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How Free Energy Can Change 8 Billion Lives and Save Humanity
Posted on Thursday, December 26, 2024 @ 13:48:22 UTC by vlad


From the description: "Imagine discovering, after years of ignorance, that a single implication could have ushered in a vastly superior advanced civilization. This profound shift would eliminate the need for solar and wind farms, utilities, and so much more. By doing so, it would address numerous societal challenges like poverty and the plight of billions without a way of cooking. This abundant, accessible energy would not only transform lives but also foster a cleaner, healthier environment..."

This is part of a longer interview by Shawn Ryan with Dr, Steven Greer: "Dr. Steven Greer - Black Budget, Stargate, Raytheon, Lockheed Skunk Works, UAP/UFO Secrets | SRS #65" made in Jul 2023. 

From the description: "Dr. Steven Greer is back in episode #65 to discuss a wealth of ground-breaking science and discovery. First, he outlines new realizations around zero-point energy and how this supposed newfound technology is as old as time. Greer also covers how this technology has been hidden away from the public for decades by the military industrial complex and corporate interests. Why? Because it could change the balance of power globally. This episode uncovers who these corporate entities are and how YOU can get involved to secure an abundant future for you and your family."



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Andrea Rossi is Chief Scientist in New Organization (Score: 1)
by solaris on Thursday, December 26, 2024 @ 14:01:07 UTC
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Maybe, finally, there is some hope! This was just published by Frank Acland on his E-CatWorld website: Andrea Rossi is Chief Scientist in New Organization

"There have been a lot of questions posted on the Journal of Nuclear Physics over the last couple of days after Andrea Rossi revealed that he has entered into an agreement with an as-yet-unnamed entity who will build a ‘mega factory’ to manufacture E-Cats.

The way Rossi is answering questions reminds me a lot of the days when he entered into the agreement with Industrial Heat, which was finally discontinued following a legal settlement in 2016. One question that was asked of Rossi was what his new position would be in this new entity. His response was “Chief Scientist”, which was the same position he held in Industrial Heat when they first started their partnership.

It’s not clear yet what is going on, but from the sounds of it, it sounds like Andrea Rossi has decided to take a back seat when it comes to the business development around the E-Cat, and will concentrate on what I think he likes to do best, which is focus on the research and development side of the E-Cat.

In my opinion this makes sense. The potential market for E-Cat technology is enormous, and the task of bringing this technology to market will require an enormous amount of investment and organization. I would expect that Rossi has been persuaded that it is a much better use of his time to focus on the E-Cat, and let others handle the business side of things.

I will be talking with Andrea Rossi in a few days and hope to get a clearer understanding about the new arrangement."


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