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MPI - Updated Executive Summary
Posted on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 @ 20:39:47 UTC by vlad

Investors MPI’s Mission

MPI’s mission is to supply the world with clean, abundant, and inexpensive electricity.

The company is developing technology it calls Magnetic Power ModulesTM. Based upon proprietary breakthrough discoveries in MPI’s labs, Magnetic Power Modules are being designed that operate continuously, without fuel, extracting electricity by converting abundant, renewable, Virtual Photon Flux (VPF), an energy source that exists everywhere in the universe. The process will create no pollution. The cost of electricity is estimated to be significantly less than any competing form of power generation today or in the foreseeable future.

Magnetic Power Modules will be scaled to a wide range of applications. They appear suitable for the relatively small power needs of consumer devices up through the massive needs of power generation plants.

Magnetic Power Modules Range of Applications

Application/ Output
Consumer devices - cell phones, laptop computers, etc./ A few watts
Portable and emergency generators / 1kW (Kilowatt)
Homes / 4 or more kW
Modular units for distributed power generation (DG)/ 50 kW or more
Vehicle propulsion / Up to 150 kW
Aerospace industry and power plants/ 1 mW (Megawatt)

Prototypes are currently being built in MPI laboratories. A proof-of-concept of one design was recently evaluated by a distinguished Electrical Engineer. He felt it was analogous to the early work on the transistor, which eventually led to a Nobel Prize and the creation of Silicon Valley. The first in a series of patent applications was published in July, 2006. During 2007, this newer design could yield a 1 kW self-sustaining generator perhaps 5”x5”x16” in size. A plug-in hybrid car may become a prototype powered by VPF for local driving, by the year end.

The commercial potential of Magnetic Power Modules is huge, with applications throughout the roughly $2 trillion worldwide market for energy. The Company forecasts rapidly growing revenues and profits, with revenues beginning in 2007. Positive impacts on global social, economic, and environmental conditions are anticipated.

As we establish the commercial viability of Magnetic Power Modules in proprietary labs operated by the Company, MPI will implement a global partnering, patenting and licensing strategy to catalyze worldwide adoption of the technology. This strategy maximizes chances of ongoing success by:

1) generating early contract revenues and investment through key strategic alliances;
2) protecting MPI’s proprietary technology with a formidable patent portfolio;
3) building a foundation to support worldwide market adoption of MPI technology.

Revenues from licenses of Magnetic Power Modules are conservatively projected to exceed $1 billion annually by 2011.

2007: $25 million; 2008: $100 million; 2009: $300 million; 2010: $600 million, 2011: $1 b.
If market conditions are right, the Company will consider an Initial Public Offering within three years, providing investors with an attractive exit strategy.

Virtual Photon Flux -- A Brief Overview

Conventional wisdom suggests we will be dependent on oil, gas, coal and nuclear power for the foreseeable future. Alternative energy sources are thought to be limited to solar, wind, fuel cells, biofuels, and other solutions with little chance of rapidly replacing oil, gas, coal and nuclear power. However, a far more vital family of energy conversion processes has begun to emerge, which we believe may be accurately described as Virtual Photon Flux (VPF) energy conversion. VPF holds the promise of cost competitive electric power and automotive propulsion. VPF extraction processes consume no fuel in the traditional sense and produce no pollution.

Scientists have long been aware the earth is immersed in an extremely dense sea of energy that permeates every nook and cranny of the universe. For many years, only visionaries like Nikola Tesla recognized this huge reservoir could be a source of usable energy. Tesla, the genius who gave birth to alternating current, said in a talk to electrical engineers in 1891: "Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. …Throughout space there is energy.” A growing number of scientists and engineers consider it possible to tap energy from space for practical use.

MPI engineers have determined that our experiments, which extract energy from what we term Quantum Dynamos, lead directly to practical, cost-effective, technology. We have concluded that our generators are converting a limitless source often referred to as Zero Point Energy. When magnetic systems are employed, this is best described by the term, Virtual Photon Flux (VPF).

MPI’s proprietary technology extracts VPF by utilizing the interaction of magnetic fields. This concept has long fascinated inventors. Nobel physicist Werner Heisenberg is quoted as stating: “We could utilize magnetism as an energy source”. The first successful example was built by Wesley Gary in 1874 and shown to Harvard and MIT professors. Hans Coler, a German inventor supported by the German Admiralty, demonstrated a working 6 Kilowatt, solid-state, magnetic "space energy receiver” in 1937. His work was destroyed by an Allied bomb during WWII. At the time, there was no comprehension as to the source of the energy. Coler wrote: “These fundamental researches…have made the first real and large breach in the citadel of present scientific belief.”

VPF conversion devices have been prototyped in laboratories throughout the world. MPI has a team of outstanding engineers developing pre-commercial generators leading to the development of Demonstration Devices and toys as well as immediately practical designs. Prototype 100 Watt generators are anticipated in the first half of 2007. 1 kW Modules will follow and are a goal for the year end. Modules can be combined for greater power output, in a manner analogous to solar cells. A prototype hybrid automotive power system may be demonstrated late in 2007. Megawatt modules will follow with additional development.

If MPI and others developing related technologies succeed, this heralds the beginning of a profound transition in the global economy and the quality of life on earth. Great numbers of new jobs will emerge. Energy independence is likely to be realized by all countries, large and small, rich and poor. Reversing the rising prices of gas and oil, as well as reducing air pollution -- and slowing what is becoming extremely dangerous global warming, is inherent in the achievement. MPI management believes this is likely to be a near-term event.

A Brief History of MPI

In recent decades, the search for clean, commercially viable sources of energy has been the goal of many inventors, scientists and visionaries, including MPI founder, CEO and Chairman, Mark Goldes.

In 1984, a magnetic system that seemed promising came to his attention and MPI began that year. The firm was incorporated in 1987, to acquire and commercialize breakthrough technologies for electricity generation and distribution. MPI engineers and scientists have closely scrutinized many technologies and devices claiming such advances. From the hundreds examined in this rigorous process, only two have survived to become core MPI technologies: Magnetic Power Modules, described above, and superconducting polymers the Company calls UltraconductorsTM, a product being developed in an MPI subsidiary company called RTS (Room Temperature Superconductors, Inc.). As the emergence of commercially practical energy technology in the parent has ended the need for RTS to be a separate firm, it will become a Division of MPI later this year.

Ultraconductors are the commercial equivalent of a room temperature superconductor. They result from more than twenty years of published, peer reviewed, scientific research, including fourteen years of development. Scientific American has said the development of such a superconductor would “surely initiate a second industrial revolution.” Potential markets are estimated in multiple billions of dollars.

In 1995, MPI was awarded a Phase I, Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract by the U.S. Air Force to identify early commercial applications of Ultraconductors. Following Ultraconductor tests by the USAF, a highly competitive Phase II SBIR contract was awarded to MPI. The two MPI contracts — and two additional SBIR awards which went to RTS – were completed by the RTS scientific team. Ultraconductors have now been independently reproduced and tested in the U.S. by Fractal Systems Inc., under a USAF contract.

More information about RTS, along with a business plan in a password protected area, can be found on the website: www.ultraconductors.com MPI and RTS technologies are highly synergistic. Plans for the RTS subsidiary include a sale to a strategic partner, a larger firm, or perhaps even an IPO, within two to three years.

Some Key MPI People

Mark Goldes - Chairman and CEO – Founded the non-profit Aesop Institute and began full-time work to uncover alternatives to fossil and uranium fuels in 1973. Earlier served as Chairman and CEO of the Aesop Company, a specialized financial consulting firm, and later founded SunWind Ltd., a renewable energy company, as the first Institute commercial affiliate. MPI was the second commercial firm to be born as an Institute affiliate. Mr. Goldes is also Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO of Room Temperature Superconductors Inc., MPI’s subsidiary. Bio: http://www.zoominfo.com/Search/PersonDetail.aspx?PersonID=56175561

Henry Waxman - President and Chief Operating Officer – Named Entrepreneur of the Year in 1991 by Ernst and Young, Mr. Waxman has spent the last 20+ years in entrepreneurial ventures with positive social and environmental impact. In 1995 he created his third company, MM Reserves, Ltd. (MMRL), a consulting firm focusing on startups, pre-revenue or turn-around situations. For more information see: http://www.zoominfo.com/Search/PersonDetail.aspx?PersonID=129098092

Sue Engle - Corporate Secretary & Project Manager - After a decade of Backstage Management in music, film and television in her native Britain, Europe, and later N.Y. and L.A., Ms. Engle performed Project Management and Product Development with The Children's Group’s several major children's toy catalogs. In 1993, she began overseeing manufacturing in Asia, including development of products from early design stage to final shipment. She also inspected factories for compliance with decent worker and environmental practices and materials sourcing. In 1999, she established her own company, Marble Hill, focusing on product development and manufacturing in Asia, working with individuals and existing domestic companies.

Dr. Kevin Shambrook – Scientific Consultant – Dr. Shambrook was previously a Senior Project Manager with Hughes Aircraft Co. and a Vice President at Doric Scientific Inc. His work experience spans 30 years and includes the management of diverse engineering and manufacturing projects, corporate planning, and new product introductions. Dr. Shambrook earned his Ph.D. at UCLA. For fourteen years he served as President, Chief Scientist, and co-founder of MPI’s subsidiary company, Room Temperature Superconductors Inc.

Funding Status

MPI and RTS together have raised a total of more than $8 million in capital provided by private Angel investors. Included was $4 million directly, and another $1 million indirectly, invested in our RTS subsidiary. A total of $600,000 was provided by the four completed U.S. government contracts related to Ultraconductors.

E-Mail: magneticpower@gmail.com



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"MPI - Updated Executive Summary" | Login/Create an Account | 20 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: MPI - Updated Executive Summary (Score: 1)
by sparks35 on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 @ 22:25:59 UTC
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And I can buy one of these at Home Depot when?

Re: MPI - Updated Executive Summary (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 @ 23:03:03 UTC
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This year some time... just don't quote me.

Re: MPI - Updated Executive Summary (Score: 1)
by malc on Thursday, February 22, 2007 @ 00:38:25 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley
We know all about the MPI modules. We know that there are demo devices etc  etc etc. We know that a public device is imminent. After all this kind of claim has been posted many times before for quite a long time. We do not want yet another posting telling us the same thing. What we want is the ability to purchase one NOW or rather purchase one as soon as we read a posting that they are in production.  Anything less adds to the total skepticism about the claim.

Re: MPI - Updated Executive Summary (Score: 1)
by bender772 on Thursday, February 22, 2007 @ 03:52:13 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.suppressedscience.net
I would like to know when we can buy demonstration devices. An update posted on August 16th, 2006 said "Next year, desktop Demonstration Devices will light a few LEDs and spin a small fan. They will serve to prove that these remarkable machines are real. " http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2010 I hope that these will be available soon, so we can buy them and show them to physics teachers and professors, journalists and politicians.

Re: MPI - Production Generators and Demo Devices (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Thursday, February 22, 2007 @ 06:46:51 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com
MPI is a licensing firm and not a manufacturer.

We expect prototypes of both solid-state 100 watt and later 1 kW generators and rotary Desktop Demonstration Devices will be in the hands of licensed manufacturers later this year.

How long it takes them to gear up for production and begin shipping product is impossible to predict.

Development proceeds more slowly than it might with additional working capital.

The shortage of funding that began for all high tech firms without revenue with the dot.com crash in 2002, appears to be ending. It has been especially tough to find capital for firms working with science that is understandably not yet widely accepted.

MPI is presently discussing very substantial major investment with several potential large investors and Strategic Partners.

Modest sums from a few Accredited Angels could close what appears to be a small remaining gap. That could sharply speed progress toward the market.


Re: MPI - Production Generators and Demo Devices (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Monday, February 26, 2007 @ 14:17:26 UTC
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Didn't you just have a posting about all of this... a couple weeks ago?  Why the push here?
Like others have stated, stop wasting time posting here, and get the things out to the public to view.  Telling us "Sometime this year... but don't quote me." is of ZERO value and insulting.  Why even say anything at all?

If "prototypes" are supposed to be "in the hands of licensed manufacturers later this year", then that means there is next to zero chance that we (the public) would be able to BUY one this year.

Since you are unwilling to even show off your "rotary desktop demo device", why should we even consider the possibility that you have "solid-state" generators?  It seems like two, very different technologies, working in very different ways.  If you have really achieved a solid-state device, why even continue wasting time on "rotary devices"??

Come on man, let's cease the "same-old, same-old" postings, and give us something NEW and USEFUL.  Nobody here cares anymore, unless you show us something credible - not with Steorn and their whole media jamboree...



Re: MPI - Production Generators and Demo Devices (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Monday, February 26, 2007 @ 16:06:54 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com


This update includes as much as we are willing to say, at this time, about our latest solid-state design. Of the half-dozen systems without moving parts the firm is developing, this latest one seems the easiest and least expensive to manufacture. Many electronics plants, worldwide, are likely to prove capable of rapidly putting it into production.

During the Cold War, I served as a Senior Director of the USAF/NATO radar that controlled the U.S. supervised Berlin Corridor. Radar stations operate 24/7, which was done by having four complete crews. If capital is adequate rapidly enough, four teams of technicians and engineers can speed development of this urgently needed technology. The solid-state lab is large enough to accommodate them. Should a manufacturer decide to work with us the same way, it is possible for generators to reach the market, assuming parts can be delivered promptly enough, by the end of this year. The odds may be slim, but they are not impossible.

Rotary generators are useful for Desktop Demonstration Devices and later toys. They will force closed minds, which thus far insure a perpetual commotion, to reexamine dogmatically held erroneous beliefs. They also will have niche markets that may prove larger than you might imagine.



Re: MPI - Production Generators and Demo Devices (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Monday, February 26, 2007 @ 18:27:48 UTC
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With all due respect, this update includes nothing new than what has been said in the past.  As much as I'd like your technology to be true, you are sure doing a good job of doing the exact opposite of what you hope to achieve.

The bottom line is that you are requesting money from investors.  I'll say this once more, and then I'm done trying to make my point;

IF you really, really have the technology that you claim, you would gain all the capital you need by simply doing a public demonstration that is transparent enough for even the hardened skeptic.  This is quite simple actually, and does not need to go the lengths as to what STEORN is attempting.  Hook up a load to your device, and run it for a week in public view.  That should generate enough interest to get skeptics to try to debunk it.  When they fail, or at least can't come up with an easy explaination as to how it is powering the load, you will have then attracted all the money you need.  The proof is in the pudding.

Now, stop begging for money here if it works.  Quit blaming the constant delays on "lack of capital".  That's horseshit.  If you have really been showing this to (several) manufacturers, THEY would immediately fund further development themselves!  They're not going to lose potential market share  to other licensees on something this amazing, while they wait for YOU to scrounge up some money from angel investors!!!  I know this for FACT.  Hell, even a concept that is proven to work - with as little as a mock up - can attract so much attention, that you choose to sell to the highest bidder.

Come on!  You supposedly have a working device.  It has supposedly been developed to a point where it can do useful work.  Now put it to work!!  For God's sake, a 2nd grader could attract money with a working OU device!  Most people here would say "Christ, if he has a working OU device, just show it and money would flow in at a tremendous rate!  I guess the only reason why he doesn't show it, is because he doesn't have anything."  PLEASE prove me wrong Mark.  I'll be one of the first to buy one when they hit the shelves.



Re: MPI - Production Generators and Demo Devices (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Monday, February 26, 2007 @ 21:28:01 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com

While we have several Over Unity devices, we do not have, and have not claimed to yet have, a self runner. However, based on excellent progress in our labs, we do expect to commercialize self-sustaining solid-state and rotary demo units this year.

Large capital is not a problem given the high degree of interest we have generated recently. Several transactions are moving toward completion.

If you study the history of Cold Fusion, you will find that your assumptions have been proven incorrect. The original Pons and Fleishmann experiment was reproduced within six months, at Stanford University, by Dr. Huggins and his Material Science group. It has been reproduced openly several times at SRI International and dozens of other laboratories. The U.S. Navy has stated they have been working with it for a dozen years and has even published a simple experiment, proving it is real, that can be performed in many labs. Yet, most scientists still do not accept it and funding has been extremely difficult for most of the small firms trying to commercialize that now very well proven technology. Cold Fusion now promises to make possible everything from home heaters to megawatt power plants, but in spite of that remarkable fact, few of those working in that field have found sufficient funds to accelerate product development. Of course, it is a nuclear process and although safe, it will undoubtedly be forced by opponents, as well as an understandably fearful part of the public, to undergo two years or more of delay, while attempting to gain approval by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Magnetic systems can skip that slowdown and will begin to replace fossil fuels much more rapidly and at lower cost.

As a former consultant to a unit of the Department of Commerce concerning Venture Capital, I assure you that most Venture Capital is not very venturesome. Angels were badly burned in the dot.com crash and only a few are interested in the high risk of technology that is not yet generally accepted. Fortunately, that is finally changing where we are concerned, since the excellent work by our development team rarely meets with anything but admiration and respect.



Re: MPI - Production Generators and Demo Devices (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 06:37:08 UTC
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Awwww, Mark!  Come on!  You've "never claimed to have a self-runner"?  This is a quote from you in the previous thread a couple weeks back:

" The three firms have not given pemission to use their names, but we have indeed working, physcial demonstration units, that do what we claim."

Now, if that is not the same thing, please enlighten me.  How on earth can you have "several Over Unity devices", but not have one that self-runs??????????  Isn't that the meaning of "Over Unity"?  A device that produces MORE power than it takes to run?  Even if it was a tiny amount OU (say, 100.5%), it should be able to at least power itself indefinitely.  If it can't do that, then chances are, you're making a common measuring error, plain and simple.
If none of your devices self-run, just WHAT are you demonstrating to your potential licencees?  "Look, here are the numbers representing the power going INTO the device, and here are the numbers representing the power OUT of the device... See?  OU!"

Mark, how are you certain that you have OU if NONE of your devices are capable of self-running?  Yet, here you are talking about producing 1KW solid-state generators and above...  Something just doesn't add up.  I'm sure you've been told this a thousand times (and I'm sure you have some lame excuse for not doing this VITAL step before asking for money), but if you have something that is measureably OU, the next step of "closing the loop" is a simple mechanical feat.  I'm sure you could get 100 engineers to do this for you for FREE, if your tech was real.

I'm not buyin' all the fluff Mark.
The bottom line is, you don't have a self-running deivice.  How can you seriously claim OU?  Please enlighten all of us.



Re: OverUnity and Self Running (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 11:09:36 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com
Over Unity means exceeding breakeven. That is a revolutionary accomplishment.

It has not yet been achieved by hot fusion scientists in spite of hundreds of billions of dollars spent trying to do so.

Self running machines are the ultimate next step. It is much more difficult than might be imagined.

We have no doubt self running will be achieved in both the solid-state and rotary MPI labs in the near future.

Production self-sustaining generators will clearly be prototyped later this year.



Re: OverUnity and Self Running (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 11:25:27 UTC
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"Over Unity means exceeding breakeven. That is a revolutionary accomplishment."

Indeed, even breaking even would be a revolutionary accomplishment.

"It has not yet been achieved by hot fusion scientists in spite of hundreds of billions of dollars spent trying to do so."

Yes, I know.  Fusion is not OU to begin with.  Do you really think the sun is an over unity device?  Last I checked, it used hydrogen and helium as its energy source.  But we're not talking about fusion.  We're talking about your device.

Self running machines are the ultimate next step. It is much more difficult than might be imagined.

More difficult than might be imagined... because your device is not breaking even?  Mark, can you understand the problem we all have with your claims?  You say you have OU.  But then you say you don't have a self-running machine.  Well, then how the bleeping hell do you know you have OU to beging with?!  You CAN'T rely on simple scope measurements and theoretical mathematics to prove your claim.  You just can't.  You have to be able to produce REAL RESULTS.  Theoretics are great as a starting point, but you need to be able to turn that into REALITY.

We have no doubt self running will be achieved in both the solid-state and rotary MPI labs in the near future.

Well, if you have no doubts, than I'll just have to WAIT for you to show your working device - whenever that may be.  You do realize that you've said "near future" probably a hundred times over the last few years?  What new progress have you made since last year, besides "talking with a few firms"?

Production self-sustaining generators will clearly be prototyped later this year.

Well, if you say so.  I'll be waiting to SEE something.



Re: OverUnity and Self Running (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 12:11:00 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com

Over Unity is readily measured by excellent instruments.

Those measurements are shared with highly critical individuals including independent laboratories and consultants.

Self running machines are self evident and the ultimate test. More important, they are the only generators that have commercial value.

They are coming along nicely in our labs and we will meet our goals for this year.

Skeptics like yourself will only be silenced when they can buy a working device.

In the meantime, you may not want to demonstrate the extent of your gross ignorance and arrogance quite so brazenly.



Re: OverUnity and Self Running (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 13:16:19 UTC
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"Over Unity is readily measured by excellent instruments."

It's not the instruments that concern me; it's the operators ability to use them accurately and correctly.  And so now we finally have it.  You have achieved OU by measured data - Not by a working physical device.

"Those measurements are shared with highly critical individuals including independent laboratories and consultants."

And when you share these measurements, what do they say?  Do they agree that they are accurate?  Do they also get to run their own tests, using your demonstration devices to verify?

"Self running machines are self evident and the ultimate test. More important, they are the only generators that have commercial value."

Uhh, yeah.  No kidding?

"They are coming along nicely in our labs and we will meet our goals for this year."

Well, that's good to hear.  Wait... didn't you say this each year for the last few years?  Hey, I understand that road bumps and obsticles come along and sometimes throw a curve in your plans.  But my god man.  Seriously, you sound like a broken record.

"Skeptics like yourself will only be silenced when they can buy a working device."

I doubt I'd be "silenced" when I could buy one;  I'd be yelling at the top of my voice that the greatest invention mankind have ever seen, is available at Wal-Mart at a 20% discount!

"In the meantime, you may not want to demonstrate the extent of your gross ignorance and arrogance quite so brazenly."

Ohh, seems like I hit a nerve, ey?  What ignorance and arrogance am I demonstrating, exactly?
For one, I can only be ignorant to something if I choose to ignore information that is verified as fact and available.  In this case, there is neither.  All we have is your rhetoric.
As for being arrogant, I do not consider the ability to reason and engage in spirited debate to be any indication of  an inflated ego.
Please show me something of substance, and I may react differently.



Re: OverUnity and Self Running (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 13:37:16 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com

You have done an excellent job of demonstrating your ignorance without any need for anyone to underline it.

I'll leave it to others to point out your mistakes.

Foot in mouth disease goes along with what for many is a favorite form of exercise, namely jumping to conclusions.



Re: OverUnity and Self Running (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 13:59:30 UTC
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I'm jumping to conclusions?
Mark, please show me where I have not attempted to give you the benefit of the doubt.  I have asked you very direct questions in an attempt to unearth as much information as you're willing to share with us, in order to come to an informed conclusion.  You have gone as far as to admit that you don't have a working, self-running device, but still claim achievement of OU.
Logically, I don't see how this can be possible.  My point is simply this:  You cannot be certain that your technology works, unless it can (at least) power itself, which you have yet to accomplish.  I have gathered that you believe this is possible through mathematical/theoretical means only.  Are you not jumping to conclusions in this regard?

My reasons for doubting you have been bolstered by the information you have willingly - sometimes unknowingly - disclosed here.



Re: OverUnity and Self Running (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 13:31:53 UTC
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How completely unscientific AND dogmatic of you, Mark. What you're basically asking all of us to do is to have faith in you and in what you're saying, even though you have no physical evidence to back up your claim - AT ALL. In that sense, your words are no better than the mindless religions around the world that ask its followers to believe in a non-existent, manmade god -- even though there is no proof that one exists in the first place. I repeat: you are no better than these religious zealots, in this regard.

Now we all know that Overunity is possible, and that Zero Point Energy and the Aether exist (Tesla proved that over a hundred years ago). Though not accepted by closed-minded mainstream science, these concepts are no longer theoretical.

All we are asking FROM YOU is a simple demonstration of your device working. Why not put a movie up on youtube showing the world your invention powering a television set or a hairdryer, with virtually no batteries or power cords hooked up to the grid? Is that too much to ask? If it is, then you need to stop calling yourself a scientist...and you also need to stop spouting the worthless jargon you keep spouting over and over again like a broken record -- because none of us with intellect are truly listening.

The fact that you're always whining about Global Warming and how something needs to be done about it, and the fact that you supposedly have an OU device that will help correct these problems is in direct conflict with each other...a true scientist/humanitarian with such claims would release his/her device to the world FOR FREE -- the recognition from such a feat would be payment enough, considering you'd be worshipped as some sort of savior. The fact that you're only out to serve your own ends, is more than enough to prove that your claims are fraudulant.


Re: OverUnity and Self Running (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 13:50:01 UTC
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The reason he won't do a demo of his device, is because he does not have a device capable of self-running (his words).  And for some reason, he is calling me ignorant and arrogant for asking direct questions... Huh?

Now, for the record, I don't doubt that many things are impossible to accomplish.  OU however, I think gets a bad rap for several reasons - namely the idea that a device must create energy from nothing.  Which of course, most people here know is not likely.  I like to think of OU devices as those that enable us to harness "free" sources of energy (solar, wind, thermal... gravitational, zpe, etc.).  All of those have a source, and "free" for all practical purposes.

If one day, a device does come around that literally CREATES energy, will be the day man understands where the universe originated...



See our updated web site! (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 17:20:40 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com

MPI is a company with stakeholders.

Aesop Institute, our affiliated non-profit, can disclose what it is about. See BRIDGEWALK on our recently updated website.

Patents must be filed and work carried forward without a media circus. Later this year it will be obvious that our work is genuine and our firm will help move this new technology very rapidly into world markets.

Our devices do not create energy, but as we have stated on the website, convert energy that has previously never been commercialized. This energy is abundant, renewable, and present everywhere in the universe.

Sometimes called Space Energy or Energy from the Quantum Vacuum, it is also known as Zero Point Energy and in the case of magnetic conversion, Virtual Photon Flux.

It was probably first tapped by Wesley Gary in 1874 and certainly by Hans Coler with solid-state technology in Germany, prior to and during World War II.

The irony is that the world probably never needed oil or fossil fuel to run vehicles or create electricity. We have been destroying the planet due to ignorance and arrogance.

This year will mark the beginning of that long overdue profound change, as several firms, including ours, introduce generators into the market that need no fuel whatsoever. Ours will include variations without moving parts.

There will be egg on a lot of faces as that reality becomes quite obvious. Many will be scientists and more will be members of the public who have never bothered to learn the reality of creating companies and new products.

www.magneticpowerinc.com may be of interest to those with open minds.



Re: See our updated web site! (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 @ 19:41:02 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
I sure hope you're right Mark -
And by the way, if you ARE right, and do have what you say, then I will be one of the first to congratulate you in your accomplisment.
However, please know that my "skepticism" does not revolve around any doubts that there can be new, untapped energy sources like you describe; but around shady little organizations that claim to have things, ask for money up front, and show no physical evidence.
Even if you're right, I will not look back and feel silly for having doubted you - for I have very good reasons to do so.  Instead, I will look back and realize how much quicker things could have happened if things were handled differently.

But, to each his own.  I do wish you luck in delivering your deivice to the world, and hope you take some of the feedback from the members here (who have voiced similar concerns as I) and make it work for you.




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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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