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Bedini Dual Battery Recovery Motor Validated!
Posted on Sunday, November 30, 2003 @ 20:26:16 UTC by vlad
From the NuScam site (http://www.nuscam.com/verified.htm):
Definition: Bedini Dual Battery Recovery Circuit- A device that captures otherwise wasted or unusable energy, and transforms it into a form that can be used to charge batteries. This energy stored in the battery can then be used to power loads, and in any way that a standard battery can be used.
I am not going to get into debates with the disinformation artists regarding this validation! It is REAL and it is now validated. Everything that John has said in the past has been independently verified. It is unfortunate that the individuals that did not have immediate success or failed because they did not follow directions, or did not grasp the process. They attempted to discredit John, and apply the standard electronics theory to his circuits. I will state it now, I have been testing this device for more than 1 year, under the guidance of John Bedini. Forget standard electronic theory for this device. Your calculations will be wrong everytime. The theories necessary to fit this device are buried in the old Tesla texts, and the Bearden writings.
Many of you who are reading this will not have the patience to finish my words. You have been "trained" that if you see or hear something that you don't want to hear, then you move on to something else, and ignore everything that is said. Well, I will tell you this.. I have been looking into the validity of the Bedini circuits non-stop for over 3 years! I was sitting in my lab with a working model of the simple schoolgirl motor when many "engineers" were saying that the simple pulse motor design would not even work to turn the wheel. This was enough to prove to me, that classical training is flawed, and limited. You see, the very instructors in college that "teach" you these processes, are only REPEATING what they were taught maybe 20 years prior. Thank God that Tesla did not agree with his instructors on the idea of a Brushless Motor. Otherwise, he may have not been open-minded enough to think OUTSIDE of the box. Then where would we all be now???
Many people have claimed over the years that John was hiding something, or asked such stupid questions such as, "Where do I buy magnets?", etc. This system will work with different types of components, but adjustments must be made for component changes. Therefore, YOU must understand completely how this process works to be able to replicate it. And it is a patented process in this system, so I cannot divulge the exact processes involved. John has put the information into the public domain for many years, but the scammers, disinformation artists, and all those who did not understand it; refused to believe that it was true. I suggest that if you wish to learn more, begin a dialogue on Keelynet or some message board where John can reply. That is, if you really want to know how the process works. But if you ask me, I will say that many of the people on this planet are not ready for a technology that actually utilizes this type of energy, because the profiteers are trying to run the show. It was buried in the past, and now we have a chance to grasp it once again, before it is too late. Let's face it. We are destroying our planet, and everyone is looking for clean, safe, NON-RADIOACTIVE means of power! It has been here all along. But those who were foolish enough to ignore it, will be the losers.
This system works without destroying the dipole. The batteries will charge, and will not use any appreciable energy to do so. The system works exactly as described by Tesla, Moray, Hendershot, Bearden, and Bedini. The principals utilized are valid. It takes "radiant energy" that is very plentiful throughout the universe and transforms it into a useful energy source.
I have received the great honor to be able to work with John on these circuits. I have validated these processes and understand finally how they work. Since John and I are working together on newer circuits which are MUCH more advanced than this "proof of principal" device, I have committed to a non-disclosure agreement with John. I respect the agreement, and I REFUSE TO ANSWER ANY INQUIRIES REGARDING THESE PROCESSES. Any information regarding how these units work, will be given to others by John himself, if he so chooses.
So, please DO NOT email me regarding the Bedini devices, all such messages will be deleted. I suggest that you begin a productive Q&A thread on a message board where he can respond directly. The answers were there all along.
I will however let you redigest what John recently posted to his website:
---There is no "Free Electricity". There is only a potential radiant charge that makes up a dipole. This energy makes up everything we touch and use, and are in electrical circuits as we know them. The electrical circuits as we know them are flawed, meaning they burn up the dipole that is free in nature. If you kill the dipole you loose the energy. The dipole killer is the current in the circuit.---
In a nutshell, this means that conventional electrical circuits destroy the excess energy that is provided everywhere.
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Average Score: 2.57 Votes: 7

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Re: Bedini Dual Battery Recovery Motor Validated! (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Monday, December 01, 2003 @ 10:59:13 UTC | If you "aren't allowed" to reply to any inquiries about this circuit, then why post a message here at all?
If you guys HAVE a working circuit, then for sh!ts sake, post a CLEAR AND INTELLIGENT blueprint, along with all the materials needed in order for others to reproduce the device!!!
Why do you guys have to be SO cryptic about this?? If your intentions are pure and honest, you'd plaster the net with info on how to reproduce it! That way this technology couldn't be burried again. I'm sure you'd get your credit and fame anyway...
The important thing is that other capable people are able to reproduce it. Why make them go through the same trials to get to the point you're at now? GIVE THEM the information!!!
Obviously everyone else is having a hard time grasping or understanding the rather abiguious comments by Bearden and Bedini.
Post info on HOW to create the circuit! Not the "theories" behind it! Once everyone else has a working unit, they can begin to understand the theory more clearly.
If you're for real, I'd sure hate to see this disappear again... Throw it out for everyone to see!
Screw these NDA's! Get it out! Now!
-Ryan |
Re: Bedini Dual Battery Recovery Motor Validated! (Score: 1) by baldy on Monday, December 01, 2003 @ 22:01:49 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Could it be, that this may be a replacement for the GWE Edison Device in the future. Hot dog an alternative!
If you hurry could have a commercially viable model in 2004? |
Re: Bedini Dual Battery Recovery Motor Validated! (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 02, 2003 @ 16:37:38 UTC | Yes by all means POST the BLUEPRINTS FOR THE SAKE OF PETE!!! |
Re: Bedini Dual Battery Recovery Motor Validated! (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 02, 2003 @ 21:40:19 UTC | One would hope that if/when the day comes that free energy is truly discovered, it is not announced on some website named Nuscam. |
Replication of the Bedini/Motor/Generator (Score: 1) by vlad on Thursday, December 25, 2003 @ 21:50:43 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Ben K4ZEP, a hands on guy:
He used the schematics as shown on: