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EEMF will go public
Posted on Wednesday, October 29, 2003 @ 02:05:23 UTC by vlad
Hal Fox writes: Dear Friends,
I am pleased to report that after 14 years of searching the world for new energy devices/systems that have a strong commercial potential, we have found four.
We are now involved in raising the funds by which one or more of these new energy devices can be commercialized. Our estimate is that it requires about $10 million in capital to effectively develop, manufacture, and begin distribution for such new-energy devices. For an example of one such device see U.S. Patent 5,018,180. I believe this is the first patent issued for an invention which states "...the excess energy is believed to come from tapping the vacuum energy of space."
One of the interesting new developments (to me) is that the "soon-to-be-announced" NESARA program explicitly states that new- energy devices will be supported. See www.nesara.us
We invite any persons or institutions who desire to be involved in the development, manufacturing, or marketing of a new energy device to contact us. We can discuss your arrangements for a financial commitment to such a project. One of the financial methods (that EEMF intends to use) is to "go public" and sell shares to the public.
Best personal regards, Hal Fox, Pres. EEMF (also Ed. J. New Energy).
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Re: EEMF will go public (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Thursday, October 30, 2003 @ 13:28:30 UTC | Unfortunately, lies are patentable. I advise the viewing public to review the documentation and literature published by Don Lancaster at http://www.tinaja.com/patnt01.html
Don exposes the US Patent Office for the fraud that it is and provides real world alternatives if one wishes to market a new invention.
"the love of money is the root of all evil" |
Re: EEMF will go public (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Thursday, October 30, 2003 @ 19:49:11 UTC | NESARA is a scam, so any mention of it as support casts doubt on their authenticity.
NESARA is a mythical suppressed, but passed, law which abolishes the IRS, removes the present government officials, and returns us to constitutional law. Sounds nice, and they want you to think the same as they mention all their expenses...Support them so they can fulfill their mission to get the word out.
Oh yes, St. Germaine, Jesus (goes by Sanada to them), and others are all involved. Aliens are ready to swoop down and embrace our evolution to a higher plane - the 12th dimension.
So anyone who mentions NESARA, think before you accept. |
Free energy - update from Jack Sarfatti, - Hal Fox's theory (Score: 1) by vlad on Friday, November 07, 2003 @ 02:04:45 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Eric Krieg writes: People, the following is Jack's quote concerning Hal Foxes space energy patent:
It's total nonsense. It was exposed as bogus in Scientific American.
On Wednesday, November 5, 2003, at 11:33 AM, Hal Fox wrote:
Dear Jack Sarfatti,
Try reading U.S. Patent 5,018,180 which claims to be a device
that taps space energy and produces electrical energy output.
Maybe you missed this device.
Best personal regards, Hal Fox
Jack also wrote the following:
The point is that we at ISSO 1999-2000 checked out many of the bogus claims on zero point energy by fringe people and found them to be essentially worthless.
Creon Levit on leave from NASA Ames did a very thorough job on several of the claims. More information on this is in my two books from 2002 "Destiny Matrix" and "Space-Time and Beyond II" and in my semi-popular Oct 24, 2003 Austin Texas talk "What Is The Universe Made Of?" to the Society for Literature and Science online at
Note of clarification I do not include the Haisch-Puthoff zero point energy program nor Puthoff's PV gravity program in the same crackpot category as ALL the other work mentioned by Nick Cook in his book. My objections to the HRP program are that they do not ask the right questions, are basically superficial in their formulations, make some errors of interpretation of their formalisms and most importantly have not led to any testable predictions nor any clarifying explanations of significant problems and mysteries, e.g the UFO. They are not "bogus" physics simply "wrong" physics in my humble opinion.
A few specifics:
1. On the zero point origin of inertia - it is a mistake to look only at the virtual photons. It is the virtual electron-positrons that is most important.
2. There is no "vacuum coherence" in their idea set. That throws the baby out with the bathwater because guv Einstein's metric field for curved spacetime emerges from that non-perturbative vacuum coherence of the virtual electron-positron pairs primarily. So does the dark energy/matter that is 96% of the universe that does not appear anywhere in their models. They have been working on this for almost 20 years with little to show really.
3. There is no PV (i.e. no quantum polarized fluctuations) in Puthoff's PV math.
4. Puthoff and Ibison mis-interpret the physical meaning of their isotropic radial r coordinate in their toy model K = e^2GM/c^r
Puthoff is very interested in UFOs and that is a primary motivation for this zero point gravity work. Nowhere do Puthoff and Haisch et-al squarely face the number
String Tension = c^4/8piG = 10^19 Gev per 10^-33 cm which prevents any plausible explanation of UFO "metric engineering" with their brute force approach. Space-time geometry is simply too stiff to bend with the energy schemes they have in their paradigm. They are missing some very essential new concepts.
Cook contacted me before he wrote the book. He did not like what I told him about the flaky stuff he was pushing so he erased me from his book. That told me he was not intellectually honest, but had some hidden non-scientific agenda. I find this disturbing since he is associated with Jane's Defence Weekly in UK.