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Posted on Monday, July 12, 2004 @ 22:28:50 UTC by vlad

Science From Sarfatti_Physics_Seminars yahoo group: On Jul 11, 2004, at 6:59 AM, Ken Shoulders wrote:

Ken Shoulders and Dr. Jack Sarfatti

Measurements made on clusters of electrons operating as Exotic Vacuum Objects, or EVOs, show velocities exceeding that of light. A theory of this behavior is presented based on manipulation of parameters available in this new field of exotic vacuum engineering.

This paper can be downloaded from: http://www.svn.net/krscfs/

Ken Shoulders

From: Jack Sarfatti
Subject: Re: Zielinski's objections & Ken Shoulders' "dark energy" ? lab experiments

It is important to understand why Hal Puthoff's previous attempts to
explain this very same data of Ken Shoulders did not work. Hal did not
ask the right question. He is not alone in that of course. Hal made the
false assumption that it was the QED Casimir force that would hold the
100 billion electrons together in the charge cluster. In fact what is
really going on is a completely different physical effect. It is ZPF
induced gravity dependent on partial vacuum coherence. BTW when one
reads "Science and Ultimate Reality" it is obvious how the string-brane
theorists are shining strong lights in the wrong part of the Dark Cave.
You do not now seem to need exorbitant new mathematical superstructures
like "colliding branes" to explain any of the new cosmological
observations nor any of the high energy physics particle observations.

On Jul 11, 2004, at 11:16 AM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:

> PS: Ken's lab experiments seem to be relevant to this discussion.
> His "charge clusters" (AKA "EVO") that I interpret as glued together by
> strong short-range effective gravity induced by micro-quantum zero
> point energy exotic vacuum cores on the mesoscopic scale are
> self-propelled charged geons. The self-propulsion comes for temporary
> unstable inhomogeneous distributions of positive and negative zero
> point quantum pressures at different parts of the EVO.
> Note that Ken was a long-time collaborator of Hal Puthoff's way back in
> Hal's National Security Agency days. Ken has many patents in micro-wave
> miniaturization and has devoted many decades to these EVO measurements.
> On Jul 11, 2004, at 10:58 AM, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
>> On testing macro-quantum theory of emergent gravity in cosmology
>> On Jul 10, 2004, at 12:10 PM,
>>> This is the one to shoot down.
>>> http://qedcorp.com/destiny/CoherentCosmos.pdf
>>> (expanded version posted last night)
>>> If you can?
>>> Show it is wrong, or not even wrong.
>>> Happy Hunting.
>>> :-)



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"SUPERLUMINAL PARTICLE MEASUREMENTS" | Login/Create an Account | 6 comments | Search Discussion
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by Anonymous on Wednesday, July 14, 2004 @ 12:21:17 UTC
Seems to me that what holds the electrons in the charge cluster together is a color neutral variant of the strong force, which in itself is a torsion field variant of gravity.

the mojo man

Charge Conservation & Ken Shoulders Charge Clusters (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, July 18, 2004 @ 16:29:50 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From: Jack Sarfatti:
Writing from London:

Hi Ken :-)

On further reflection, I am not clear about charge conservation here.
Presumably Hal Puthoff has thought about that?

Given an EVO with N = 10^11 e negative charge - what happens to the 10^11 e positive charge?

When the EVO is destroyed where does the charge go? Does it re-unite with the charge it left behind? How do they meet up again?

From: "main_engineering":
After reading Ken's paper, I don't think the black EVO's are traveling super-luminally. There is no speed measurement taken. I think that the moving EVOs at some critical kinetic energy have a strong enough magnetic field around them to "trap" the charge so that no electrons can escape to hit the detector. That is why as the energy of the EVO increases it gets dimmer until it goes black. At that point the B field acts as a magnetic bottle where the potential is too high for electrons in the EVO to escape.


by Anonymous on Sunday, July 18, 2004 @ 14:03:08 UTC
The electron cluster formations may change the local vacuum properties of permeability and permittivity thus allowing for surperluminal velocities. The formations carry these changed parameters with them. In essence they create a warp bubble in which they can go superluminal and continue to generate the bubble so superluminal velocity is maintained.

the mojo man


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