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Gravity-Waves & Missing Scientists at American Antigravity.Com
Posted on Monday, July 19, 2004 @ 22:27:28 UTC by vlad

Science In the Greenglow yahoo group Tim Ventura writes: Hi Everybody:

I've just completed a new interview with Mike Wright from the Ramtha School, and Sam Barros from PowerLabs.org, online at: http://www.americanantigravity.com/interviews2.shtml

Also, I have a new Ning Li / Baker / Podkletnov page about gravity-waves online at: http://www.americanantigravity.com/gravitywaves.shtml

I spent all day building the page + doing the Wright interview, so I will keep this brief:

The general idea is that gravity waves transduce electrical energy into gravitational wave energy in the same way that a speaker transduces electromagnetic energy into sound. Therefore, at least for the time being, nobody is calling gravitational-waves "over-unity", although this technology is being developed by both conventional PhD's as well as the government (so odds are that they'll never call it overunity).

The concept is simply a coupling, in the same way that Podkletnov's 2nd experiment with Modanese worked --> (energy in = gravitational force out).

Podkletnov had the simplest experiment for this: stick a superconductor in a spark gap and nuke it with a really large electrical discharge. The output should be about a 20-pound column of force that he claimed knocked things over in his lab.

Price to replicate:

$25 for the superconductor from Colorado Superconductor + Liquid Nitrogen (ask your doctor's office -- maybe $20 + vacuum flask cost): http://www.users.qwest.net/~csconductor/

Baker's method is a bit more complicated, but you can read about it at: http://www.gravwave.com

### Missing Scientist Update: ###

Dr. Ning Li is still missing, and I will post the DoD funding receipt showing where she's probably at below:
Department of Defense Annual Report on Cooperative Agreements and Other Transactions Entered into During FY2001 Under 10 USC 2371
Agreement Number: DAAH01-01-9-R001

Type of Agreement: Other Transaction for Prototype

Title: Gravito - Electro Magnetic Superconductivity Experiment

Awarding Office: US Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM), AMSAM-AC-RD-BA

Awardee: AC Gravity, LLD

Effective Date: 25 Apr 2001

Completion Date: 25 Sep 2002

U.S. Government Dollars: $448,970

Non-Government Dollars: $ 0

Dollars Returned to Government Account: $ 0

Technical objective of this effort including the technology areas in which the project was conducted:

Approximately 10 years ago Dr. Ning Li, then a research physicist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, began working on a theoretical model of forces generated by type-II superconductors and the possibility of generating and controlling significant gravitational forces via this new theory. The basic idea of Dr Li's is that a superconducting disk will produce a significant gravitational field if a certain type of magnetic field is externally applied. This Other Transaction will represent the first attempt to experimentally confirm some of the theoretical predictions of this theory. It is hoped that providing experimental confirmation of the theory to the scientific community will validate the theory and allow the securing of further funding to develop a practical application of this technology.

Extent to which the cooperative agreement or other transaction has contributed to a broadening of the Technology and industrial base available for meeting Department of Defense needs:

This Other Transaction will allow the principal researcher (Dr. Li) to attempt experimental confirmation of a theoretical model of forces generated by type II semiconductors and the possibility of generating and controlling significant gravitational forces via this new theory. If successful, the payoffs would be enormous. i.e., the ability to generate gravitational forces artificially would allow for new forms of propulsion, new ways of controlling missiles and gun-launched munitions, the lowering of weight of heavy vehicles (i.e., making a 70 ton tank appear to weight much less), and the potential of deflecting or countering the guidance systems of missiles which rely on inertial guidance (like theater or intercontinental ballistic missiles). If unsuccessful, this avenue can be eliminated from future efforts, and would put to rest the controversy surrounding these theories.

Extent to which the cooperative agreement or other transaction has fostered within the technology and industrial base new relationships and practices that support the national security of the USA:

The company AC Gravity Inc., owned by Dr. Li, is considered to be a non-traditional contractor in that this company has not previously had any Government contracts or assistance instruments, such as grants or cooperative agreements. The potential of the cutting edge technology that is hoped to result from the confirmation of the experiment being conducted under this effort is of primary interest to the Government. The use of an OT is viewed as an appropriate means of attracting this company in its initial endeavor to do business with the Government because it eases much of the "red tape" that AC Gravity and other contractors associate with doing Government business. The success of this experiment would be of enormous value to DOD weapons and weapon systems.



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"Gravity-Waves & Missing Scientists at American Antigravity.Com" | Login/Create an Account | 11 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Gravity-Waves & Missing Scientists at American Antigravity.Com (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 20, 2004 @ 22:06:03 UTC
This is very interesting. The previous commenter can see the military applications so well---which I guess to
G.I. Joe fans is much more important than any environ-
mental or peaceful applications; hence the possible
reasons why such technology will never see the light
of day for generations.

Re: Gravity-Waves & Missing Scientists at American Antigravity.Com (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 20, 2004 @ 19:38:05 UTC
This is interesting technology. If they can crank up the pounds of force expressed into the hundreds or thousands, and have no degregation over distance or atmosphere, we could be talking a real SDI-quality weapon here. And on the terrestrial scale, forget using lasers to stop artillery shells or missiles - use a beam of gravitational force instead. Probably without the hardware problems of high-energy lasers.

Science-fiction-wise, this would be an interesting way to end the Projectile Age and move into the Energy Age. Start issuing handguns and rifles that have spinning superconductors and dense capacitors, and you replace bullets with a gravitational beam that does similar damage. But no bullet, no sound, no recoil to compensate for, and no powder.

Try to name a few non-weapon uses for a continuous or pulsed gravitational beam of force that is laser-straight and can deliver a wide variety of pounds of force to a target.

Re: Gravity-Waves & Missing Scientists at American Antigravity.Com (Score: 1)
by kurt9 on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 @ 21:31:13 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.metatechnica.com
This is interesting work and does have a scientific basis. The recent gravity probe that NASA launched a few months ago is supposed to determine the "frame draging" aspects of gravity waves.

I know a writer who flew to Sweden to interview Dr. Podkletnov and came away with mixed impressions. My impression is that even if this does work, it is a rather expensive way to overcome gravity because the energy going into the superconducting disks is greater, if scaled up for an antigravity vehicle, than if it is a conventionally power turbine aircraft.

Howver, the weapons aspect of this work are quite obvious.

Whats very clear to me is that any new breeakthroughs in physics will come from research in gravity and the quantum vacuum. We still do not have a useful theory of quantum gravity.

Re: Gravity-Waves & Missing Scientists at American Antigravity.Com (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Wednesday, July 21, 2004 @ 18:47:04 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
What is very interesting about this, as well, and the disappearance of Ning Li, is that I have a book by a man who shows you all sorts of spinning conical devices that allow one to manipulate the zero point vacuum energy and gravi-magnetic energy (I can get you the title, if you want, its been for sale, and is A VERY EXCELLENT BUY, I would suggest getting a copy of it), he discusses Doctor Ning Li, and there is a USC paper in there that discusses how to build a gravity generator based on continued work of Podkletnov, and, goes on to show that this USC paper was taken down and taken back, probably forced by the heads of USC and whatever govt backers were present. So sad :O(


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