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Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
Posted on Monday, July 26, 2004 @ 23:06:17 UTC by vlad

Science ICCF 11 - 11-th International Conference On Condensed Matter Nuclear Science will take place in Marseille, France between October 31 and November 5, 2004.

"At ICCF 10 in Boston, it was decided that the name "Cold Fusion" was not appropriate for such a field, since fusion of nuclei is only part of the overall reactions occuring in the course of these types of experiments. "Condensed Matter Nuclear Science" seemed more appropriate, since most data are obtained in a condensed medium usually a metal loaded with hydrogen or deuterium.

ICCF-10 was a major scientific achievement. Live demonstrations running the entire week offered evidence that Low Energy Nuclear Reactions are real. Evidence of excess heat, helium formation, transmutation and particle detection is now established. Theories are improving and can now explain most of the observed data. The two live demonstrations and a third, remote controlled and displayed over the Internet, are substantial proof that Cold Fusion is now a mature scientific field. The www.lenr-canr.org web site is extremely active and is an excellent gateway for all people interested in learning more and reading original scientific papers on the subject. Earlier this year, a new society was formed, dedicated to Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, its web site is www.iscmns.org.

Clearly, it is now time for the scientific community to realize that "Condensed Matter Nuclear Science" is a genuine scientific field that deserves all the attention of the scientists and the public. We wish to make ICCF 11 a major turning point, and that the field will get the attention it has been waiting for so many years.

The following themes will be debated at the conference :

Excess heat production
Loading of hydrogen or deuterium in metal lattices
Electrochemical experiments
Plasma discharge experiments
Gas loading
Nuclear ashes
Particles detection
Radioactive waste remediation

Besides the usual closed door scientific conference there will be :

· An open day at the University of Marseilles-Luminy, where scientists of all fields will be invited to attend and see demonstrations free of charge.

· A press conference for the scientific community and the public at large."
See details at: ICCF-11



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