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Water-Fueled Car by 2005
Posted on Thursday, July 08, 2004 @ 21:18:55 UTC by vlad
From Sterling D. Allan: Latest from pesn.com: Earth 2012 Aims to Develop Water-Fueled Car by 2005 - Uses resonant frequencies to facilitate the splitting of water. Funding the project through donations, they intend to give the plans to the public.
[A "low budget" GWE/WEM spin-off? At least they bluntly ask for money upfront, invoking the funds-prototype catch 22 trap ...hmm...Vlad]
UNITED KINGDOM -- Earth 2012, a UK based non-profit organization, has launched a project to develop a water-fuelled car in a commercially viable way. They claim to have a technology that will produce Hydrogen for fuel by vibrating water molecules at their resonant frequency. In this state the water becomes very unstable and can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen using only a small amount of energy. The main byproducts of the combustion are water and oxygen. No greenhouse gasses are emitted.
They state that the technology was developed back in the eighties, and has been proven to work, but that an attempt to get this technology on the market was obstructed at that time. "Now, with peaking oil prices, growing concerns over global warming and an intensive search to find alternative energy sources, the time is right to bring out this revolutionary technology."
One of the people involved in the project in the eighties is now involved in the present project. All that is lacking is funding.
Earth 2012 aims to present a prototype at the end of 2005. They have commenced a fund raising campaign to raise £1 million via donations...
Read the whole article at:Earth2012_WaterCar
Their site: www.earth2012.org
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First premise : Resonate-state of water..... (Score: 1) by bodebliss on Friday, July 09, 2004 @ 00:38:06 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://picoscience.8m.com/ | ...Explain that !
There is no data in the hydrogen production literature on the web to account for such a notion.
You'd think someone or some gov't agency would say,"Oh ,and there's the resonate-state of water ...blah,blah,blah, but we've been tooooooooo afraid to try it because it might work."
Bode |
Re: Water-Fueled Car by 2005 (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, July 09, 2004 @ 01:58:02 UTC | I actually have some faith in these guys and what they are trying to accomplish. They are Non-profit, so a scam would land them in hot water fast! I donated 24$ to help and if it doesn't do anything then fine, but if it works I will feel good! :) |
Re: Water-Fueled Car by 2005 (Score: 1) by Overtone on Friday, July 09, 2004 @ 06:59:50 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | Andreja Puharich obtained a U.S. Patent, now long expired, that teaches how to resonate the water molecule apart.
It is a beautiful example of excellent science, based on experiments, and reproduced at an independent laboratory.
Puharich was a physician. The water work was a result of his prior research involving the electrolysis of blood.
The amount of energy needed is not small.
However, since electrolysis can utilize ambient heat, in addition to the electric power input, it can have an apparent efficiency as high as 120%.
This is well known in the industry, and is mentioned in his Patent.
I have suggested to this group that they may wish to explore the Puharich approach.
In the future, by adding a suitable generator converting ZPE into electricity, their work might open a door to a practical method for the conversion of the existing automotive fleet.
Re: Water-Fueled Car by 2005 (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Friday, July 09, 2004 @ 07:06:12 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | They seem to be using the Stan Meyer electrolysis method which on its face looked plausible, but didn't do that well in lab tests. As far as the rest of their project, I have one criticism, if you've gone all the distance with electrochemical conversion and made hydrogen, why burn that hydrogen in an internal combustion engine, only getting 20% of the energy back out that you put into it? A hydrogen fuel cell getting 50% effiecency would be a smarter way to go. |
Re: Water-Fueled Car by 2005 (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, July 09, 2004 @ 08:43:42 UTC | Great idea!
As they are in the UK they might be able to apply for lottery funding!
Re: Water-Fueled Car by 2005 (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, July 09, 2004 @ 10:12:21 UTC | Sounds like the same ole scam to me. |
Re: Water-Fueled Car by 2005 (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, July 09, 2004 @ 10:49:22 UTC | This is clearly nonsense.
Breaking the water into Hydrogen and Oxygen has to take more energy than burning the hydrogen, otherwise the laws of thermodynamics don't work!
Herman P. Anderson's Hydrogen Car (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, July 10, 2004 @ 19:22:39 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Here is an interesting read: http://www.hermansinsight.com/
"...We are in the final stages of development on the 1992 Chevrolet Cavalier. Minor adjustements are being made to the fuel injecting sparkplugs and testing is ongoing as of January 2004. The new configuration features the sparkplugs as described in the second patent. The car has been sucessfully tested using the sparkplug adapters as described in the first patent. The advantage of the new system is the plugs will be manufactured as a single unit rather than a traditional sparkplug retro-fit with an adapter. Both the new sparkplugs and the adapters act as fuel injectors and harvest excess heat from the engine to transfer to the hydrogen just prior to entering the cylinder. The Chevy Cavalier is an ideal choice because it has enough voltage in the ignition system to ignite the hydrogen and also is timed to fire twice during the 4 stroke cycle.
We expect to begin collecting performance data shortly and fully expect the engine to achieve the same results as when running on gasoline..." |
Re: Water-Fueled Car by 2005 (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, July 11, 2004 @ 13:51:03 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | In the free_energy yahoo group, WTH writes:
What's really being violated by these so-called
"water-powered cars" is the law of energy conservation.
The fuel and the exhaust product are identical, i.e. H20.
If a water-powered engine could be constructed, the
obvious next step would be to connect the exhaust
pipe to the fuel intake and allow the engine to run in
closed loop mode. It should run forever, producing power
with no net energy or fuel input. Connect a generator
to the engine and you have a limitless source of
electrical energy. (Strange how these water-powered
car inventors never seem to grasp the true implications
of their "discoveries", isn't it?)
So where's the extra energy coming from? Unless you
appeal to ZPE or some similar ad hoc energy source,
you have no choice but to deny energy conservation.
That's a law that's so fundamental that even the most
diehard free energy types won't argue against it.
The only interesting aspect of the water-powered car concept
is how much mileage this old scam continues to receive,
after so many years and so many failed attempts.
On Jul 10, 2004, at 4:35 PM, Jeff Bullock wrote:
> That's ok, you don't have to benefit from a technology that's been in use
> for some 25 years now. Keep on gassing up at the pump.
So tell me - are you buying gasoline, or are you running your car on
tap water?
I would love to buy an automobile that runs on water. Please point me
to the web site of a reputable company that sells one, with a warranty
and independent reviews of its performance by experts in the automotive
industry. Surely with 25 years of proven "technology", there must be
someone who can sell me that water-powered car.
What, there isn't such a company? Then I'll just have to keep buying
gasoline, won't I?
> However, the technical innovations involved really don't have anything to do with
> breaking the conservation "law". I wont bother explaining the technicalities
> to you, because I can tell you wouldn't be interested in listening to them.
> However, I will say that this very newslist has all that info in the files
> section for those who are open-minded enough to bother researching it. I
> think the most ignorant thing you've said so far is "that even the most
> diehard free energy types won't argue against it." If you really did your
> homework, you'd find many such researchers challenging the second law of
> thermodynamics, many who have put fourth experimental data and even devices
> that defy it.
I know all about the technical "innovations". Some sort of proprietary
resonant frequency "cracking" technique is used to break water into
hydrogen and oxygen, or some sort of special catalyst is used that
decomposes water, or some sort of special electrolysis technique is
used. Every claim of a water-powered car has some variation on one of
those techniques.
But if any one of them actually worked, it would be trivial to build a
closed-loop engine that ran continuously on its own exhaust. Where is
such an engine? Nowhere to be found, despite the fact that a working
prototype would make its inventor wealthy and famous beyond his dreams.
Why bother building the car at all, if the secret of limitless free
energy was right there in your hands?
I am also well aware of the publications concerning micro-scale
violations of the 2nd law. However, given that the 2nd law is more
properly a statistical observation of macro-scale systems, I consider
it extremely unlikely that a viable power source will ever be created
that exploits 2nd law violations. If energy could be collected at the
micro-scale and exploited at the macro-scale, I personally believe
that some form of life would have evolved in the past several billion
years that utilizes just such a mechanism as an energy source.
> But I don't think you'll bother. It was also very cozy to be
> counted among all those venerated thinkers who thought the world was
> still flat at one time too.
All I'm asking for is proof, and not empty claims. Claims of
water-powered engines and water-powered cars have been around for
decades, and what is the result? Lots of wasted money, lots of
defrauded investors, and not one viable product on the market. Spare
me the comments about medieval close-minded attitudes. Show me a
working product, and not a web site of a company that's asking for
millions of dollars up front from "investors".
The water car project changes its focus (Score: 1) by vlad on Thursday, August 12, 2004 @ 22:22:26 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | From the KeelyNet list: Hola Folks!
An update on the recent water car proposal as posted at;
The startling claim by an environmental group here comes with a price
tag - #1 million by public donation to fund the technology, after which
it could be handed over patent free to car manufacturers like Tata India
or Ford.
Kling insists his organisation does not want to turn car-manufacturer,
but will instead supply free technical design and expertise to companies
like Tata, "which wants to become one of the world's five leading car
manufacturers - if so, this is the way in".
This is from Bill Beatys' Free Energy list;
On 8/2/2004 at 2:37 PM Stef Kling wrote:
>Dear subscriber,
>One month after the launch of the Water Car project it is time for the
>first project status update.
>So far we have received #2300 on donations, and we had the first person
>donate #1000!
>All of you who have made a donation: thank you for your trust and
>This is a good start considering we had only limited press coverage.
>We had press coverage in the Times of India and the Scottish Daily
>plus several websites.
>More important at this stage is that we are making very usefull
>connections. We have strenghtened the Earth 2012 team and we are
>to several renowned organisations to form partnerships, but it is early
>(summer holiday)days yet and it will be several months before any
>agreements have been reached.
>An item that has triggered many questions and discussions is our
>idea not to patent the technology.
>We did not want to patent this as we are not doing this to get rich, we
>just want this technology to be used. However thinking it through the
>people who will benefit from this are the car manufacturers, as you do
>need to buy a new car to use this technology (its too high-tech to
>yourself, and you need an engine that is corrosion free).
>So we have decided the following: we will patent and license the
>technology, the license fees will go to good causes. We will set up a
>separate organisation to establish licensing agreements with car
>manufacturers. License fees should be kept low in order as not to
>influence the price of a car for the consumer (for example #10 to #100
>car, this has not been decided yet).
>41 million cars are produced each year world wide, so you can imagine
>this could become a significant fund for good causes! The beauty of
>concept is that a one-time donation of (for example) #10 will become a
>yearly flow of #100 to #1000 to good causes.
>Thank you all for your support, and please keep your emails with
>coming, this is much appreciated.
>Note that the information in this email is not mentioned on the website
>yet, we will update the website within the next two weeks.
>With love,
>Stef Kling
>Earth 2012
At the time, I thought this was a hair brained idea and still think it
so. What is interesting is the focus has changed to now wanting to
patent and license the technology.
Citing 'we just want this technology to be USED' and then following with
the caveat 'you do need to buy a new car to use this technology (its too
high-tech to build yourself, and you need an engine that is corrosion
free)' short circuits the entire scheme which was already crippled with
that 1 million pound solicitation ($1,842,076.24 USD).
If they have a way to produce sufficient ON DEMAND hydrogen IN VOLUME to
keep an engine running, without needing to store it in high pressure
containers, then they might have something, otherwise, there are MANY
ways to generate and accumulate hydrogen to start an engine, but keeping
it running is quite another thing.
In other words, from reading his claim, I am not impressed or convinced
they have anything NEW or novel regarding hydrogen generation since they
require NEW corrosion resistant engines and indicate its too high tech
for anyone to build other than a car company or research lab.
So what is the MOTIVE for this? To solicit money? To gain notoriety
for their organization or perhaps personal ego?
I have no idea. Its EASY to 'gin' up (create) excitement and publicity
by restating long known phenomena or observations, but TO WHAT END if
they don't really do anything PRACTICAL?
In my opinion, such actions are cheap stunts solely for publicity and
possibly other unknown agendas.
The stated requirements that this system requires;
a special engine and
high tech construction
leaves us with NOTHING since all this is well known.
My sole question is, do they have a method of producing hydrogen ON
DEMAND to sustain the engine operation?
If not, its all a bunch of bull because nothing will have changed from
long known requirements, posted on many discussion lists and websites.
Jerry Decker / http://www.keelynet.com
From an Art to a Science
Archive http://www.escribe.com/science/keelynet
Re: Water-Fueled Car by 2005 (Score: 1) by mojo on Sunday, August 15, 2004 @ 12:30:03 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Check out this site on low current electrolysis of water.
http://guns.connect.fi/innoplaza/energy/story/Kanarev/electrolysis/index.html |