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Cars As Power Plants?/ Will Your Next Car Sell Power to the Grid? [NEW]
Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 @ 00:08:06 UTC by vlad
Some years ago, an electric utility executive stated that if cars could ever generate an average of 75 kW (100 hp) -- he believed his Company would shut down all of their coal burning and nuclear power plants and instead purchase electricity from parked automobiles. That is now an achievable goal. The basic concept has been investigated, by the Electric Power Research Institute and Pacific Gas & Electric Company, among others, for fuel cells. Magnetic energy conversion systems -- fuel-free, much less expensive and potentially near-term, will shortly overcome the very understandable skepticism in the scientific community. Google and PG&E recently cooperated in a power feed demonstration from a modified hybrid electric car. The article that follows details some of the more interesting possibilities that can now be seriously considered. Note especially the extraordinary, positive, implications for China and India.
Car manufacturers have begun to monitor our website. We invite them to investigate and adopt magnetic systems, accelerating their development -- which could readily take place around the clock -- given the problems of oil importation and climate change. Prompt action can restore the domestic auto industry and give the nation and the economy a much needed boost. Imagine parking garages in major cities with signs out front that say: "Park Here - We Pay More" -- reversing several of the assumptions we make about energy and vehicles in the process?
Mark Goldes , Chairman & CEO, Magnetic Power Inc.
Hi Vlad,
Before submitting the article on cars as power plants, I tried
to find a phone number or e-mail address for the author, without
I finally discovered a snail mail address, Express Mailed him a
copy of my edit and asked for his cooperation.
He responded that the
IEEE holds the Copyright and would object to having it published. He was also
uncomfortable with my changes.
So, I have written an alternative piece
and would appreciate your removing the existing post and replacing it with this
brand new article of my own.
Sorry about that...
Mark Goldes
Chairman & CEO
Magnetic Power
301A North Main Street
Sebastopol, CA 95473
707 829-9391
707 829-1002 fax
Will Your Next Car Sell Power to the Grid? by Mark Goldes, Chairman & CEO
Parked cars will soon become power plants. Imagine being paid for the electricity generated while your car is parked at work. Magnetic Power Modules™ will be able to replace engines and power vehicles. Power generated while your car is parked can be sold to the local utility.
A power company executive once stated that if cars, using new technology that would supersede fossil fuels, could be designed to generate an average of 75 kW (100 hp) – the utility he worked for would shut down all of their coal burning and nuclear power plants and instead purchase electricity from parked automobiles. Current laboratory progress at MPI makes that possible.
The basic concept, of providing power to the power grid from parked automobiles, has long been investigated by the Electric Power Research Institute for fuel cells. Google and Pacific Gas & Electric Co. recently cooperated in a power feed to the grid demonstration, utilizing a modified hybrid electric car. The moment has arrived to consider this soon to be practical application of MPI power generation technology to climate change and oil importation.
China is launching an average of two coal burning plants a day. Chinese air pollution is impacting the West coast of the USA. Climate scientists recently emphasized we have only eight to ten years prior to a tipping point, before fossil fuel will cause irreversible, catastrophic problems, including the loss of millions of human lives by 2050 or before. The time has clearly arrived for urgent and profound change. Solar, wind, and non-food based biofuels all can make small contributions, but nuclear plants, which typically take a decade to begin operation, cannot impact this worldwide emergency.
A Revolutionary New Source of Electricity
Magnetic energy conversion systems can be constructed both with and without moving parts. Those under development by Magnetic Power, Inc. include solid-state generators. These Magnetic Power Modules can be scaled down to power cell phones and other electronic devices. They can also be scaled up to run cars. Unlike batteries they do not need to be recharged.
By next year, MPI will launch a production version of a 1 kW Module, measuring perhaps 5” x 8” x 12”, about the size of a 12 pack of soda. Energy density will improve as development proceeds. When larger units emerge from the laboratory, three 25 kW Modules will occupy no more space than a present day automotive engine and fuel tank. Linked together, three of these MPI generators will be able to provide 75 kW.
Magnetic Power Modules generate electricity without the need for fuel or any connection to a conventional outside energy source. Experiments have repeatedly demonstrated that the effect is real. Further engineering is all that remains necessary to make this remarkable discovery a permanent, low-cost, source of electricity.
These new systems -- inherently inexpensive and potentially near-term, fall outside of presently accepted science. However, demonstrations (here and abroad) are beginning to convince the scientific community of the reality of magnetic energy conversion systems. That process will inevitably accelerate.
The Present Power Paradigm
Utilities usually generate power in large plants, often 1,000 Megawatts or more. Long transmission lines are usually needed to carry the electricity produced many miles to the wall socket in a home or business.
Distributed Generation facilities at the point of use are slowly coming on line as an alternative. Although sometimes solar powered, they are often engines or microturbines requiring fuel, generating perhaps 5 to 500 kW.
By far the majority of power plants presently burn coal, oil or natural gas. Renewables, such as hydroelectric, solar, wind, etc. presently contribute a minor percentage to the total. Nuclear plants provide most of the remainder.
Cars Inherently Contain a Power Plant
A typical automobile has an engine capable of producing substantial power. On average perhaps 100 hp (75 kW). However, in so doing, it consumes fuel and produces pollution. Therefore we have no desire to utilize existing cars as sources of power to the utility grid.
In recent years, car makers have looked at several alternatives. Hybrid electric vehicles are rapidly gaining in popularity. Equipping such hybrids, or completely electric cars such as the Tesla Roadster, with a large complement of Lithium based batteries and the capability of recharging from a wall socket at night is an emerging trend. However, a worldwide shortage of Lithium is currently forecast, just as widespread use of batteries based on that highly reactive metal are beginning to be used to power automobiles.
Hybrid cars presently utilize a fuel burning engine. However, in at least one design, the Chevrolet VOLT, the engine does not power the car directly, but is only used to recharge the batteries of an electric drive system. GM has recently announced accelerated efforts to replace the need for an engine with a fuel cell. Fuel cells are similar to a battery that is continuously recharged by a fuel. In most cases the fuel is hydrogen. Service stations will need to be equipped to supply hydrogen on a widespread basis. This requires a multi-billion dollar infrastructure expenditure. It cannot be put in place rapidly.
A Practical Program to Turn Cars into Power Plants
Car manufacturers have begun to monitor MPI’s website. We invite them to investigate and evaluate Magnetic Power Modules. Increased levels of support will rapidly accelerate development. Given the problems of oil importation and climate change, it seems reasonable to move the necessary engineering and technical work onto an around the clock 24/7 schedule.
Next year MPI plans to build a pair of 1 kW prototypes in order to demonstrate that they can clearly eliminate the need to plug-in a car, such as a Prius, that has been converted into a plug-in hybrid.
Every automobile manufacturer examining such a simple demonstration will readily see the potential to eliminate the need for connecting to the grid or recharge batteries. Many power plants burn coal or oil, thus the positive environmental impact of the MPI alternative will be immediately obvious.
Since these Modules can replace batteries, the need for Lithium cells will be superseded. The problems that have occurred with Lithium in laptops need no elaboration. In addition, a shortage of Lithium looms. Magnetic Power Modules require no exotic materials. They can reasonably be expected to outlast the life of the vehicle.
Modules producing 25 kW, or more, can be developed to replace any need for engines or fuel cells. Three or more such Modules will be designed to provide the power required for performance identical to many present production automobiles. A few, off-the-shelf, ultracapacitors will be employed to provide acceleration as well as capture regenerative energy when braking.
General Motors recently announced it is putting 500 technical people into an accelerated fuel-cell development program. This is in addition to 150 more in their research laboratories. The goal appears to be completion of that program within six years. A massive effort to provide widespread distribution of hydrogen fuel would have to be born in parallel in order to have practical impact.
With a similar commitment of resources, MPI’s Magnetic Power Modules could be ready for mass production in cars in an even shorter time frame.
The Coming Automotive Power Production Revolution
Cars as mobile power plants will provide many advantages. They can be coupled to the electric utility grid with a plug, or inductively coupled by means of specially equipped parking spaces in public garages, parking lots and even on streets and in homes. Inductive coupling would require no wires between the car and the parking space.
Photovoltaic systems provide examples of similar problems that existed in connecting to the grid. These have been overcome during the past few decades. Most utilities can now readily accommodate homes and business establishments with solar panels on the roof. Some power companies purchase the surplus power produced. Others run the meter backwards.
Disasters such as hurricanes, ice storms, tornados and earthquakes cause major power failures. Ordinary storms and falling trees also cause blackouts. When large numbers of vehicles are feeding power to the grid, while parked, all such events will cause fewer and less lengthy power interruptions.
Terrorist attacks on power plants and distribution systems are a little discussed but ever present threat. The effects can much more readily be contained and minimized with a decentralized power grid, purchasing power from thousands of cars, trucks and busses while they are parked.
Parking lots could become power substations. Many will be capable of providing several Megawatts of electricity when fully occupied.
Let’s Get Started
This is a program that can begin with one or two car manufacturers and cooperating utilities. Prompt, private sector, action can restore the domestic auto industry and give the nation and the economy a much needed boost. Government and the remainder of the world’s auto manufacturers will inevitably follow.
Once cars equipped with fuel-free Magnetic Power Modules become available, few consumers will want to purchase a vehicle that consumes fuel.
China, India and the remainder of the developing world, aspire to attain our standard of living. At the moment, the route they are following will massively accelerate climate change. The rapid evolution of this remarkable new technology can transform that problem into an opportunity.
Imagine parking garages in major cities with signs out front that say: "Park Here - We Pay More" – reversing, in a single stroke, several of the assumptions we make about energy and vehicles in the process.
© 2007 Magnetic Power Inc. All rights reserved.
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"Cars As Power Plants?/ Will Your Next Car Sell Power to the Grid? [NEW]" | Login/Create an Account | 7 comments | Search Discussion |
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Re: Cars As Power Plants? (Score: 1) by malc on Friday, June 22, 2007 @ 03:04:22 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | DUH! Yes we all know this. we can all do the math and work out what size power modules we could conceivably put into cars, trains, houses, boats, factories etc etc
The problem is that nobody can purchase such a module. None exist. If they existed we would be buying them, the manufacturer would be a billionare within a year, no more reliance on oil and keeping our toes in the middle east, no more global warming CO2 issues and a huge boost to the living conditions of everybody. Such a module would transform the world.
We all know this, we just tire of the constant "I have a solution but....." which is what this article is. |
Re: Cars As Power Plants? (Score: 1) by Denyarvas on Friday, June 22, 2007 @ 05:50:58 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Hello again Mark, You mentioned a demo scheduled for sometime in the near future. Please let us know again when that was to be. We need to see something working that we can purchase as "malc" has stated. I only hope your not cutting a deal with PG&E that will wind up pricing these modules out the window. You may remember reading in the paper about them being part of the group that was "busted" for price fixing and fraud for builking the public and businesses for millions of dolloars for years in the sell of electric power. Do you have a schedule of any demos you can share with us. |
Re: Cars As Power Plants? (Score: 1) by Rastahal on Saturday, June 23, 2007 @ 13:27:47 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://truthbells.com | Hello, Denyarvas I think your ideas about PG&E and the price fixing that occured are incorrect. I work for PG&E, we were victims of the price fixing, NOT the cause. The group you speak of is an Enron group. We were in bankruptcy for three years because of this. Get your facts straight, or if you need more specific information that supports my claim, I would be glad to supply you.
rh |
Re: Cars As Power Plants! (Score: 1) by Overtone on Friday, June 22, 2007 @ 16:42:30 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | MPI is a development firm and not a manufacturer. Five major domestic companies are now interested in our technology. One may joint-venture production.
Some of these firms have signed NDAs in order to evaluate our work. As each completes that process, they will proceed to determine their own production plans. Present indications are that various sized Modules, up to 1 kW, are likely to be fabricated next year. The companies presently interested are likely to manufacture only for internal use, in products they produce. As more manufacturers enter the picture, availability to the public will inevitably follow.
With our consent, a consultant applied to present our work, in late August, at a Conference. The organizers did not see fit to invite the presentation. Although MPI has since initiated discussions with a firm that arranges public presentations, we have not yet decided on an alternative.
Re: Cars As Power Plants? (Score: 1) by lvong on Friday, June 22, 2007 @ 19:41:54 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | there are way too many concerns to solve at the moment for this issue and most likely will be a long long way into the future if it happens at all. Electric generators [www.poweredgenerators.com] are always in need but there has to be a find balance as where the source is coming from, feasibility, and too many others to fit in. |
Re: Cars As Power Plants?/ Will Your Next Car Sell Power to the Grid? [NEW] (Score: 1) by remmer on Saturday, August 07, 2010 @ 17:31:18 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | This idea is awesome and I do hope it becomes a widely used alternative. How's the development so far? I maintain a site dedicated to Silent Generators [silentgenerator.net] and would love to feature your ideas in it. If you have material that you can send to my email, im.greystone at gmail dot com, I would really appreciate it. Thanks for this brilliant information.