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Powerful Earthquakes Coming...
Posted on Monday, January 03, 2005 @ 16:43:12 UTC by vlad

Science OT but interesting question from Bill Alek: Richard,

Did you listen to last nights C2C show? Art mentioned a story about the Earth's rotation speeding up a bit. Its my belief the Earth's rotation is MOST definitely increasing, which will trigger devestating and powerful earthquakes - observe increase in rotation first, then earthquakes occur second. We know this change of rotation is much more profound with the outer gas giants.

So, whats causing this increase in rotation? Which is occurring throughout OUR solar system! The inertial effects are as follows: Assuming angular momentum remains constant and mass remains constant, as angular velocity increases, the radius of the Earth MUST therefore, decrease?

Could this change in radius be due to a change in gravity?

Any thoughts?


William S. Alek FREE ENERGY and Exotic Propulsion Technologies



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"Powerful Earthquakes Coming..." | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Powerful Earthquakes Coming... (Score: 1)
by Marv on Monday, January 03, 2005 @ 18:51:55 UTC
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I know this sounds weird, but I am somewhat wierd in my psyche where I am able to witness faraway events (remote viewing). I was laying on my bed in Utah USA in a state of not thinking and sleepiness on Dec 26 or thereabouts when a click went through my body that was so distinct that my individual cells seemed to feel it.
I said to my wife when she came into the room that an earthquake had occurred somewhere on earth but I couldn't pinpoint where. She just sort of sniffed like "another one, huh".
My problem with where it was: the opposite side of the earth.

Re: Powerful Earthquakes Coming... (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Monday, January 03, 2005 @ 18:55:45 UTC
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Sort of like that scene from "Star Wars a New Hope" where Obi-wan awakens and feels a "great disturbance in the Force, like millions of souls crying out, then silence"


Re: Powerful Earthquakes Coming... (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Monday, January 03, 2005 @ 19:10:28 UTC
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The increase in the Earths rotation from the quake is small but measureable, astronomers will have to adjust the turning rate of their telescopes to keep them tracking.
The increase doesn't come from an increase in gravity, it comes from the fact that a piece of the Earth in Indonesia dropped 10 meters closer to the center of the Earth. The Moment of Inertia of the Earth decreased, and in accordance with the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum, the angular velocity of the Earth had to increase, hence faster rotation.
That piece of the Earth that fell measured 100 by 600 miles. It was located close to the Equator, which made the rotation effect more pronounced.


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