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Re: Vlogger/Influencer Invitation for EV E-Cat Demo (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, July 24, 2023 @ 16:01:21 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
I have to post this comment from Axil-Axil (you know him by now ;-) because of its relevance and practical suggestions: 

Axil AxilThe ideal supporter of the SSM auto product is a person, group, or organization whose agenda is enabled and/or greatly advanced by the demonstration and public acceptance of that product. This is the reason why I suggest that an effort be made to recruit high level influencers in the environmental community who do not currently have a way to mitigate the effects of global warming.

With the world suffering from killing heat and deadly floods, this backdrop is ideal for the introduction of an obvious and easy to understand solution to the climate problem. The SSM makes no carbon pollution whatsoever and can enable an explosive growth in the EV market.

The SSM is an obvious solution to climate change and it is a solution that will be eagerly embraced by those affected by climate change. The SSM must be made the Crème de la crème of the environmental solutions which are now non existent.

The game plan for an introduction of the SSM paradyme is to explain what an SSM EV could mean for the environment. Once properly introduced and understood, this plan might be well received by the influencers in the environmental movement who will doubtless embrace the SSM as a planet saving lifeline and support the SSM project with religious zealotry, wild enthusiasm, and unfailing commitment.

A list of 100 climate influencers - 100 Most Influential People in Climate Policy | 2022/23 as follows:






For those who have influence in the church, urge the pope to send a witness to the demo so the pope can be sanguine about initiating a movement in the church for the SSM


You now know who to contact, it is only now to do it.

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