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Free money for free energy
Posted on Sunday, July 18, 2004 @ 16:50:37 UTC by vlad
In the free_energy yahoo group, Mike Johnston writes: Hi,
The conversation over the last week or so has led me to consider the idea that people who run free energy scams (and perhaps some well intentioned researchers as well) are really missing the boat when it comes to seeking funding for their ventures. So I thought I would outline a few legal ways to achieve the same ends (slightly joking here).
1) Religion. Dennis Lee seems to have finally hit on the perfect formula (almost). He has turned to fundamentalist Christianity to fund his free energy scam. Now he doesn't claim to HAVE a free energy device or to ever be able to invent one. But he says he will TRY and asks for donations from church groups because (he says) god has told him it is his job to do so.(not kidding, check out his web site)
All he needs is an ordination as a minister (which are available for $10 from any number of churches on the web) and he is in business. Religion has been taking in HUGE amounts of money in donations for many years and has yet to deliver on their main promise (Jesus' return). And no one bothers them. So why not include free energy as part of the heavenly package? You are even tax exempt as a religious organization. Have huge rallies and wherever you go pass the offering plate.
2) Write a book. You can legally write a book about anything you want to. It doesn't have to be true. It can be total fantasy and yet there is no law against selling as many fantasy books as you want. With the Internet it becomes that much easier. You can self publish and sell your book through ebay, your own website, Amazon (maybe) and all you have to do is actually write the book and have the equipment to run off another copy whenever anyone orders one. You can set your own price! Sell them for 1,000$ each if you want, the market will determine what it will bear. Look at all the UFO books out there as an example. People write books on seeing them, how they are powered, being abducted by their pilots, etc and yet no one has ever produced an actual UFO! See?
3) Become a non-profit. This is similar to religion but you don't have to talk about god. Just establish a goal for your organization (curing cancer, feeding starving children, discovering free energy, whatever) and get a lawyer to take care of the formalities and you are good to go.
As the director of the group you can set your own salary and get paid first out of donations received. Of course you should spend at least some of the money you take in on trying to achieve the stated goal but how much is left after "administrative" costs is really up to you. Who is to say you won't find your goal in Aruba, or the Riviera, or the Alps (get the idea)? Just don't do a Jim Bakker and actually promise something you can't deliver.
This isn't to say that all such groups (above) are bad, many aren't but many are and yet it is legal. Look at Libby Dole as an example. She had plenty of money from her own business interests as well as being the wife of Bob Dole (congressman/presidential candidate) and she still took a salary of $500,000 a year to act as "Director" of such a group (American Cancer or United Way I believe). That half a million could have gone to research. It is up to the contributor to decide where he/she wants their money to go and how it should be spent. The obvious conclusion then is that people who do the old free energy scams (proprietary secrets, etc) are, very simply; stupid, lazy people. Doing any of the above would protect them from legal liability and yet most of them don't bother. That is stupid. Why don't they bother? Because even though all three examples provide essentially free money they all require at least a small amount of work, i.e; ask for donations, write a book, etc. And these people are simply too lazy to do it I guess. Many of the rich people in this country pad their wallets by being directors or board members of such groups and do essentially nothing and still draw fat salaries. Getting rich has always involved a scam somehow. Look at the "Robber Barons" of America, or the price fixing diamond cartel, or Bill Gates with his OS monopoly. The secret to being wealthy is to run your scam legally and the people that are too stupid to do that are criminals even though the end result is essentially the same.
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Re: Free money for free energy (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Sunday, July 18, 2004 @ 18:25:04 UTC | The free energy community is a sham! This just proves that there isn't a decent and reputable person in the entire community! If anyone asks or requires funding you can immediatly assume that it is a scam, because no one is actually attempting to solve the energy crisis! It is all for personal gain, and as such all claims about free energy are an illusion to trick the general population into believing that there is a 'magical' device that will solve the world's energy problems. Heck it has been shown time and time again that anything that cannot be explained by the current dogma of science is false; similar to the churches long held notion that we were the center of the universe, which as you know is correct!
The amount of negativity the permeates the Free Energy society is the reason there has yet to be a Free Energy device, even if a said device has been shown numorous time *cough*Denise Lee*cough*. This is because anyone who comes out with a device is ridiculed until it is either a.) shelved, b.)destroyed or c.)proven to be a fake. It is similar to the cold fusion scenario that took place a decade ago, when a method to create low neutron emission fusion was discovered and then shelved for all those years because it didn't fit in with the current 'lock and key' methodology of current science. That lost decade of research into cold fusion could have solved the current energy problems, and finally rid us of fossil fuel, instead we are just now seeing the implications of such a technology.
It is not to say that there aren't scammers in the Free energy market, because there are! However lumping people together who have faith i.e. Dennis Lee,book writers, and non-profit organisations into one giant generality is wrong! In regards to making money, it is easy to assume that the money will be used for nefarious purposes, but much of the research into developing free energy devices, let alone commercialization of them, costs millions of dollars! Scammers can only make a small amount of money and in the long run it not be in their self-interest, because they will inevitably be caught and for what? A few thousand dollars? The people who are trying to legitimatly raise money for their operations intend to make money continously i.e. with working designs or release the idea to the public ala non-profit organization for the benefit of mankind! Not all people is this world are obsessed with greed and profit, and thus such stereotypes may doom the free energy society to a "what if?" mindset; never really accomplishing anything and letting the 'powers that be' win!