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GWE - iGas Technology Announcement
Posted on Wednesday, October 01, 2003 @ 23:03:43 UTC by vlad

Devices chrish64 writes: iGas Technology Announcement
Genesis World Energy introduces IGAS Technology for Industrial and Commercial use. In concert with the Edison Device and the Automotive Hydrogen Fuel Generation Device (HICEF) GWE has fulfilled its promise by giving the world the option to be fully independent of traditional energy.. genesisenergysystems.org/newsroom



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"GWE - iGas Technology Announcement" | Login/Create an Account | 13 comments | Search Discussion
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igass clips (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Thursday, October 02, 2003 @ 01:28:33 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
There were three of interesting things in the iGas announcement.

First, we have a continuation of the hydrogen theme. This is a bit strange. If the laws of physics as they are now understood are wrong, why is electrolysis the only process due an upgrade? Why no cancer cures (ala Bearden) or (my personal favorite) time travel devices?

Second, there is this claim
The reactant chemistry in the Genesis IGAS Technology is different from that of the Edison Device and HICEF, and is intended for industrial or commercial gas generation.
Mark that quote if they demonstrate an actual IGAS device that's based on standard chemistry (burning metal in water) and try to use that demonstration as support of the impossible Edison device claims.

Third, there were the bloopers. The first example of a possible application of the igas H2 fuel was steel production. Ugh. Aluminum maybe. The claim to make pure H2 and O2 is also a blooper, since nobody wonders how to make pure H2, only how to make it economically.

Re: GWE - iGas Technology Announcement (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, October 02, 2003 @ 13:47:17 UTC
If standard chemistry of burning metal in water to release hydrogen becomes widely accepted, don't we run into the possibility of depleting our oxygen supply?

The earth is a closed system. If we take oxygen molecules from water, bind them to metal, then take the remaining hydrogen molecules and burn them with oxygen in the air, then we have a net loss of oxygen. Or is there a (cheap) way of 'unburning' the metal to release the trapped oxygen atoms?

Granted, it may take hundreds of years to use up all the oxygen, but isn't that worse than pumping CO2 in the air? At least plants can use the CO2 and release the O2 from it. Just a thought.

Re: Hydrogen on Demand - Millennium Cell (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, October 02, 2003 @ 23:54:14 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Chrish64 writes: Here is another company with a new Hydrogen on Demand system:

Re: GWE - iGas Technology Announcement (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Friday, October 03, 2003 @ 16:13:33 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Because they don't reveal the details of their e-cell, its hard to decide whether they stumbled onto an unknown chemical process or its just baloney. There are all kinds of ways to make hydrogen on demand (try a roll of aluminum foil and some liquid Draino). What is missing from their explanation is whethter there is some energy "in" that needs to be supplied. Until there's an accounting of the energy balance in their system I would with hold judgement.


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