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American Antigravity - Podkletnov Breakthrough Interview
Posted on Wednesday, July 28, 2004 @ 22:14:45 UTC by vlad

Science Tim Ventura writes: Dear All:

Just to follow up, the reason that the Podkletnov interview is interesting is that he's talking about creating nano-second beams of gravitational waves in his research lab with hundreds of pounds of force -- that's an existing result from a very simplistic setup ( 5 megavolt dump onto SC disk).

The materials are not difficult to come by -- the superconductors are only a couple of inches in diameter, and the high-voltage can be created using Marx Generators. I am sure that smaller-scale replications can be conducted, and while they may not come close to the results that he's claiming, I think that they'll still do enough to demonstrate the effect.


Additional thanks to Bill Alek for letting me bum high-bandwidth space from him for this!



Tim Ventura



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"American Antigravity - Podkletnov Breakthrough Interview" | Login/Create an Account | 6 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: American Antigravity - Podkletnov Breakthrough Interview (Score: 1)
by mlmitton on Thursday, July 29, 2004 @ 21:26:41 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
How about something besides WMA so us Linux users can listen? Why use a closed format like WMA when MP3 remains the standard?

Re: American Antigravity - Podkletnov Breakthrough Interview (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, July 29, 2004 @ 21:43:30 UTC
I have, on and off, for the past 2 years or so, followed Tim Ventura's work at promoting anti-gravity research, mostly and initailly through the
YAHOO "LIFTERS" group. [LIFTERS are interesting altho I do not thing they "LIFT" in a vacuum...someone [as I remember], along the line, did a vacuum experiment, and the LIFTER "dropped" as the air was withdrawn from a glass chamber...

I listened to Tim's interview with Podkletnov and was really impressed...Podkletnov seems to be on to something...

Tim...your interview skills need some polishing..IMO..however I SALUTE your efforts and
accomplishments...You do ask great questions and get good answers..

Thank You...Very Interesting....!!!!!!!!

Re: American Antigravity - Podkletnov Breakthrough Interview (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Thursday, July 29, 2004 @ 21:43:50 UTC
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I predict that when 5 megavolts hits those Superconductors, the magnetic field from the supercurrent will hydrodynamically quench the superconductivity in the disc, and the first domain in the SC to lose superconductivity will explode after the supercurrent slams into it, possibly quite a violent explosion. Wear a helmet!

Re: American Antigravity - Podkletnov Breakthrough Interview (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, July 29, 2004 @ 22:57:47 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Message: (greenglow yahoo group)
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 18:50:12 -0000
From: "Berkant"
Subject: International Institute for Gravity Research

Dear All,

maybe it doesn't matter if they really did the experiment or not. As far as I know Evgeny worked for Nokia in Finland last year. This was what he wrote me when I worked for RR until last summer. This was my last information. So I wonder how he did experiments in Moscow in the same time. But it doesn't matter. I am convinced from Evgeny's dream. It is a good dream. But nobody can get a Nobel prize with published papers but missing notebooks and pictures.:-)

He alrleady told in March 1998: "What we should do is combine our efforts and organize the Institute for Gravity Research. My aim in life is not to get money, not to become famous. I have 30 publications in materials science, and 10 patents, but -" His mouth twists with bittersweet humor. "Russian people are never rich unless they are criminals. I don't dream about big money. I just want a normal existence, working for the Institute for Gravity Research. That is my dream."

In the latest interview he repeat this dream of an International Institute for Gravity Research. It may be easy to find rich people to fund such an institute. But I see some serious problems.

There are too many divas in theoretical physics who could stop this efforts. Podkletnov works with Modanese. Modanese has made some steps in the right direction but is still fishing. Sarfatti took over Modanese approach and maybe advanced it but again also Sarfatti is fishing. Most have unsolved equations but no real values. We may have experimental results but so far nobody has seen any picture of those groundshaking experiments.

So I would not help to fund an institute led by divas in theoretical physics. Podkletnov also mentions Puthoff. An other diva in this new physics field who dominated the last years in NASA BPP. And also Puthoff is fishing with his simplified approach of the Yilmaz theory. He is not even using the full equations of the bimetric Yilmaz theory. Heim is using polymetrics. So how should Puthoff have a theory to counter unified field theories as proposed by Heim.

Modanese and Podkletnov also cite papers of Akimov et al. who worked on full geometrization but also the Russians are still fishing. Modanese worked a short time at Max-Planck-Institute and may know Prof. Doerr who was a protege of Heim. So my suggestion to Modanese in a recent email was to look for the work of Heim. I am not sure if I will get any response though.:-) Nobody wants to be told what has to be done.

But I insist and say: We need a developed unified field theory first. And we need serious physicists who are gifted in mathematical physics and gifted to intuitevly recognize what is true and what is not before we can go to the next step to fund an international institute for gravity research. We already have such an institute in Germany. They do not come one step further because they are running after thousand theories and thousand real or probably faked experiments.

Best wishes,

Re: American Antigravity - Podkletnov Breakthrough Interview (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, July 30, 2004 @ 11:07:46 UTC
I concur on that request for an mp3 file. I have a mac with system 9.something, and I can't find a program that will play or convert this wma file. Can someone please convert this file for me or point out a link to a converted version or a transcripted version. Thanks in advance if this is possible.



Re: American Antigravity - Podkletnov Breakthrough Interview (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, July 31, 2004 @ 02:31:45 UTC
You Know...all it would take...would be... for one of you...WELL EDUCATED and WELL CONNECTED Scientists...to JUST POST A FRIGGING....PICTURE...WITH A PARTS LIST...
...maybe a diagram...basic explaination...

...Then leave the rest to us "experimental hackers"
to go over to Radio Shack..Surplus Centers...Home Depots...(let us use our resources!!!!)...YOU WILL WIN!!!!......Get the vast group of online garage and basement experimentalists involved!!!!




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