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PESN sells Mylow's Magnet Motor Plans for $25 (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, April 07, 2009 @ 23:34:52 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From http://peswiki.com/energy/News [peswiki.com] : Mylow Magnet Motor Plans -- Version 1.1 [pureenergysystems.com] - Sterling presents a concise and clear set of instructions of how to build a working all-magnet motor as described by Mylow, who is the first person we know of who has replicated Howard Johnson’s Stonehenge model from three decades ago. This document is an adjunct to the open source project at http://MylowMagnetMotor.com [mylowmagnetmotor.com], where the plans may be found, though not as concise or clear as here. (MylowPlans.com; April 4, 2009)
How Proceeds are Used

The proceeds from sales of this manual are split equally three ways (not including the share that will go to affiliates): 

  • Mylow (not at his request; he's never asked for money from this)
  • Howard Johnson's heirs and assigns (our initiative)
  • PES Network, Inc (to cover administration and help promulgation)

[Vlad]: Sterling D. Allan is CEO of the New Energy Congress (NEC) and of Pure Energy Systems (PES) Network, Inc. I was shocked (but not surprised) to see that the NEC approved such a move, to sell to the public plans for a FE device, before any proper validation or at least one reliable replication was accomplished. The plans/instructions/videos were made available for free by the author who never asked for money, in the true spirit of the Open Source concept and, with respect for the public who has to take everything at face value for now and, may fail to replicate the working device in the end. Howard Johnson's heirs and assigns never asked for money either if there was not for Sterling's initiative (he said "our", but as anybody can see, it is always Sterling presents, Sterling does, Sterling owns, etc...). Then how is this different than other greedy, scruples individuals/groups we used to condemn, who make money from the naive public out of selling such FE devices plans/manuals/CDs on the Internet, with the same disclaimer that if they don't work, it's your fault. I am getting questions now if the story with the MIB that allegedly visited Mylow was just a fabrication in preparation to boost sales. For a few bucks, that none of those who may deserve them wanted, this greedy, iresponsible move could discredit not only NEC and PESN, but also the credibility of the original project, if it is indeed real.

Here is a note I received from Eric Krieg (NEC member) who asked me to publich it:

On my guide to how to be a free energy con man, I recommend to make your self appear more important by making up MIB suppression stories. Ironically, the only confirmed case of suppression of free energy info I know of has been against me.  Lee has since 2004, sued me twice to try to get me to take down my pages exposing his scams.  A few others have threatened to sue me, but not followed through.

  The best prime time expose of a free energy claimant was last Sunday - see http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29947584/

   I appeared in that at the end.

   I have never heard a good rebuttal to my following advice on what to do if you are a FE messiah and feel afraid of MIBS:

    "The only safe way to keep them from killing you to keep you from telling - is to leak the plans to me.  Then I will openly post them on my uncensored free_energy email list on yahoogroups.com  - in a second, the cats out of the bag, it is in 1000 inboxes in 30 different countries.  There is nothing that can be done to stop them all - the MIB's get reassigned to keep UFO's under wraps - our planet gets clean and the economic disaster goes away.   The only unhappy people would be arabs and maybe russians.

     I would never sell any plans as I'm inclined to think they all don't work.   Of the probably hundreds of people who have claimed OU with wires, wheels and magnets, there are only so many ways they can build them - kind of like the even more pathetic over balanced wheels which have been failing for 1000 years.

   the one thing the pathetic history of FE claims has taught me is no track record of failure keeps people promising it from making money - that is the perpetual side of it
-- please repost this anywhere ---

Eric Krieg

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