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Emerging Technologies today announced a breakthrough
Posted on Tuesday, July 20, 2004 @ 20:03:02 UTC by vlad
chrish64 writes: Posted by: KenTrough on Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 08:53 AM
St. Louis, MO, Jul. 20 (VifV) -- Emerging Technologies today announced a breakthrough FLASH HYDROGEN GENERATOR that is poised to challenge OPEC. The device was described as small enough to be held in your hand while running cool to the touch with only a milliamp power draw when the breakthrough battery enhancement circuitry is in place. This hydrogen generator's fuel source?? Water! Even salt water! Plug it in, and in less than 2 seconds you have a blue flame. The output of the system is pure H2O, so not only does the device act as a hydrogen generator, but also as a cheap low power desalinator!
Read the whole story at: Flash Hydrogen Generator
Top Stories: Lead Acid Battery Range Breakthrough
Posted by: KenTrough on Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 12:25 AM
St. Louis, MO, Jul. 19 (VifV) -- Emerging Technologies announced a breakthrough in battery management and control systems today with the Battery Enhancement and Control System or BECS. This device acts as both an advanced battery enhancement system as well as a digital motor controller replacing the controller component in a traditional brushed motor DC drive system. This device is designed to work with the most inexpensive and readily available lead acid battery technology.
Read story at:Battery Breakthrough
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Re: Emerging Technologies today announced a breakthrough (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 @ 08:34:47 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | The motor controller, if it performs as described will be a definite enhancement of EVs.
As far as the "Flash Generator" it still must have power supplied to it from somewhere. You can make a "Flash Hydrogen Generator" in about 30 seconds in your home. Just fill an aluminum pop can with Draino and voila! But the power came from the electricity it took to make the aluminum. No net production of energy took place. |
Re: Emerging Technologies today announced a breakthrough (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 @ 07:49:41 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | Digital motor commutator - do you mean commutator with electrodes? Blue flame, do you mean Plasma? Produces H2O, don't you mean H2 & O gasses cracked from the water as it passes through the Plasma?
Hmmm, this is sounding all too familiar to me.
Many others have attempted and "abandoned" the digital commutator approach because of problems they simply could not overcome.
I suggest caution with the US patent it appears this company infringes upon, as no sub-licenses will be issued.
Warm Regards,
Chris Arnold President/CEO
PlasmaKing Corporation |
Re: Emerging Technologies today announced a breakthrough (Score: 1) by mojo on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 @ 12:21:05 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Sounds like this might be another Tilley/GWE type of scam. I hope not.
It is possible to change the structure of water using electric and magnetic fields, such that a resonant pulse of low energy would cause hydrogen production.
But will it be over-unity. Let's hope so.
mojo |
Re: Emerging Technologies today announced a breakthrough (Score: 1) by mlmitton on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 @ 14:45:56 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Can anyone tell me what the purpose of the "Battery Breakthrough" is, given the "Flash Hydrogen Generator"? I mean, who needs an electric vehicle if we can power ordinary cars on water?
Also...a small point of economics...When they say that the hydrogen generator will eliminate the U.S. trade deficit, they are mistaken. It may mean that we import less, but if we import less, then in the long run we necessarily export less. |
Re: Emerging Technologies today announced a breakthrough (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Monday, July 26, 2004 @ 09:51:54 UTC | Copied from FREE ENERGY SITE
Subject: Re: FLASH HYDROGEN GENERATOR set to challenge OPEC
--- In free_energy@yahoogroups.com, "Marco Conti"
> I believe that this is another fraud.
> As in other notorius cases they look for money offering miracles in 100 days. Typical behaviour of scammers who try to raise some money before disappearingand returning with another name.
> The 100 days's time seems a constant in these days. Maybe they all studied at the same school.
> Marco
This is such an obvious scam that it's almost a textbook example. All it takes is a few minutes of research to realize that Emerging Technologies is nothing but a shell company created to take money
from people. For example:
(1) The emergingtec.com web site was only registered a little over one month ago.
(2) Emerging Technologies claims to have been a finalist in last year's DARPA Grand Challenge for autonomous vehicles. Those finalists, along with names and contact information for the entrants,
are plainly listed on the DARPA web site. Emerging Technologies is nowhere to be found. And what do autonomous robotic vehicles (the whole point of the Grand Challenge) have to do with hydrogen fuels in the first place?
(3) There is no mailing address or phone number for the company anywhere on its web site. Where are the supposed laboratories and facilities where these miracle inventions have been developed and
prototyped? Contact them by e-mail, and tell them you want to visit the company in person before you invest. You'll get nothing but excuses or silence, because no corporate facilities actually exist.
(4) The entire web site is geared towards "investors". There are no photos, no technical information, nothing but a contact form to fill out so that you can receive your investor agreement / NDA package.
If Emerging Technologies follows the typical pattern of such scams, they'll probably force their "investors" to sign an incredibly restrictive investment agreement, e.g. "If you talk about the company or attempt to sue us, you forfeit your investment." This, of course, is intended to prevent their victims from contacting the
police or seeking legal redress.
The emergingtech plot thickens (Score: 1) by vlad on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 @ 22:35:05 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | In the free_energy yahoo group Mike Johnston writes: Hi,
I sent the guy who owns emergingtech.com (the watercar company) an email asking some questions about their claims. He never sent me a response but he did post the email on his website along with a response. You can read it here:
response letter
Aparently someone snitched to DARPA regarding their link to "DARPA Awards" and so they changed that too. Their explination can be found here:
Re: Emerging Technologies Updates (Score: 1) by vlad on Monday, August 02, 2004 @ 23:53:53 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Kirk Gray writes: Bill Alexander just posted update saying that they can definitely run steady speed generators with Flash Hy Gen, but need to solve Acc. problem.
"Daily Updates
Aug 2nd, 2004 –
Where we are –
The hydrogen generator is still working just fine and the work does not seem to be showing any effect on the components – at least so far. We are running different models on different kinds of water and studying the run characteristics for peak efficiency and energy consumption.
Here is where we are on a car demo and the 100-day challenge..."
Read the whole letter here: emergingtec.com/dailyupdates |