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Research Papers for review
Posted on Sunday, June 13, 2004 @ 21:08:47 UTC by vlad

Science Spacedust writes: In order to help answer the questions of strangness about quantum I have written a simple short paper that I hope will open the door for further exploration. This is an important paper that I feel will allow us to start real research into Warp technology and even understanding Over Unity among other things. I want to share theses papers with you. The first one is already released and published but the second one is an on going (with errors) unfinished draft. I am allowing a pre reading of this 2nd paper in draft form so as to allow questions in making the finished copy complete. Please understand the 2nd paper has errors and should be considered as such. The 2nd paper will also change as more data is added and corrections are made.

The papers are in PDF format and you will need a PDF reader. You can get a free reader at Adobe.com

1st Paper - Released

2nd Paper- Unfinished Draft with errors. On going process of updates.


Spacedust :roll:



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"Research Papers for review" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Research paper Quantum Gravity / Time from Pi (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, June 14, 2004 @ 21:00:22 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
This was submitted by Spacedust to the main News page, but is should actually go in here. Spacedust, is this a correction to the link that appears twice in your original post (above)? Please check your private mail...if you see a small yellow envelope blinking in the "Who's Online" block (on your left) it means you have a private mail and you should click on the number (i.e. "1") to go there. [Vlad]

Here is another released paper that may be of interest to researchrs of Warp technology. Engineering Time

The paper is also posted at The Journal of Theoretics. I have posted a corrected copy here for researchers. The original has typo''s and the errors have been corrected in this release. If you wish the original then you may download it from The Journal of Theoretics. They both are in PDF format once again.

There is the link:


Double link error correction (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, June 16, 2004 @ 19:57:28 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Spacedust writes: Sorry about the double link error. There are a total of 5 papers for review. The first 3 are released and published in The Journal of Theoretics. Number 2 of the published papers (Quantum Gravity, Time and Pi ) I have reprinted as a clean PDF without the Journals header due to typo''s in the original. It can be found in the Journals archives with header and typo''s as published.

The last 2 papers are the Draft and unfinished papers. Updates will be dated on the first page so readers will know when a change or correction has been made.

I offer this work for researchers that are serious about finding a real starting point in developing hands on Warp Technology Research. I hope this knowledge will encourage others to explore. Feedback on the unfinished drafts are welcome so as to have a complete paper for release when finished. Credit will be given to contributors of data in the final release. This is a chance for viewers to take an active part in this new and exciting research.

There is a Research Lab being formed as I speak in the West for the undertaking of this and other related research. It should be in place by the end of June. Government and Commercial contracts are pending. Will keep you posted upon its development. The research lab is not based on my work alone but rather work from many areas. There are many others that will be involved of which I will only be a small part. I offer my work to your viewers as food for thought here.

1st Paper: Released - Solution to Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle



2nd Paper: Released - Quantum Time and Gravity from Pi



3rd Paper: Released - 4D Math Aid Concept



4th Paper: Draft Unfinished ongoing - Unified 4D Math Process



5th Paper: Draft Unfinished ongoing - The Final Theory - A UFT


I hope this helps,



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