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The Hyde Generator (Axil Axil)
Posted on Monday, September 12, 2022 @ 16:52:54 UTC by vlad

Via e-catworld.com: The following post has been submitted by Axil Axil.

I would like to interest some mechanically inclined LENR inventor into replicating the Hyde generator. This device is unlike any LENR device that I have ever encountered. It is based on rotation producing EVOs. I have some ideas about configuring a small battery powered device with increased COP and using new technology in making this system self-sustaining.

Strange radiation tracks likely produced by fast rotation of material. This indicates that rotation is likely another method of producing EVOs. This observation is supportive of the reaction mechanism that underpins the “Electric Field Chopper”

W.W. Hide. U.S. Patent 4.897.592

US4897592A – Electrostatic energy field power generating system – Google Patents https://patents.google.com/patent/US4897592A/en

Electrostatic energy field power generating system


Externally charged electrodes of an electrostatic generator induce charges of opposite polarity on segments of a pair of confronting stators by means of electric fields within which a pair of rotors are confined during rotation to vary the charge binding field linkages between confronting rotors and stators by a shielding action of the rotors in a plane perpendicular to the field flux. A high electric potential difference induced between the stators resulting from such rotation of the rotors, is transformed by an output circuit into a reduced DC voltage applied to a load with a correspondingly increased current conducted therethrough.

A previous Hyde Generator replication attempt


video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pbxecompum8

The physics behind the Hyde generator

The Barnett effect is the magnetization of an uncharged body when spun on its axis. It was discovered by American physicist Samuel Barnett in 1915.

An uncharged object rotating with angular velocity ω tends to spontaneously magnetize, with a magnetization related to the gyromagnetic ratio for the material, and the magnetic susceptibility.

The magnetization occurs parallel to the axis of spin. Barnett was motivated by a prediction by Owen Richardson in 1908, later named the Einstein–de Haas effect, that magnetizing a ferromagnet can induce a mechanical rotation. He instead looked for the opposite effect, that is, that spinning a ferromagnet could change its magnetization. He established the effect with a long series of experiments between 1908 and 1915.

EVO are generated using the Higgs mode in magnets


“Stable Higgs mode in anisotropic quantum magnets”



Low-energy excitations associated with the amplitude fluctuation of an order parameter in condensed matter systems can mimic the Higgs boson, an elementary particle in the standard model, and are dubbed as Higgs modes. Identifying the condensed-matter Higgs mode is challenging because it is known in many cases to decay rapidly into other low-energy bosonic modes, which renders the Higgs mode invisible. Therefore, it is desirable to find a way to stabilize the Higgs mode, which can offer an insight into the stabilization mechanism of the Higgs mode in condensed matter physics. In quantum magnets, magnetic order caused by spontaneous symmetry breaking supports transverse (magnons) and longitudinal (Higgs modes) fluctuations. When a continuous symmetry is broken, the Goldstone magnon mode generally has a lower excitation energy than the Higgs mode, causing a rapid decay of the latter. In this work, we show that a stable Higgs mode exists in anisotropic quantum magnets near the quantum critical point between the dimerized and magnetically ordered phases. We find that an easy axis anisotropy increases the magnon gap such that the magnon mode is above the Higgs mode near the quantum critical point, and the decay of the Higgs mode into the magnon mode is forbidden kinematically. Our results suggest that the anisotropic quantum magnets provide ideal platforms to explore the Higgs physics in condensed matter systems

The EVO is a bubble of false Higgs vacuum, and in this case created by a rotation induced magnetic effect. I posted before about rare earth magnets producing LENR effects.




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