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Survey on Cold Fusion
Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2022 @ 18:00:54 UTC by vlad

From e-catworld.com: Thanks to Jonas Matuzas for posting a link to a new article published in the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry written by authors at the Nuclear Engineering Center, São Paulo, Brazil.


Title: “Preliminary Survey on Cold Fusion: It’s Not Pathological Science and May Require Revision of Nuclear Theory

Authors: Ondir Freir Luciano and Alves de Andrade Delvonei


" Since 1989 the announcement of “cold fusion” by Stanley Pons and Martin Fleishmann, “cold fusion” field has been surrounded by controversy. After three decades, this field is alive and has produced thousands of publications, most in dedicated periodic and conferences. This work aims at checking whether “cold fusion” fits in pathological science traits. For each type of experiment and year, this work counted the distinct research groups results (success or failure). Experimental results from many research groups suggest that nuclear reactions in solids are more complex than fusion (it is not only fusion) and that they need energy triggers like background radiation, meaning chemical configurations alone do not seem to generate nuclear reactions. Some types of experiments present rising trends (the field does not fit in pathological science model) and have potential to bring disruptive technologies. If confirmed, experimental results will require revisions of accepted nuclear models."

The full text for this journal is not available for free. There are highlights and excerpts at the link above.



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"Survey on Cold Fusion" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Survey on Cold Fusion (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, January 27, 2022 @ 18:39:12 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Comment from Axil Axil:

This LENR idea is based on an invalid assumption that has blocked understanding the truth behind the reaction for decades: the reaction is not based on any sort of nuclear energy. The reaction is a process in which energy is extracted from space/time itself. Any analysis that is rooted in this nuclear myth is doomed to fail.

The downside of the reaction is the distruction of matter that happens to get into the neighborhood of the reaction which results in the subsequent reformation of a small portion of that destroyed matter. The basic detailed mechanism for transmutation of matter is not yet understood, but it is clear that the process of transmutation is not directed by nuclear processes as they are now currently understood. In transmutation, no energy is released and no nuclear radiation is created. This nonsensical behavior is why science originally rejected transmutation as a real world process. In fact. transmutation is otherworldly, and follows no rules that we currently understand about our universe.

NIF: US lab takes further step towards nuclear fusion goal (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, January 30, 2022 @ 11:21:20 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Submitted by Anon: US physicists have confirmed that they achieved a stage in nuclear fusion called "burning plasma" last year.

There's a longstanding effort to crack fusion power because it promises an unlimited source of clean energy.

Burning plasma occurs when fusion reactions become the dominant source of heating in the process, rather than energy introduced from outside.

The stage was seen in experiments carried out at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California.

The achievement is described in two papers published in the academic journal Nature.

Existing nuclear energy relies on a process called fission, where a heavy chemical element is split to produce lighter ones. Fusion works by combining two light elements to make a heavier one.

Researchers have been working on the nuclear fusion problem since the 1950s. It's the process that powers the Sun, and the effort has sometimes been likened to building a star on Earth. However, turning nuclear fusion into a commercially viable energy source has proven elusive...

Full story:https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-60148105


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