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Magnetic Power Inc. - Executive Summary Update
Posted on Saturday, July 05, 2008 @ 22:34:05 UTC by vlad
Energy Independence is in the Air! And Might Lower Oil Prices!
The Self Powered Systems™ the firm is
bringing to market, include a revolutionary, patent pending,
technology, which converts ambient heat into electricity. This
non-magnetic breakthrough has the potential to go to production in the
near future. The system has proven capability to recharge batteries
from heat extracted from the air; an alternative to the need to
plug-in. This technology can give electric cars unlimited range, as
well as turn them into future power plants that may pay for themselves.
Now here is the good news. Any policy that causes the expected future
oil price to fall can cause the current price to fall, or to rise less
than it would otherwise do. In other words, it is possible to bring
down today's price of oil with policies that will have their physical
impact on oil demand or supply only in the future.
Any steps that can be taken now to ... reduce the future demand for oil
in the U.S. or elsewhere, can ... lead both to lower prices... today.
Martin Feldstein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under
President Reagan, is a professor at Harvard. These extracts are from
his article: We Can Lower Oil Prices Now. It appeared in the The Wall
Street Journal, July 1st, 2008
MPI is also developing breakthrough magnetic energy technologies including POWERGENIE™ (Power Generation of Electricity by Nondestructive Interference of Energy). Based upon proprietary discoveries in MPI’s labs, generators are being designed that operate
continuously, without fuel, extracting electricity by converting an
abundant, renewable, extremely dense, energy source that has never
before been commercialized. The process will create
no pollution. Variations will provide a permanent power supply that can
eventually replace the need for batteries of all sizes. Conventional
power costs are rising. The cost of electricity from these technologies
promises to be less than any competing form of power generation today,
or in the foreseeable future.
These technologies will be
scaled to a wide range of applications. These include the relatively
small power needs of consumer devices. They can turn future cars into
decentralized power plants. Fabrication of these remarkable generators can readily be achieved worldwide... Full article: http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/partner/story?cid=7763&id=52983
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It's that time of the month again... (Score: 1) by Kadamose on Sunday, July 06, 2008 @ 08:01:47 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | ...and Mark Goldes is spewing his same old rubbish, with an oxymoron added in for good measure. Read the title again: Energy Independence is in the Air! And Might Lower Oil Prices! Is this guy for real?
Sorry Mark, but the only people who are going to offer true energy independence to this world are those who have no desire to follow protocol and also refuse to be a part of the system. Basically, this means that they won't acknowledge things such as 'patents', 'copyright', or 'Intellectual Property', and will use whatever ideas and technology that is required to achieve the task at hand.
Re: Magnetic Power Inc. - Executive Summary Update (Score: 1) by PacketSender on Sunday, July 06, 2008 @ 08:25:03 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I especially like the ever-present quotes that have nothing to do with the bullshit being spewed, but are always added as some feeble attempt to somehow legitimize the monthly nonsence. |
Law of Accelerating returns and ZPE. (Score: 1) by Sigma on Monday, July 07, 2008 @ 06:32:58 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I had truly hoped that a ZPE device would be on the market by now, however having waited about 5 years, with nothing but rumors and speculation I have to conclude that ZPE may be outside of the realm of current technology. Luckily I also believe that exponential growth in technology may find a way to tap it in the not-distant-future, like 15-20 years from now with advanced nanotech. Current devices are too crude IMO to allow for large extractions of ZPE. With the advanced computing power that will be available within 20 years, we can probe laws to their fullest extent and perhaps we will find a workable ZPE device in there.
In the meantime we have numerous other alt energy technology that are taking off. Solar is becoming cheaper everyday, with companies like Nanosolar claiming that they can create over a terawatt worth of electrical generating material every year from one printing press. And various other companies improving efficiency in engines and creating artificial organisms to make cheap alternatives to gas, things are looking up. I believe that the myriad of technologies that are in development right now, although mundane is some aspects, will culminate in the survival of our species. Every bit counts as they say.
Anyways I felt like getting that off my chest. If Mark has something then I wish him luck, but he has yet to demonstrate anything publically and that raises some red flags. Perhaps they are seeing something that with greater control of the molecular level could be put into practical use, but at its current bulk state, will never produce anything tangible. This applies to other "ZPE" devices currently in development.
If there was one technology I believe could change the current energy landscape tremendously would be a very efficient thermoelectric device. The amount of waste heat, and heat in general, is tremendous, all we need do is come up with a solution that can readily absorb it. I am still looking at Powerchips for that solution, hehe.
Re: Magnetic Power Inc. - Executive Summary Update (Score: 1) by ryandinan on Monday, July 07, 2008 @ 10:54:39 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | So now Mark is saying they have a heat-to-electricity device? Geez, it sure seems Mark and his "team" are busy bees! <sarcasm>As if developing a device that taps ZPE wasn't consuming all their time before.... </sarcasm>
Mark. Please answer this one question. If you truly have a ZPE device (POWERGENIE), why would you be WASTING time, money, and energy to develop a "heat-electricity" device??????? Obviously, ZPE would be the far superior technology/energy source to devote all your time to, would it not? This just adds to the list of reasons why you can't be taken seriously. Besides, the heat/electricity device has already been done - it's old news. I suppose you have to drum up some new "technology" so you can get some new investors to suck dry? My god man. Do you have any ethics at all?