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Magnetic Pole Shifting
Posted on Monday, October 13, 2003 @ 23:33:07 UTC by vlad

General From the free_energy yahoo list: Thought this will interest some of you.

Another method that might cohere the ZPE is to induce a ratcheting, semi-vortical motion of nuclei by abruptly twisting a crystalline lattice. Lattice twisting can occur in ferromagnetic materials when subject to alternating magnetic fields. As the magnetic domains shift, they can launch acoustical spinor waves (Ciplak, 1980).

An abrupt lattice twist [pole shift] can occur if the magnetic material is driven to hysteresis saturation, and then pulsed oppositely. The saturation state elastically stresses the lattice, and the reverse pulse triggers the lattice to snap back. Aspden (1990) had identified hysteresis saturation as a significant state for generating energetic anomalies [over unity] with magnetic materials. The nuclei motion from the lattice can cause the vacuum energy vortex which manifests as an excess magnetic pulse. This type of activity could be occurring in the stators of Adam's (1993) pulsed magnetic motor, an invention claimed to produce excessive power.

Sweet (1991) also appears to utilize lattice twisting in the conditioned barium ferrite magnets of his solid state energy invention known as the "vacuum triode amplifier" (VTA). Normally barium ferrite is used for permanent magnets, and its domains do not readily shift. Instead, Sweet cracks and loosens the lattice itself with the conditioning process. The barium ferrite block (6x4x1 inches) should be sintered by the manufacturer such that the ceramic is not overly hard. The manufactures make permanent magnets: An AC current is impressed on a coil surrounding the material to erase any residual magnetization. Then a large pulse from a capacitor bank (a typical manufacturer uses 100 microfarads at 15KV) is fired through the coil to align the domain into a permanent magnet. Sweet's conditioning coil surrounds the (6x4) perimeter of the barium ferrite block and consists of 600 turns of No. 28 wire. He drives it at 60 Hz with a few amps and them switches a large pulse from a 6500 microfarad capacitor at 450 volts (values reported by Watson, 1993) through the coil, timed at the peak of the 60 Hz sine wave. Unless the ceramic is loosely sintered, it is unlikely one firing will crack the lattice. The barium ferrite block should then be turned over (or the coil polarity reversed) and the process repeated such that the domains are driven to the opposite polarity from the next capacitor pulse. The conditioning process should be repeated over and over, altering the polarity each time. The process is analogous to cold working a strip of metal by bending it back and forth until it breaks. The lattice will form micro cracks and loosen such that the magnetic domains appear to readily oscillate when excited by a weak AC magnetic field. It is really not the magnetic domains that are shifting; it would be more accurate to describe the cracked portions as acoustical domains since it is the lattice grains that are shifting. Thus in a straight forward manner Sweet has created a twistable solid state lattice that exhibits an acoustic resonance at the conditioning frequency (60 Hz).

Does this mean that permanent magnets can be pre-programmed to flip polarities with a small energy input?

Is it possible that such magnets are already being manufactured? What is the sure deal with that eBay magnet?


(See: eBay-altpolemagnets)



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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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