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A letter from Dr. Robert Adams
Posted on Sunday, April 29, 2001 @ 16:03:00 UTC by vlad

Devices Here is a person with the utmost credentials in the electrical engineering field, internationally recognised as one of the world's leading scientists in the field of research into the new energy technologies. He has build the "Adams triplex aetheric energy motor/generator" which provides economical, clean, safe power. In his letter to the readers, reproduced from his site - Aethmogen (please see Hot Links) - he explains some of the problems common to many other inventors in this field. He is 80 years old; let's make his and our dream come true in his lifetime.

Dr Robert Adams

22 Dec 2000

Dear Readers,

Since publishing further material with Nexus Magazine of Australia, I have received in this first week much correspondence from readers and, if the advent of my previous publications with Nexus in the early nineties is anything to go by, I anticipate there will be a great deal more correspondence. And also, if the past is anything to go by, there will be myriads of questions which, for me, will create an impossible task to address on an individual basis. Such questions, in correspondence I have received just in this week alone, are pretty identical to those I received five years ago. They include requests for more in depth data and information about the Adams Technologies, plans, schematics, diagrams, blueprints, photographs, etc., etc. They also include requests for costings of materials used for the individual's purposes of constructing their own motor/motor-generators and others also ask for a priced package to be sent to them for the sole purpose of procuring a device for use on their farms or in their individual residence, etc.

I have gone to length here in telling my readers of the types of correspondences I keep receiving for good purpose., i.e.:

  1. My work is carried out in a four room unit adjacent to my residence which houses my office, library and laboratories. It is in this unit that I carry out all my work which includes, with the assistance of my wife, the publishing of my writings and books. Not only do I not have the resources to answer all the correspondences on an individual basis, but I am not a printing house and do not have the equipment with which to send heaps of material all around the globe to all you wonderful and enlightened people.

  2. That (above) is basically the all and end of it, but had I those resources and equipment, I would simply not find the time to attend to the task. I would then find it necessary to employ people to handle the task and financial resources are just simply not there to do so.

  3. For some reason, and this is probably the most important message I have for my readers, there are a significant number of readers that have been led to believe I have huge manufacturing, retail and shipping organisations set up here in New Zealand and these readers just simply want to order one (a new energy device) to be shipped to all parts of the world so that they may escape tho old energy grid. This is fine and, in fact, this would be the ultimate purpose of the new energy pioneers, but I am afraid business has not progressed very far towards financing new energy scientists to further their work into such production on a mass scale - yet!!!!

  4. My job, dear readers, is that of a scientist, and scientists work in laboratories with prototypes and experimentation. My new energy devices are laboratory prototypes that are designed to operate in a controlled testing environment. they require finance to develop into working models in a machine shop, for thorough performance evaluation before manufacture and marketing. Once they have reached that stage, those of you who wish to order one, be it for an application for marine, domestic, agriculture, transportation, aeronautical or whatever, you will then do so with the then appointed marketing organization. But until that day, when a visionary entrepreneur puts their money where their mouth is, the devices will remain on the laboratory benches.

And so to all my readership and in particular to all those good well-intended friends I am humbled to acknowledge I have out there, please forgive this old chap for not coming up to the mark for you.

In the meantime, all you guys and gals out there keep up the good work for me and others in the new energy field. Without your input new energy will never really progress. This is your world now - only you and your children can look after it.

Dr Robert Adams,

New Zealand.



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