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Bangladeshi Inventor Has Demonstrated Fuel Free Magnetic Power!
Posted on Saturday, May 31, 2008 @ 17:50:02 UTC by vlad
Submitted by Mark Goldes (MPI)/ May 14, 2008 - Bangladeshi Inventor Has Demonstrated Fuel Free Magnetic Power!
Giasuddin Kachi Opens a Practical Path to Superseding Fuels
Sebastopol, California
Magnetic Power Inc. has become aware of a revolutionary achievement. After 17 years of research, a 37 year old inventor in Bangladesh has shown professors from an engineering university, as well as other scientists and electrical engineers, that he has created magnetic energy conversion systems that produce electricity without any need for fuel. The professors commented that this invention challenged fundamental principles of electricity and energy conservation. From what has surfaced to date, the work appears to parallel similar, commercial, development under way by our own firm.
If we and our families and friends are to enjoy a peaceful and prosperous planet, humanity needs abundant, renewable, inexpensive, energy that does not require fuel. That must become a primary goal. The timeline to dramatically reduce our dangerous dependency on fossil fuels is less than a decade - otherwise, we may be unable to avoid cataclysmic possibilities which literally endanger the survival of our children.
Innovation is urgently required. Some existing technologies can help, but they fall far short of adequate. If, as has recently been predicted, oil reaches $200/barrel, gas prices are projected to rise much further.
As a result of rising energy costs, food is so expensive in some parts of the planet that large numbers of people now go hungry.
Nuclear power is promoted as a solution because safer, more practical, less expensive, alternatives have not been in evidence. It is a dangerous illusion that such expensive boondoggles can save us.
There is a wonderful reality in having the first practical magnetic energy conversion system emerge from Bangladesh. One third of that country is often flooded, as the land is so close to sea level. If Global Warming is not rapidly attacked, much of that poverty stricken nation may disappear in the not-too-distant future.
The first public demonstration of Kachi's invention was apparently at the Chittagong International Trade Fair, earlier this year. He showed that his generator could power a drill requiring 800 watts. It then lit a 500 watt lamp. He claims to have experimentally produced up to 10,000 watts of power. He believes his invention can eventually be scaled to 10, and then to 50, megawatts. Units of such large size can be utilized to replace the need for coal or uranium fueled power plants.
Earlier this month, after observing the invention, a visitor to his facility said in correspondence to us: "He uses two circuits. One is a primary circuit and initially needs external power to excite the device. Afterwards, it is excited or energized by a secondary circuit, which is induced by the primary circuit. It continues to operate indefinitely. A very small part of the power of the secondary circuit is used to energize the primary circuit. The remaining electrical energy produced by the secondary circuit is used to power an external load".
This is identical to the way that generators without moving parts, under development by Magnetic Power Inc., are expected to operate. As with internal combustion engines, there are a great many ways to design and patent such systems and a variety can be expected to reach the world's markets. Large firms are already in touch with the inventor and negotiating to license his patents. MPI has several multi-billion dollar firms interested in our parallel work in this country. Two are large electric power utilities, interested in the possibilities such systems offer for turning parked cars into power plants.
Magnetic energy conversion systems can rapidly be placed in production throughout the world. Cars that become power plants, wirelessly connected to the grid when appropriately parked, can be expected to pay for themselves. This opens a door to a restoration of the domestic automobile manufacturing industry.
The technological revolution being born in Bangladesh holds promise of creating millions of new jobs and helping to encourage a healthy economy in every corner of the planet.
Download attached document (60.5KB)
For Further Information:
Source: http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/partner/story?id=52485
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"Bangladeshi Inventor Has Demonstrated Fuel Free Magnetic Power!" | Login/Create an Account | 29 comments | Search Discussion |
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05/30/08 - Maltese Fuel-Free Generator (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, June 01, 2008 @ 16:06:38 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | From KeelyNet News [www.keelynet.com]: Dr Joseph Muscat, one of the candidates in the
Labour leadership election, on Thursday visited the workshop of a group of
inventors in Gozo, whose latest environment friendly invention has not only won
them an EU award, but also shows that the creativity of Maltese contributes to
innovation. An invention by Gozo Enterprises Ltd was recently awarded the
prestigious ‘Energy Global’ Award, in Brussels. Dr Muscat viewed the invention,
a fuel-free electricity generating machine, and observed that this is yet
another proof that Malta can use its creativity to solve problems which we will
be facing in coming years. - Source [www.maltastar.com] |
The 'Blue Energy Hoax' and Gardner Watts (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, June 01, 2008 @ 16:14:34 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Also from KeelyNet News [www.keelynet.com] last month (on foreign inventors):
05/30/08 - the 'Blue Energy
Hoax' The President has been chided
for apparently being taken in by what experts are calling the "Blue Energy"
hoax. Blue Energy was the work of a Joko Suprapto, who claimed to have created
fuel from water. Joko, who has been labeled a charlatan by some observers,
managed to secure a meeting with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who was
eager to pursue the Blue Energy project. Some scientists and lawmakers have
since dismissed the so-called invention as a hoax, saying the President was
deceived by Joko, who never published articles about his claimed Blue Energy in
scientific journals. The presidential office has never issued a statement about
the issue, although lawmakers and scientists have urged the government to
explain the mystery behind Joko's brief disappearance and what has happened with
his invention. - Source [old.thejakartapost.com]
05/22/08 - Take water and potash, add electricity and get - a mystery From 05/18/2003, whatever happened? - British researchers believe that they have made a groundbreaking scientific discovery after apparently managing to "create" energy from hydrogen atoms. In results independently verified at Bristol University, a team from Gardner Watts - an environmental technology company - show a "thermal energy cell" which appears to produce hundreds of times more energy than that put into it. If the findings are correct and can be reproduced on a commercial scale, the thermal energy cell could become a feature of every home, heating water for a fraction of the cost and cutting fuel bills by at least 90 per cent. The makers of the cell, which passes an electric current through a liquid between two electrodes, admit that they cannot explain precisely how the invention works. "What we are saying is that the device seems to tap into another, previously unrecognised source of energy." The cell is the product of research into the fundamental properties of hydrogen, the most common element in the universe. Hydrogen can exist in a so-called metastable state that harbours a potential source of extra energy. [Quantum] theory suggests that if electricity were passed into a mixture of water and a chemical catalyst, the extra energy would be released in the form of heat. After some experimentation, the team found that a small amount of electricity passed through a mixture of water and potassium carbonate - potash - released an astonishing amount of energy. "It generates a lot of heat in a very small volume," said Christopher Eccles, the chief scientist at Gardner Watts. The findings of the Gardner Watts team were tested by Dr Jason Riley of Bristol University, who found energy gains of between three and 26 times what had been put in.(http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/) |
MPI: Scam (Score: 1) by PacketSender on Sunday, June 01, 2008 @ 20:07:07 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | So Mark Goldes crawls out of the woodwork yet again. (Sorry for the post title, I hope it registers well wth the search engines.) It appears that all his past “we’ll have something to show next month” (and always failed to deliver) posts have failed to generate enough revenue to continue that tact. Time for a new story; quote an unsubstantiated, unverified, hearsay story. No proof, no facts, no details, just typical Goldes tripe. Yet somehow he this leads typical tripe right into ‘proof’ of the MPI balderdash that’s he’s been spewing for how many years now? All the posted links are nothing more than MPI docs geared towards the gullible investor. Slightly new tact, same goal – ‘gimme money’. Goldes game is past pathetic. Reach towards, and quote, anything to attempt to substantiate his never-ending pleas for cash. Let’s look points from this BS post objectively, without the rose colored glasses that Goldes hopes we wear while reading: 1. Someone else has demonstrated fuel free magnetic power. 2. No proof, no evidence, no documentation, no peer reviews, no links. 3. This lack of any information leads directly into the same tired old MPI spiel 4. The story is simply that ‘someone else verified my BS claims’ 5. The story is a direct lead into a many year old investment scam 6. Please invest, all it takes is yet more cash from yet more gullible angel investors 7. Somehow we are to believe that someone else has proof of a working device, yet we still require ore investment
Re: MPI: Scam (Score: 1) by PacketSender on Monday, June 02, 2008 @ 20:19:06 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Please, Malc, type away.
Maybe you can do a better job of shining some light on this scheme than I did. My post didn't appear to be well received.
It appears that the Wright brothers must have been on a major multi-year drive spewing BS to secure funding for the airplane thay built... During these drives they even continually promised to deliver a model to be tested 'next month' for years and years prior to the flight at Kitty Hawk.
The Wright Brothers Scam (Score: 1) by pedrosura on Monday, June 02, 2008 @ 08:31:11 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Here is my opinion of Packet Sender...
Before I say anything, I would like to state that I have no connection with magneticpowerinc.com or any of its affiliates. I take great exception at the tone of your critique towards Mr. Goldes or his claims or his companies. You are at a website called zpenergy.com. Now let's take a look at that name for a second... Zero Point Energy is not acknowledged by Science to be a source of energy to begin with. When you look at the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics, it suggests that when you add up the inifinitesimal jitter in all the fields and frequency the energy is enourmous but it's discarded by mainstream science because of its huge value and because it does not gravitate. In other words, when you come to this website, you are already in Disney World. If Mr. Goldes or anybody else besides patents, had peered review papers, those peered review papers would be claming new Science. It would just depend on the brilliance or stupidity of the scientists daring to put their names on a small revolutionary paper daring to revolutionize what's in our physics books. That's unless of course you could go to COSTCO to buy one of those generators. The Wright brothers flew in 1901 but it wasn't until 1906 that their invention was believed or acknowledged. There were plenty or people like yourself calling them a scam. Yet we fly today in things that are a tittle heavier than air. History is just full of other examples. So, you come to a website on the fringe of science to demand for peered review papers, videos and documentation on the science. Now, that science in tied to energy which in many ways forms the basis for the World's geo-political and economic structure. Changing that will take a lot more than science papers. Maybe you are trying to defend poor ignorant people coming here with a lot of cash that are foolish enough to invest. These people are probably not as clever and smart as you are. So you figure, you come to their rescue! Mr. Packet Sender: You are the fool, you are the idiot. If you want to discuss the scientific merits of anything on this website, please go ahead I am all ears but please, spare us with your brave acts of heroism. Nobody here needs a smart idiot like you to save us from the scams or the World. After all, the mere presence of this website, is a scam.
Re: The Wright Brothers Scam (Score: 1) by ryandinan on Monday, June 09, 2008 @ 12:42:17 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | pedrosura,
You must either be new to the "history" of MPI (Mark Goldes) or just plain naive. Yes, this website is called ZPenergy. Zero-point energy has been scientifically proven to exist, so your comment about it not being a "source of energy" is a strawman argument, due to the fact that it's NOT currently a source of energy. It is the hopes of many however, that further investigation will prove that it can be harnessed as an energy source.
Anway - this website's primary goal, is to provide news and info about energy-related topics. It contains thousands of articles and reports dealing with science, fringe science, as well as stuff that isn't so "scientific", but might be interesting enough to keep an open mind about. MPI used to fall into this last category, however, it's not interesting anymore, nor is it worth keeping an open mind about.
I used to have high hopes for Mark and MPI. But after 5+ years of hearing the same old CRAP and hollow promises, it became quite apparent that he is just looking to find some naive, wealthy investors from which to drain money, and to perpetuate his non-existent technology. He has been caught in many lies and contradictions - not only on this board, but on others (Steorn) as well. He has not shown one shred of scientific proof or evidence of his claims. Not even a picture of the thing. Just to help you understand, Mark has claimed to have had overunity in serveral devices, but he "gave up" on those because they were just too difficult to be practical (according to him). Right.
Please don't compare his junk-science to anything that may be worthwhile in the future. Comparing him to the Wright Bros. is just insulting to them. THEY actually invented something that worked, and helped prove a scientific concept. Contrary to popular belief, there were many scientists that believed that manned flight (or heavier than air flight) was physically possible. After all, they had proof-of-concept occurring in the natural world (birds, bugs, etc), as well as previous, manned flights made in balloons. They new flight was possible - they just didn't have a great understanding of the physics involved.
With MPI, with have none of that.
Re: The Wright Brothers Scam (Score: 1) by Overtone on Monday, June 09, 2008 @ 15:50:58 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | Ryan, a well known ignoramous, spews venom again.
MPI has real technology. Products are likely to appear in the market later this year, produced by Strategic Partners.
When they appear, authors such as Ryan will find, to their astonishment, a considerable amount of egg on their faces.
Nobody is surprised when hot fusion takes decades to develop, with budgets in the billions of dollars. I am told breakeven has finally been achieved by one such system. However, practical fusion power generation remains many years in the future.
MPI was visited a few weeks ago by a technical consultant from Finland. The Finnish government has a hot fusion scientist who bravely stated that there was no hope of practical technology from hot fusion in time to impact global warming.
He successfully urged the Finnish government to look at all new energy systems worldwide, in order to see what might become practical soon enough to matter.
The consulting scientist who visited us, told me MPI was the only such firm he felt was worthy of a visit in the U.S.
When he toured our solid-state laboratory he was positively impressed.
We also gave him a Confidential Report describing Over Unity achieved with a mechanical device. This is one of several prototypes with moving parts which have achieved OU in our mechanical laboratory.
Afterwards, he told me he would recommend funding support for MPI. Both for our energy work, in connection with a potential Finnish Strategic Partner, as well as for our ambient temperature Ultraconductors.
Our work is progressing much more slowly than we would like, but it contiues to move forward.
It will ultimately be tested by EarthTech.
A prototype has also been requested by a distinguished National Laboratory and will go there as well.
When products appear in the market, they will speak for themselves.
Since they all reflect science that textbooks suggest is impossible, and that open a door to rapidly reducing the need for fossil and uranium fuels, they will astonish a legion of critics. Many much better informed than this poor soul.
That, possibly near-term event, may even have the effect of causing a sharp drop in the price of oil and gas.
Re: The Wright Brothers Scam (Score: 1) by PacketSender on Monday, June 09, 2008 @ 20:38:18 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Ryan made (as he always does) well thought, factual points, yet you have the audacity to call him an ‘ignoramus’. (You even misspelled the word.) In reality, it is you, as you troll around the Internet making never-ending audacious claims, who is regarded as an ignoramus. Your tripe has been referred to by genuine scientists and appalling and funny.
You post your pleas for cash on every message board that has anything to do with energy, and you are, without exception, laughed at, ridiculed, and called a con man. I believe the shoe fits.
After calling the man names, you respond with your typical steaming load of crap: “You’ll see!” More non-facts, more phantom investment right around the corner, How long have we all heard that tired line? Wow, Mark, with every one of your BS posts, we are lead to believe (amongst other lies) that someone is about to shower you with cash (so we all better give cash and get in now while we can). Why does it always seem to dry up? Was it a lie to begin with, or was the problem that upon further inspection that potential investors also found your crap pitch appalling and funny?
Funny how your work is always ‘progressing’, yet never progresses. No wait, I know the problem, you need more angel investment. Or is the problem that your work is moving along just fine, the work being taking money from the people you manage to dupe?
Your hot fusion arguments are less than meaningless. There are real scientists, both academic and commercial, working on real theories and real models. There are peer reviewed papers, there are facts. What do you have, countless Internet postings begging for people’s money? The same tired 5+ year old song and dance
Re: The Wright Brothers Scam (Score: 1) by Overtone on Monday, June 09, 2008 @ 22:37:54 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | Hot fusion has taken billions from the pockets of taxpayers in
several countries. It has provided excellent incomes for numerous scientists.
Yes, it reflects theory in refereed papers - published in peer reviewed
journals. However, it has not produced products, nor is it likely to for many
more years. Some years ago, our local utility, PG&E, published a paper that
stated if hot fusion was ever successful, they would not be interested in using
it for power production. The neutrons produced would ruin costly equipment.
After building half of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant backwards, they finally
concluded they should not and would not build power plants in the future.
Aneutronic fusion was proposed by Bogdan Maglich back a few
decades. He experienced ridicule and ultimately his firm failed. Boron was the
proposed fuel and an outgrowth of his system has once again been proposed and
it too is having a difficult time finding funding.
Cold fusion has been ridiculed since it surfaced, in spite
of some excellent science – see the recent experiments by Arata in Japan on the
LENR-CENR website. The original Utah work was reproduced within six months by
the Hutchins group of material scientists at Stanford. They exceeded breakeven
and published in Fusion Technology, a refereed Journal. All to no avail. The
work was also reproduced at SRI International and several other labs worldwide.
Methane hydrate threatens human survival. Rapid melting of
the permafrost indicates to at least one individual who has followed the
threat, that a die off of mammels might begin in the Arctic as early as 2025.
John Atcheson wrote a brilliant OpEd piece in the Baltimore Sun in December of
2004 warning that survival of life on earth was doubtful, if projected global
warming is not abated far more rapidly than is generally understood.
The systems MPI is developing reflect new science and to
some extent new technology. In spite of absurdly modest funding, we are moving
toward marketing cost-competitive, renewable, safe, and abundant sources of
energy - never before utilized to produce electricity. Since there are no
engineering handbooks, or directly related peer reviewed papers, every step
reflects long hard lab work and field testing. Nobody has been paid more than a
fraction of their salaries for years. Yet, regardless, they keep on truckin'.
Fortunately, in spite of long delays, some of the work is at
last approaching independent tests and substantial production. We are hardly
surprised that critics believe the caterpillar will never emerge. Life is full of unexpected events…some of them
The time is ripe for the coming energy revolution. It will open a
path to sound economic growth that will benefit everyone - even those who cannot imagine it will actually materialize.
Re: The Wright Brothers Scam (Score: 1) by ryandinan on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @ 10:27:28 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Mark, The only thing I'm spewing, are the obvious facts about what you have been saying for the last 5+ years. Venom? What have I said that is not true?
You admitted to me, and others, that you have not achieved a self-sustaining, overunity device - Yet somehow, for some reason, you claim to have overuinity. I can only assume that this logic gap is creatively infered from poorly measured data and mathematical extrapolations - which, as we all here know, is not proof of overunity. Fortunately for you, you've manage to convince several rich folks to throw money at you. How unfortunate for them.
Now, in your rebuttal to this, I'm sure you'll insult me by saying "I have no idea what Im talking about", and that you have "been making some progress to get some of your stuff verified by___". Then you'll go on and on about irrelevant studies of fusion, and how the world needs clean energy. It's all smoke to try to hide the fact that you have nothing else to say about your phantom technology. If you're going to reply, TALK ABOUT YOUR DEVICE. Tell us how it works. Tell us what's used to make it. I realize, of course, that you shouldn't (or can't) give out too much detail, as you're working on getting all this patented (sure you are).
If you want support, you have to start by not acting like a con artist. Simple? Good. Now, give us some data to chew on, and not the regular bullshit.
Re: The Wright Brothers Scam (Score: 1) by Overtone on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @ 12:29:44 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | Ryan,
Overunity and self-running are not the same thing! You continue to make this error and fail to recognize it reflects ignorance.
A magnetic device that self-runs is necessarily OU. However, it must be far enough OU to provide sufficient output to overcome friction, if a mechanical device, and ordinary circuit losses, if it is solid-state.
We release details of a mechanical OU device with signed NDAs. We also demonstrate a few other systems of that type to qualified folks who have signed NDAs and visit the mechanical lab.
The same is true of solid-state work.
We have not yet claimed to have any magnetic self-running device, although it seems we will reach that goal reasonably soon.
Patent applications are public documents 18 months after filing. As a private firm, we have no interest in revealing details prior to that time, as potential competitors visit our website daily.
Once these devices are in the market, they will speak for themselves. Fortunately, that day appears to be approaching soon enough to end any long-term need to defend our progress.
Re: The Mark Goldes/MPI scam (Score: 1) by ryandinan on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @ 10:10:45 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Mark, I'm sorry, but you're just an idiot. I realize that self-running and OU are not the same thing. You don't. You're plaing games with semantics. "A magnetic device that self-runs", as you say, "is necessarily OU". While I don't agree with this statement, I'll play along. Your above quote would imply that the device has already overcome any friction, heat, electical, or any other energy sinks that would be present. Yet, you say that "it needs to be far-enough OU" to do these things. Any moron could understand, this is where the crux of the matter lies, and where physics seems to be a stubborn pain in the ass. This is why the laws of thermodynamics have still proven to be true. These "little details" is where energy is always balanced and accounted for. Yet, for some reason, you seem to think that it's not all that important.
So, now you admit you don't have anything that self-runs (i.e., definitely not OU), yet you seem to think "you will reach that goal reasonably soon". Why would you think that? Why after 5+ years of saying the same thing, has it not become apparent, that it will not happen? Frankly, I think you do realize this, but continue your rouse to relieve wealthy, naive investors of their money. After all, you're making money off of a scam. Of course, you hide behind the shroud of "research science" that always carries the risk of no R-O-I. The only problem, is that you aren't running any real scienfific study.
Once again, I'll be the first person to congratuate you, and buy your device if it ever becomes a reality. I just have 0% faith that you'll do it. Your past actions and words speak for themselves, and paint you as desparate con-artist - not a researcher. You're all fluff, and no meat. You offer no evidence of anything except a continuous barrage of worthless news releases about your non-existent, bullshit "technology".
Re: The ignorant rants by ryandman (Score: 1) by Overtone on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @ 11:41:24 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | Your very first statement reflects your ignorance. You don't necessarily agree that a magnetic device that self runs is necessarily Over Unity. Any other explanation would amaze any scientist.
Energy is always converted. Physics is an evolving science, not a religious dogma.
The laws of thermodynamics are in the process of evolving. See for example: http://www.execonn.com/maxwell/maxwells_demon.html [www.execonn.com]
Maxwell’s Pressure Demon and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
By John Marshall Dudley
Theory predicts that it should be possible to violate the second law of
thermodynamics. An experiment was constructed to evaluate the theory,
and it was found to produce power in the form of electricity from the
kinetic energy of molecules of air at room temperature. The
experimental power produced by the device over a temperature range of
20 - 55 C was within 5% of that which the theory predicted across the
entire range.
The article ends with the following paragraph:
Quantum mechanics provides an easy way to implement a version of
Maxwell’s pressure demon that produces electricity directly. This
violation of the second law of thermodynamics means that there are
possibly ways to extract useful quantities of energy directly from the
thermal energy of a gas at room temperature. This may at some future
date lead to devices that can operate on the temperature of the
environment directly. Such devices should no longer be dismissed out of
hand as impossible simply because they violate the second law of
As I have stated repeatedly, we have several magnetic devices that are Over Unity. We simply do not reveal proprietary information to the public. Superconductivty, prior to the IBM breakthrough in 1985 that earned a Nobel, was explained, in the opinion of almost all scientists, by BCS theory, which earned a Nobel some years earlier. When SC was discovered in ceramics, that forced a reexamination of the BCS theory, which did not explain the phenomena. There were numerous theories floating around for a few decades. It now appears the number has been reduced to less than ten. Our Ultraconductors are not explained by any of them. The Quantum Mechanical theory we have published in Philosophical Research B, the oldest scientific journal published in the U.S., fits the many lab experiments, but it too may be replaced by better understanding in the future. Save your congratulations. Learn some real science. Develop some wisdom. Then you would be doing the world a genuine favor. At the moment you suffer from a serious case of verbal diarrhea!
Re: The ignorant rants by ryandman (Score: 1) by ryandinan on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @ 13:23:13 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I quote Mark: "Your very first statement reflects your ignorance.
You don't necessarily agree that a magnetic device that self runs is
necessarily Over Unity. Any other explanation would amaze any scientist."
First of all Mark, for you to ASSUME that any self-running device is automatically "OU", shows your lack of competence as a scientist or researcher. There are many other factors that could be (and most definitely ARE) contributing to the operation of such a device. To just jump to a conclusion that the device must be CREATING ENERGY OUT OF NOTHING is just naive, reckless, and above all, stupid. The very definition of over-unity (i.e., over 100% efficient), is something that CREATES more energy than it consumes. That is, a net energy GAIN. I think if you were to give that explaination to a scientist, he would be amazed at your true lack of understanding.
I find it funny that in your next breath, you say "Energy is always converted." I couldn't agree with you more. SO, which is it Mark? Is your device really OU, or is it just converting energy (like a solar cell, or a wind turbine) - neither of which, by the way, are OU. It doesn't make them worthless - that is hardly the case - but, they DO require energy to make them work - and they don't put out more energy than they use. They just happen to use forms of energy that are readily available, and at virtually "no cost" to us.
And last, but not least...you're trying to use Maxwell's Demon to "prove" the theory about why your device should be able to work??? Are you really that deluded? It either works, or it doesn't. Nice attempt at another smoke screen. You should really take your own advice and learn some "real science". Oh.. and I've been suffering from verbal diarrhea? I find this humorous, coming from a man who has been spewing nothing but shit out of his mouth for years now.
Now go on, go ahead and post your diatribe, followed by the ever-persistent, irrelevant rant about someone elses theories, or how the world needs to get off fossil fuels.... You're a joke. Wacthing your attempts to save face are just tickling me pink... You should probably give up your gig here, since everyone knows your game.
Re: The ignorant rants by ryandman (Score: 1) by PacketSender on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @ 14:58:28 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Thanks ryandinan, I feel that I must quote malc here: "Phew, thanks, youv'e saved me a bit of typing"...
Mark, I was going to suggest you spew your nonsense somewhere else where you may be better received, but then I remembered that your conman style tripe hasn’t been well received anywhere out here on the net.
Re: Is he GONE? (Score: 1) by ryandinan on Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 09:06:06 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I don't know... what do you think? Did we finally scare off Mr. Goldes? Perhaps he realized that his scam wouldn't be bought or tolerated by anyone on this site? I do find it a bit strange that vlad allows his "news" articles to be continuously posted. It's not like you have to guess that Mark is running a BS operation... Maybe he'll try infecting another forum with his crapola...
Ryandinan - You Have Done an Excellent Job of Hanging Yourself! (Score: 1) by Overtone on Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 14:41:55 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | No need exists for further commentary.
Anyone with an ounce of sense, reading your deathless prose, can see your ignorance and stupidity for precisely what it is.
And those who agree with it, light themselves up as equally poorly informed.
Re: Mark posts another irrelevant, worthless post! (Score: 1) by ryandinan on Saturday, June 14, 2008 @ 21:00:44 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Wow... Mark, you must have run out of smoke and mirrors? That's all you've got? So, we have version A: "I'm ignorant and stupid." or, option B: "Anyone who agrees with me is ignorant and stupid."
You do realize, Mark, that you could save your self the trouble of these types of debates by posting some relevant, useful, scientific material related to your "technology"? But I'm also sure you realize that you have none to share with us. How about instead of you calling me ignorant and stupid, due to the fact that I simply can't take you at your "word" that you have something amazing, you provide some PROOF that you actually have something? Is that so hard?
What have you shown us to date? Any images or video of your device? No. Any 3rd party testing reports about your device being OU? No. Anything at all, that could be used to prove your tech isn't a hamster lined with tin foil? No. Just why the hell should anyone believe you have anything? Why should you be allowed to call us ignorant for not believing you? You haven't shown us anything at all!
Instead, you double talk; you contradict yourself in a single post; you confuse scientific terms and data... I mean, come on. Really?
Re: Mark posts another irrelevant, worthless post! (Score: 1) by pennies_everywhere on Monday, June 16, 2008 @ 01:12:12 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Is there any other kind of post from Mark Goldes?
I propose that we stick to undisputed facts:
*Energy from a source that doesn't consume any, or any appreciable fuel as we know it, that could be delivered cheaply and in abundance would be worth a lot of money. And assuming it didn't create pollution problems of its own might well help solve some serious pollution problems. *Mark wants money to fund his claimed developments. *Mark claims current possession of at least five OU devices. *Mark has claimed possession of working OU devices since at least 2004. *Verification by independent test of any OU device would send a tsunami of funding offers to Mark. *Mark has claimed since at least late 2005 that he would be submitting one or more devices to independent tests "in a few weeks". *Mark has refused, and continues to refuse to submit any of his claimed OU devices to independent test. *Mark recently claimed to have a Maxwell demon based power source that had: powered a golf cart for 120 miles, powerd a 204 HP motor for over 150 hours, and powered an electric car for almost 5000 miles. *Mark has not provided any verifiable evidence of those claims. *Mark now claims that the devices from 2004 to 2007 are broken and MPI doesn't know how to fix them. *Mark admits that the patent application submitted in 2005 does not describe a working device. *Complaints against MPI have allegedly been filed with both the Sonoma County District Attorney ( Steorn forum poster Alsetalokin ), and now the SEC by Todd Hathaway.
As for opinion, mine is that the noose is closing in on Mark and his unmitigated investment fraud. After decades of bilking investors, it is about freaking time.
Re: Mark posts another irrelevant, worthless post! (Score: 1) by ryandinan on Monday, June 16, 2008 @ 14:19:09 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Thanks Pennies - I knew you'd have some specific points to show. Will Mark respond? Probably. I'm sure he'll say something to attempt to diffuse some of those points... and Im sure he'll end up, as he always does, by ending his rebuttal with some useless, irrelevant story about GW or some other crap.
So, let's hear it Mark! Let's see what ya got! We're prepared to be amazed and wow'ed by your defense.
From Suppression of New Ideas and Innovation (Score: 1) by Overtone on Monday, June 16, 2008 @ 14:44:40 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | "Many scientists and scholars know that
disagreeing with the dominant view is risky, especially when that view is
backed by powerful interest groups. When someone presents a new research,
unconventional or unpopular scientific view, or comes out with a new way of
doing things that threatens a powerful interest group, typically a government,
industry or professional body, representatives of that group attack the
innovator's ideas and the innovator personally. Such attacks are
carried out by censoring writing, blocking publications, withdrawing or denying
grants, taking legal actions, or spreading rumors."
To the surprise of self-certain critics, MPI technologies will enter markets in the not-too-distant future. That is how, and when, we will answer.
No further comment will be forthcoming here.
Re: BS Claims of New Ideas and Innovation (Score: 1) by pennies_everywhere on Tuesday, June 17, 2008 @ 02:00:31 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Mark where have you ever presented new research? The fact is that you haven't ever presented any evidence in support of your wholly fantastical claims. Until you show evidence of an innovation, you insult all actual inventors with your false claims to invention. Until you show evidence of actual scientific development, you insult the entire scientific community with your empty claims of "new science". As to personal attacks, you led your first post in this thread with an unsubstantiated personal attack on Ryan, with the false assertion he spewed venom.
Based on: your track record of never delivering, and total lack of evidence that MPI has any technology, it's a safe bet that your claim: "MPI technologies will enter markets in the not-too-distant future" is just more empty hubris.
Of course you don't want to comment, you have no defense for your brazen fraud. It now looks like disgruntled investors are putting your fraud in front of the SEC and who knows who else. Is that why you pulled your 5/28 blog from www.energyblogs.com [www.energyblogs.com]? You know, that would be your post where you claimed possession of a Maxwell Demon that powered an electric car for almost 5000 miles. Don't worry Mark, the stored PDF of that posting will find its way to the right folks. When you can't produce that car what are you going to say? Will you claim that the MiB came and stole it? After far too long the circle is closing on you.
Re: From Suppression of New Ideas and Innovation (Score: 1) by ryandinan on Tuesday, June 17, 2008 @ 10:08:10 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I quote Mark: "When someone presents a new research,
unconventional or unpopular scientific view, or comes out with a new way of
doing things that threatens a powerful interest group, typically a government,
industry or professional body, representatives of that group attack the
innovator's ideas and the innovator personally."
Let's see which of these you have actually done:
1) Presents new research - NO. Nothing has been presented, at least to the public which you "advertise" to. 2) Presents an unconventional scientific view - YES. Certainly, the claim of OU is unpopular and unconventional in the scientific community. And you, like many before you, have not provided a shred of evidence that you have anything that works. I believe most earnest energy researchers are working on harnessing untapped energy resources, and are not after OU. You Mark, seem to confuse these two ideas in your own description of your "technology". 3) Comes out with a new way of doing things that threatens a powerful interest group - NO. First, Mark, you need to have a way of doing something that doesn't involve ripping people off. As far as the "powerful interest group", in my opinion, you're worse than the big oil companies.
So - the only thing you have actually done, is claim an unpopular scientific view - and you haven't even done that well. Like I said, you don't know the difference between "OU" and a device "seems to power itself" - like a windmill or a solar cell. You admit that energy must always be conserved, but you don't describe, scientifically, where your fantasical energy source comes from! We all assume you want us to think it somehow comes from magnets, but we aren't that naive. Like Pennies said, you're just insulting (and damaging) the real researchers out there. Way to go.
Re: MPI: Scam (Score: 1) by pennies_everywhere on Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 02:51:15 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | A burned investor in MPI has filed a formal complaint with the Securities and Exchange Commission against Mark Goldes. On PESWIKI an individual identifiying themselves as an "MPI Associate" charges that Mark Goldes sold stock and warrants to unsophisticated ( implies unacredited ) investors and creditors.
In the meantime, Goldes currently asserts wild claims of machines that "convert ambient heat" to electrical power ... a lot of it. He claims in one case an electric car that has run nearly 5000 miles, and in another a 204 HP electric outboard motor. Inexplicably, but unsurprisingly for Mark Goldes, he offers no actual evidence of the existence or performance of his claimed devices. It is a safe bet that even with all these free electricity generators, MPI's offices still draw all of their electricity needs from the public utility.
MPI technology will not need McCain's $300 million prize. (Score: 1) by Overtone on Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 15:11:51 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | FRESNO, Calif. (AP) - John McCain is hoping to solve the country's energy crisis with cold hard cash.
The presumed Republican nominee on Monday proposed a $300 million
government prize to whoever can develop an automobile battery that far
surpasses existing technology. The bounty would equate to $1 for every
man, woman and child in the country, "a small price to pay for helping
to break the back of our oil dependency," McCain said at Fresno State University. [search.breitbart.com]
McCain said such a device should deliver power at 30 percent of current
costs and have "the size, capacity, cost and power to leapfrog the
commercially available plug-in hybrids or electric cars." The
Arizona senator also proposed stiffer fines for automakers who skirt
existing fuel-efficiency standards, as well as incentives to increase
use of domestic and foreign alcohol-based fuels such as ethanol. In addition, a so-called Clean Car Challenge would provide U.S. automakers [search.breitbart.com] with a $5,000 tax credit [search.breitbart.com] for every zero-carbon emissions car they develop and sell.
"In the quest for alternatives to oil, our government has thrown around
enough money subsidizing special interests and excusing failure," said
McCain. "From now on, we will encourage heroic efforts in engineering,
and we will reward the greatest success." The proposal comes
as gasoline has reached a record cost of more than $4 a gallon. That
has boosted the price of virtually all goods and services, sent
commuters flocking to public transportation and increased tensions
between the United States and its Middle Eastern oil suppliers.
To the astonishment of a cadre of self-certain, arrogant skeptics, MPI technology will prove in independent laboratory tests - long before the November election - that existing technology can recharge batteries, for everything from cell phones to electric cars, with no need to plug-in. This will be followed by independent laboratory tests of magnetic technology that will ultimately replace batteries. For good measure, ambient temperature Ultraconductors will surface a bit later. These can do everything a superconductor can do at ambient temperature.
As the red queen says in Alice in Wonderland: "I always need to believe in six impossible things before breakfast". And Uncle Sam will not have to give us (or anyone else) a $300 million prize.
Mark Goldes
"Six impossible things before breakfast." (Score: 1) by Overtone on Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 15:28:42 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | The quote should have read:
"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Re: MPI technology will not need McCain's $300 million prize. (Score: 1) by PacketSender on Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 18:21:37 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Six paragraphs about John McCain, current gasoline prices, a proposal, and a prize. Six paragraphs that have less then nothing to do with MPI and preceding string of critical posts that deal with nothing but facts. Six paragraphs of typical Mark Goldes hoopla that amounts to the same as it always does – NOTHING. Five paragraphs, in bold, no less, that are again nothing more than typical Mark Goldes pitiful nonsense. MPI will prove this, MPI will prove that, independent labs, magnetic technology, blah, blah, blah. We’ve all heard this tired routine ad nauseum. Your nonstop claims of forthcoming proof have long since failed to be laughable and have become nothing less than pathetic. Please spare us all your quotes and ramblings. I would imagine your time would be better served by preparing for the litigation that most probably awaits you. The proof you need to come up with is to be able to show a judge that you haven’t squandered all the money you’ve taken from people for the last 10 or so years. If I were you I would consider an insanity defense, my guess is that a judge would believe it.
Re: MPI technology will not need McCain's $300 million prize. (Score: 1) by pennies_everywhere on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 @ 13:26:55 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Skeptics would be arrogant if they disregarded available evidence. They do not. You however state that you welcome skepticism of your completely unevidenced claims, while decrying skeptics in the next breath. It is an astonishing self-contradiction.
You have been promising independent laboratory tests "in a few weeks" for almost four years now. As packetsender and others note, it is a pathetic refrain. Even as you repeat that refrain, you post inane excuses for why you do not submit any of your claimed working OU devices for test now. Just how stupid does one have to be to take you at your self discredited word?
The standard test for superconductivity, or any conductivity much higher than Ag is an L/R decay test. No such test has ever been performed on your polymer materials.
Given that you haven't done one impossible thing in 25 years, you've got a lot of catching up to do. Perhaps prison will afford you the free time to work on that.
Since you don't have any battery technology, or any of the "free energy" technologies you claim, you aren't eligible for McCain's proposed prize.
Given your apparent investment swindles based on your fraudulant free energy claims, you may well be eligible for prizes where you pay restitution. Why you may even get an all expenses paid extended stay at a state hotel. The accomodations are a bit Spartan though. Perhaps that securities lawyer you say has been assisting you throughout may even join you.