monday, April 26, 2004 @ 20:15:26 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
Mark, is "Dr." Robert Langgons of IceFire Systems the same "Dr." Langgons from Red Rock Dragons?

Mark, you write
Heretofore, the inventor's individual efforts to prototype the EDF Generator, an exotic variant of the Faraday disk dynamo which produces electric power with no generated retarding torque by electrostatic induction and stimulated thermionic emission means, have been hindered by the lack of adequate funding or any significant governmental or academic support.

So have you prototyped it already or not? If you've prototyped it, why are you whining about the lack of support? (Rhetorical question, we all know there is no prototype.) If you haven't, why do you use the present indicative "produces"? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say?
The EDF Generator is a exotic variant of the Faraday disk dynamo which the inventor Mark Tomion theorizes would produce electric power with no generated retarding torque by electrostatic induction and stimulated thermionic emission means. Tomion's efforts to date have been hindered by the lack of adequate funding or any significant governmental or academic support.

There is no need for the inaccuracy Mark. People will invest based on your expectations and theories. Nobody will ever be able to prove that you didn't expect that Lentz's law doesn't apply to Faraday disks.

| Parent

Re: Formation of Archer Energy Systems, Inc. (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 @ 09:48:30 UTC
I'm a moron because I believe that devices that produce free energy should be rigorously tested and demonstrated and then I'll believe the physics behind them? I'm a moron because I can see the same scam repeated over and over again?

So, how is that Lutec 1000 coming along? Production was supposed to start in 2003, I sent them an e-mail, no response! The last update to their site was in November, 2003. You'd think that shipping free energy devices would be big news, why no updates?

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