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Perpetual Motion OR??
Posted on Saturday, October 18, 2003 @ 00:58:07 UTC by vlad

Devices Anonymous writes: My name is Matthew Emery and I am a student at Purdue University. In this past semester I took 'The History of Science and Technology.' As a non-traditional student, single father, and a creative writing major, I didn't quite fit in with most of the students. But, increasingly inspired by science, I stuck it out anyway. More inspiring though is Edward Leedskalnin.

Ed's books and magnetic current and have kept them filed away. That is until recently when I pulled them out for the history class. If the student wished to receive an 'A' they could either do a project or write a fifteen page paper. I choose the prior.

The project was instigated when the professor mentioned perpetual motion, particularly the impossibility-because of the laws of thermodynamics. The professor was more than willing to approve my attempting perpetual motion, but with obvious skepticism. Using Ed Leedskalnins specifications I built his device for perpetuating motion.

friend of mine is an electrician and he was able to scrounge up two five-hundred foot rolls of 14 gauge wire. Although Ed's specifications called for 16 gauge wire, I decided to go ahead and make the two coils (aluminum core). After wrestling with the wire for hours, they ended up working out great. It all worked out quite well; that is, according to its originator - achieving a perpetuating magnetic current in the core of the metal.

To prove the experiment I wired the coils (when the device is in a perpetuating state, the coils can be manipulated in any way and even taken off) to a light bulb and broke the circulating current, demonstrating to the professor the amount of light that would flash in the bulb.

I then set the current in motion again and left it in his office for a week. The professor agreed that the same amount of light came out as did the week prior.

He unfortunately didn't agree it to be perpetual motion, yet didn't quite put a finger on what it was. He did briefly describe Maxwell's theories and insist the answer is somewhat complicated. I felt like I needed some closure and wrote to the head of the physics department and apparently they are not interested.

Full article at: http://www.keelynet.com/energy/emery.htm



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Re: Perpetual Motion OR?? (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, October 18, 2003 @ 01:03:19 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
This was a reply to the post above from Bob Dubner:

Oh, lordy.

You know, I decided to spend a few minutes looking at this, so I did,
including reading most of Leedskalnin's paper on magnetism.

There is no question in my mind that Leedskalnin was a genius. But he was
an uneducated eccentric genius. Rather than stand on the shoulders of
giants, he got a very strange and interesting view of the world by trying to
peer through their legs. His stuff would have been amazing for its insight
if it had been written in the 18th century and he was way ahead of his time.
But he wrote that in the 20th century, and was way behind his time.

I read the description of Leedskalnin's "electric magnet", and I looked at
the pictures of Matthew Emery's implementation.

And you know something?

The "strange" results -- the keeper bar hanging onto the electromagnet; the
ammeter showing perpetual current; Leedskalnin's description of how he saw a
flare of light from the bulb when removing the keeper bar "even after six
months" could be explained simply by residual magnetism in the keeper.

Three thousand turns of low-resistance wire on a soft iron core is going to
produce a mighty electromagnet. A soft iron or steel keeper will retain
some of that magnetism even after the current is removed.

1) If the keeper and the prong become polarized enough, they will stick
together after the current is removed, particularly if they are made, as
Emery's equipment appears to be, of polished steel.

2) The pictures showing "perpetual current" have an ordinary automotive
ammeter sitting on top of the keeper. Ammeters like that are sometimes made
by having a small permanent magnet attached to the needle which is
spring-loaded to return to center. The magnet is next to a coil which
carries the current to be measures. When current passes through the coil, it
creates a magnetic field which applies a force to the magnet and, thus, the
needle. Put an ammeter of that type next to a magnet and the needle will be
displaced. The picture of Emery's device is completely consistent with that

3) If you have a light bulb in series with the electromagnet's coils, and if
the keeper is magnetized, and you suddenly move that magnetized keeper away
from the electromagnet, the light bulb will flare. That's how a generator
works: changing magnetic fields induce current in a coil. The faster you
move the magnet, the more current will be generated, and the brighter the
flare will be. I include Leedskalnin's instructions below; you'll note he
uses the instruction, "do it quickly."

What we are talking about is an inversion of Sherlock Holme's famous advice
to Watson: "Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left,
however improbable, is the truth." In this case, in order for the
improbable to be the truth, you first have to eliminate the possible.


Here are Leedskalnin's instructions from the lengthy magnetism paper from
the keelynet.com Web site:

"Put the six-inch long square rod on top of the two iron prongs, fit good so it lies even. Connect the battery with electric magnet for a little while, now disconnect the battery, connect the light bulb with the electric magnet the same way it was connected with the battery, now pull off the six-inch long bar, do it quickly, then you will see light in the bulb, connect the battery up again with the electric magnet, put the bar across the iron prongs, hold awhile, disconnect the battery. Now the electric magnet holds perpetual motion. If not disturbed it will last indefinitely. I held it in this position for six months, and when I pulled off the six-inch bar I got just as much light out of it as I got in the first time. This experiment shows that if you start the North and South Pole individual magnets in an orbit, then they will never stop."


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