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The Coriolis Force and Rotating Aether Vortices
Posted on Saturday, April 15, 2006 @ 15:57:09 UTC by vlad

Science Anonymous writes: Dear Sir,
Technophile suggested that I should look through the web link, http://www.distinti.com/distinti/default.htm

I did so, and I came across a secondary link entitled "The secret's of F = qvXB", http://www.distinti.com/docs/the_secrets_of_qvxb.pdf

Robert Distinti claims to have discovered secrets in the equation F = qvXB. However, it appears to me that he has failed to detect the three most important secrets of all. These three secrets are:

(1) The fact that it is the equation E = vXB, that when incorporated into the modern day Maxwell's equations, allows them to be written in total time derivative format, as opposed to the more commonly accepted partial time derivative format.

This is a most important factor when it comes to refuting the assertion by Albert Einstein, that Maxwell's equations apply equally in all reference frames, and that as such, Maxwell's equations therefore confirm Einstein's false postulate that the speed of light is a universal constant.

The very reason that E = vXB currently sits outside of the main body of Maxwell's equations is indeed the very reason that the textbooks can only write Maxwell's equations in partial time derivative format, and hence they can only consider the 'local aspect' of EM theory at a sationary point in the vortex sea. The 'convective aspect' of electromagnetic theory, that relates to induced fields at a point in space that is moving relative to Maxwell's vortex sea, is easily obtained by taking the "curl" of both sides of the equation E = vXB.

When we then combine the local and the convective aspects, we obtain a total time derivative formulation of Maxwell's equations that are in perfect harmony with classical Galilean wave mechanics. See Appendix A in this web link, http://www.zpenergy.com/downloads/tombe.pdf

(2) That in Maxwell's 1861 paper 'On Physical Lines of Force', equation (77) in part II is in fact the Lorentz Force, F = qE + qvXB. Maxwell had already discovered this equation long before Lorentz. It appears again in Maxwell's 1864 paper. Check out this web link. Scroll down and look at equation (D).

Or alternatively look at equation 1.4 in the Andre Waser web link,

And to look at equation (77) in part II of Maxwell's 1861 paper, check out,

(3) Robert Distinti has failed to reveal the physical mechanism for the equation F = qvXB. He has failed to reveal the fact that we are dealing with a Coriolis force in a rotating electrostatic aether. Whatever that aether might happen to be, it is being driven into vortices by the rotating electron positron dipoles. In the magnetized state, the dipole alignment of the vortex sea, effectively leads to a rotating frame of reference for electrostatic purposes.

Yours sincerely,
David Tombe



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"The Coriolis Force and Rotating Aether Vortices" | Login/Create an Account | 8 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: The Coriolis Force and Rotating Aether Vortices (Score: 1)
by Technophile on Sunday, April 16, 2006 @ 09:46:25 UTC
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I thought you might be interested in Distinti's work since he has developed equations for induction and magnetism which undoubtedly describe the actual physical effects more accurately than the standard textbook equations. He shows that inertia is electromagnetic induction, and thus opens the door to unifying gravity and electromagnetism.

His work seems to me to be complementary to yours, not contradictory.

Re: Re: The Coriolis Force and Rotating Aether Vortices (Score: 1)
by FDT on Sunday, April 16, 2006 @ 10:34:51 UTC
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Dear Technophile,
                          The central theme of Robert Distinti's electromagnetic theory seems to be that he can't accept the concept of a static magnetic field. On my part, I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with the concept of a static magnetic field.
                           I haven't altered the standard electromagnetic equations in any manner whatsoever, apart from absorbing the Lorentz force into Maxwell's equations. Robert Distinti has added new terms to the standard magnetic equations.
                            I use the special double helix alignment of a sea of rotating electron positron dipoles, in order to explain magnetic effects. Robert Distinti uses no such physical medium.
                            Inertia and electromagnetism are two completely different concepts. Inertia is a mechanical phenomenon associated with retardation under the action of a force. Electromagnetic induction is about electric currents being induced in a changing magnetic field. How could anybody possibly suggest that the two are the same thing?
                           I cannot see any way whatsoever for gravity to be unified with electromagnetism. Electromagnetism depends entirely on the special properties of the electrical dipole. I can see no way whatsoever to involve gravity.
                                 Yours sincerely


Re: Re: Re: The Coriolis Force and Rotating Aether Vortices (Score: 1)
by Rob (rob@zpenergy.com) on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 @ 05:53:26 UTC
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By the very fact that everything is interconnected in the same space, I can see no way whatsoever how electromagnetism and gravity could NOT be interconnected at some level. Inertia as electromagnetic induction is appealing to say the least, sharing very common properties. Maybe you haven't found the correct model ?


Re: Re: Re: Re: The Coriolis Force and Rotating Aether Vortices (Score: 1)
by FDT on Thursday, April 20, 2006 @ 03:40:47 UTC
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Dear Rob,
              I have no doubt whatsoever that electrostatics and inertial mass are linked. In part I of an older paper of mine, I derived that link by beginning with a law of electrostatics for elementary particles which didn't involve mass at all. I demonstrated how inertial mass fell out of the law when the law was taken to apply over a system of elementary particles. Here is the web link,


However, linking electrostatics, and hence electromagnetism with inertial mass is still a far way away from linking electromagnetism with gravity. No doubt a link does exist. But to the best of my knowledge, it as yet remains to be discovered.
              Yours sincerely
                   David Tombe


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Coriolis Force and Rotating Aether Vortices (Score: 1)
by Technophile on Thursday, April 20, 2006 @ 07:43:29 UTC
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Distinti's mechanism, as described in his New Gravity paper, postulates an aether inflow, similar to that in the Cahill paper you referenced in your paper. That is one reason I thought you might be interested.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Coriolis Force and Rotating Aether Vortices (Score: 1)
by FDT on Thursday, April 20, 2006 @ 21:17:49 UTC
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Dear Technophile,
                         I was indeed interested in Robert Distinti's paper, and that is why I read through it. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I e-mailed Robert Distinti, and when he replies, I will be requesting that he clarifies a few points.
                         As regards Cahill's inflow theory, yes I did indeed reference it when I was discussing the possibility that some kind of inflow theory may explain gravity. 
                         I do not believe that an inflow theory is necessary to explain electromagnetism as a whole. It may become relevant in relation to the finer tuning of the F= qvXB aspect of magnetism.
                          One of my major objections to the inflow theories which have so far come to my attention, is the fact that one single inflow medium is being used to explain both gravity and electromagnetism.
                              Yours sincerely
                                  David Tombe


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Coriolis Force and Rotating Aether Vortices (Score: 1)
by Technophile on Friday, April 21, 2006 @ 09:54:15 UTC
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"One of my major objections to the inflow theories which have so far come to my attention, is the fact that one single inflow medium is being used to explain both gravity and electromagnetism."

Yes. This is what I find most interesting in your work, the separation of the aether from the electron/positron sea. I have never before run across this concept, and it opens up some interesting possibilities.

It is always a pleasure to run across someone who is really thinking!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Coriolis Force and Rotating Aether Vortices (Score: 1)
by FDT on Friday, April 21, 2006 @ 22:43:38 UTC
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Dear Technophile,
                             Ever since I first became aware of the fact that the Holy Grail of physics, since the days of Einstein, has been to unify gravity and electromagnetism into one grand theory, I have always adopted that attitude that the first stage of any such quest must be to find out as much as we can about both gravity and electromagnetism.

If as a result of our investigations into both gravity and magnetism, we then happen to stroll across any leads which may link the two theories together, then of course we must follow those leads.
As it so happened, I did find myself compelled to undergo an intense investigation into both gravity and electromagnetism, but it was not with the primary objective of discovering the unified theory, albeit that I would have been looking out for leads to same, as a secondary objective. My primary objective was to unveil the mystery of the Michelson-Morley experiment, as I was convinced that Einstein's special theory of relativity was totally wrong.

Many people have realized that Einstein's special theory of relativity is wrong, but they all end up with the Michelson-Morley albatross hanging around their necks, and the resulting riddle leads many to compose alternative theories equally as ludicrous as the one that they are trying to undo.

My investigations into gravity taught me nothing that wasn't known already, although I do believe that the cause lies in an aethereal medium. However my investigations into electromagnetism opened up a series of questions which couldn't properly be answered by the textbooks. In particular, the subject of displacement current eventually led me to Maxwell's 1864 paper. This in turn led me to conclude that a dielectric sea of electrons and positrons was essential in order to explain electromagnetism, but I have never made any connection between this electric sea and the aethers which might explain electrostatics and gravity.

                                                     Yours sincerely
                                                                 David Tombe



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